Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1597 Western Realm Network

Everyone in the entire cave was stunned.

One by one, they looked at the corpse with smoke still on its forehead and fell straight to the ground.

After a full minute, Guo Zhaodi let out a piercing scream!

Everyone else also looked frightened and screamed again and again!

No one thought that these two people actually dared to shoot.

What's more, I didn't expect that the person who died turned out to be a snakehead!

Only at this moment did they truly realize how terrible it was to sneak across the border.

Human life doesn't seem to matter here anymore, you can see people dying in front of you casually!

It was Wu Xinyuan before, but now he is Taishan.

Apart from these two names, no one knows anything about them!

Chen Xin'an said to Lao Zhi, who looked frightened and put his hands on the back of his waist:

"You'd better not take it out, because you will end up like him!

Don't think that with a pistol, you can control everything.

I want you to die, it's much easier than you think!

Again, I just want to get out of the country.

If you ask for money, I will give it to you in full.

But if I want to cause trouble, I don't mind killing you all.

Just go back and find a group of people to lead the way. As long as the money is in place, I believe it will not be difficult! "

Lao Zhi's face turned pale, and he stared at Chen Xin'an, and finally slowly pulled out his hand.

Behind him, Zou Ying and Peng Ying had already dressed, and they bowed deeply to Chen Xin'an with their faces full of gratitude.

"Uncle!" Guo Zhaodi ran over crying.

Chen Xin'an didn't give her a chance to hug him. She bent down and pulled Taishan's body, taking off his backpack.

Lao Zhi's eyes narrowed, what was inside was their harvest from this trip.

However, Chen Xin'an raised her arm and threw the backpack to him.

Then he dragged the body closer to the cave.

Soon there was the sound of the collision of heavy objects falling inside.

Old Lee's face was gloomy and he put his backpack on his back.

He knew very well that from this moment on, the boss of this team was no longer him, but Chen Xin!

Although Taishan has no blood relationship with him, he was brought out of the old street by him and is also his good helper.

Without this helper, he is no longer a smuggler, just a guide!

The rain has stopped, and everyone has to continue on their way.

There were twelve people when we went up the mountain, but now there are only ten left.

Although Hu Jinyong and Zang Dechang were seriously injured, they could only be supported by Ma Qiubai and Zeng Hai, forcing their bodies to move forward.

There is no medicine on the mountain, and no matter how serious the injury is, you will just wait to die if you stay here.

I can only hold on until I leave the country and go to the Inca side to find a doctor.

Compared with the previous team, the remaining group of people are now obviously in awe of Chen Xin'an and ask him anything.

But Chen Xin'an didn't pay attention to him. As soon as others thought of getting close to him and making friends, they were glared at by him and frightened and walked away quickly.

Even Guo Zhaodi couldn't say a few words to Chen Xin'an.

She found that the uncle seemed to be deliberately avoiding her.

However, because her secret is no longer a secret, and because she fought tooth and nail to protect Peng Ying and Zou Ying, the relationship between the three girls has improved a lot.

Chen Xin'an stayed away from the entire team and followed everyone leisurely.

Guo Zhaodi found that he seemed to be observing the surrounding environment while walking, and sometimes seemed to be making marks.

But she didn't dare to ask, and Chen Xin'an wouldn't say anything more to her.

In Guo Zhaodi's mind, this uncle must be an extraordinary big shot.

And he is an out-and-out good person!

As for the rest, she didn't want to explore.

Late at night, everyone finally climbed to the top of Shencui Peak.

By a spring, Lao Zhi said to everyone: "Rest here tonight and go down the mountain at dawn.

Remember, from now on, don't move around or make too much noise.

Especially when going down the mountain, be careful not to be spotted by the Inca green suit.

If you are discovered by Huaxia Green Equipment, as long as you are honest, the worst case scenario is that you will be sent back.

But once discovered by Inca green equipment, it will be a dead end!

And before you die, you will definitely be tortured and want to die! "

Everyone nodded submissively.

Lao Zhi glanced at Chen Xin'an, his face was gloomy, and he didn't say much.

Guo Zhaodi walked up to Hu Jinyong, took out a handful of herbs from her pocket, and placed it next to him.

Ma Qiubai next to her glanced at her and asked warily: "What are you doing?"

Guo Zhaodi pointed to the herbs on the ground and said vaguely:

“These things work on their trauma.

Chew the grass residue and apply it to their wounds. It will be effective and prevent wound infection!

I'll help you deal with it first. After you look at it, I'll deal with it in another way. It's very simple! "

She knelt down next to Hu Jinyong and quickly removed the gauze bandage on his head.

Spit out the dregs of medicine in the palm of your hand and apply it evenly on Hu Jinyong's wound.

Just use the old gauze from before, turn it over and bandage it again on Hu Jinyong's head.

After wrapping it again, she turned and left.

Ma Qiubai said to her from behind: "Thank you!"

Guo Zhaodi shook her head, turned around and walked back.

He glanced at Chen Xin'an, who was standing on a big rock with his belly looking around, and walked towards him.

"Uncle!" Guo Zhaodi called out.

Chen Xin'an jumped off the stone, looked at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Guo Zhaodi took out a mineral water bottle from her arms, handed it to Chen Xin'an and said:

"Uncle, there's still a little water in this, drink it! I know you've finished the bottle!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and smiled at her: "No, I'm not thirsty!"

It is really not easy to kill Chen Xin'an from thirst and starvation in the forest.

Chewing grass roots alone can solve Chen Xin'an's drinking problem.

Guo Zhaodi took back the bottle in disappointment.

Chen Xin'an asked: "Do you know about medicinal herbs?"

Guo Zhaodi smiled and nodded and said: "My grandfather was once a famous barefoot doctor in the countryside!

He heard that the leaders of major hospitals in the city came to his home to hire him, but he didn't even agree.

I grew up with him and learned to identify herbs and some simple medical skills. "

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at her and asked, "So you use herbs to change your voice and disguise yourself as a man?"

At first, Chen Xin'an didn't recognize that she was a girl because she spoke very masculinely.

Later I found out that this girl had taken medicine to make her voice thicker.

Guo Zhaodi nodded sheepishly and whispered: "Uncle is still awesome, you can tell at a glance!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head.

I just saw that the herbs Guo Zhaodi gave to Hu Jinyong and Zang Dechang are indeed as she said, all of them are effective in treating trauma.

And judging from the way she applied medicine and bandaged it, she looked very professional.

To say that I learned a little bit, it’s definitely more than that.

Her level is already good enough to become a teacher.

This is an inheritor of ancient medicine!

But in this environment, Chen Xin'an didn't have any ideas.

It’s still unclear whether he can return safely from Inca!

The night was uneventful.

At dawn, everyone began to go down the mountain.

Not long after walking, a barbed wire fence appeared in front of me.

It is about two meters high and stretches as far as the eye can see.

This is the West Realm Network!

After passing this barbed wire fence, you will reach Inca territory!

Wu Kuizi breathed a sigh of relief, ran to the barbed wire fence, looked at it for a while, and said to everyone: "There is no one! Climb over quickly!"

Just as he was about to grab the barbed wire, Lao Zhi said coldly: "If you don't want to be electrocuted, just be honest!"

Wukuizi was so frightened that he immediately retracted his hand.

Old Leech turned his head and said to everyone: "Follow me, there is a tunnel here!"

The so-called tunnel is an underground stream.

In a secret passage that only allowed one person to pass through, the person lay inside and slid down the stream.

By the time he saw the light of day again, he had already crossed the Western Realm Network.

People in front passed one by one.

When it was Chen Xin'an's turn, he lay down in the secret channel of the stream.

Sliding down with the water feels a bit like rafting.

When his eyes suddenly lit up, before he could react, there was a loud bang and several black guns were pointed at his head!


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