Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1599 The world is my world without guns

It seems that the Inca green suit didn't even think about defeating him, this time the stowaway was so ruthless!

Those in the past were simply fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

They can play whatever they want, and anyone who dares to disobey will be shot to death!

This is the first time I dare to grab a gun and fight them directly like this!

So after the opponent knocked down three people, these Inca green outfits thought of counterattack and pulled the trigger on Chen Xin'an!

The man in green clothes who was held hostage by Chen Xin'an was beaten into a sieve in an instant!

Chen Xin'an pushed the body away, rolled forward and picked up a gun on the ground.

He fired again at the green suit not far away, and another green suit was knocked down!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xin'an grabbed the body on the ground and asked him to turn over and block it in front of him.

The bullet plopped into the body of the corpse in front of him.

At the moment when it was about to penetrate, Chen Xin'an had already kicked the body away and rolled out. His body was like a leopard and disappeared in an instant.

The bullets behind him were chasing after him, causing the bark of the surrounding trees and rocks to fly, and stone chips flying everywhere!

While running, Chen Xin'an grabbed several rifles in his hands.

Then he threw it casually in front of Wukuizi and Ma Qiubai who were lying on the ground holding their heads!

"Take a gun and fight! If we don't deal with these people, no one will be able to escape today and they will all die here!"

A group of men were so scared that they didn't even have the courage to stand up.

When they saw Chen Xin'an throwing the gun in front of them, they all screamed loudly in fright.

Wu Kuizi shouted loudly: "Don't care about my business! He threw the gun in front of me, I didn't touch it!"

Ma Qiubai also cursed angrily: "If you really miss, just die, don't hurt me!

They are Inca green outfits. If you go against them, you will be hunted down by the entire Inca army! "

All five men were lying on the ground holding their heads, trembling with fear and not daring to look up!

In their opinion, even if they were sold, it would be better than being beaten to death here!

Instead, it was Zou Ying who rushed out first, picked up the gun in front of Wukuizi, yelled and shot wildly at those Inca green-suited men!

Of course she had no marksmanship at all, and she couldn't even hold down the gun. The muzzle of the gun jumped and swept in all directions.

But it frightened people so much that they dodge for fear of being hit by blind stray bullets!

At the same time, Guo Zhaodi also rushed out and picked up another gun.

I tried to shoot at the Inca green suit, but it could only make a clicking sound.

Chen Xin'an shouted to her: "There is a button on the right hand side above the handle of the gun. Pin it up. That is the safety!"

Sure enough, Guo Zhaodi found the safety cover, and as soon as she lifted it up, a bullet from an Inca green suit hit the tree next to her!

Fortunately, the opponent's shooting skills were abnormal due to nervousness, otherwise Guo Zhaodi would have been killed!

In shock, Guo Zhaodi held the gun, pointed it forward, and pulled the trigger desperately!

The bullets in a magazine were all fired up, and the Inca green suit who was originally hiding behind the tree fell to the ground with a big pool of blood on his chest!

Throwing away the gun in his hand, Guo Zhaodi ran behind the tree, trying to pick up the gun of the Inca in green equipment.

But at this moment, bullets came whizzing over, causing the small stones on the ground in front of her to jump like frogs. She was so scared that she turned around and ran back with a scream!

Chen Xin'an hid behind a tree and shouted: "Pick up the magazine, push the magazine latch on the gun, load the magazine and pull the right bolt!"

Due to environmental constraints, it was impossible for Chen Xin'an to teach others how to use a gun step by step.

Therefore, he could only dictate the most basic method of changing bombs as much as possible, and they could only rely on them to understand the rest.

All he can do is attract as many enemies as possible.

But if you want him to solve everyone by himself, unless you don't have these scruples and burdens around you!

As the chief instructor of the entire army, how could Chen Xin'an not know how to play with guns!

During the three months at Montenegro Tiger, he ostensibly taught everyone fighting skills, but in fact everyone also taught him a lot.

Firearms training is just one of them.

There are also minelaying, camouflage, infiltration and more.

It took him three months to learn what the special forces members had learned for three years.

And he is good at whatever he learns. I dare not say that he has surpassed everyone, but he will definitely not lose to those special forces members.

For example, in marksmanship, Chen Xin'an's 100-meter chest ring target has never been lower than 98 rings.

This is the level of a top-notch shooter in the entire special teams team!

Just because he doesn't like using guns doesn't mean he can't use them, and it doesn't mean his marksmanship is inaccurate!

There was a loud sound of gunfire, and the Inca green suits fell one by one.

This is one of their patrol squads, sixteen people in total.

Because it was just a daily patrol, and they were united with others to deal with stowaways, they were not equipped with too sophisticated weapons and equipment.

Even the bullets were only two magazines.

I didn't expect to meet a stowaway like Chen Xin'an. I didn't take advantage of him, and half of them were beaten to death in one breath!

Only then did an Inca green suit who looked like a squad leader remember to contact the camp and took out his walkie-talkie.

Before he could speak, a bullet smashed his walkie-talkie. The bullet entered his mouth and passed through the back of his head. The monitor fell to the ground on his back!

The sound of gunfire became sparse, and Chen Xin'an suddenly appeared from behind the tree!

Before the two Inca green outfits could react, they picked up the rifles with empty bullets in their hands and smashed the head of one Inca green outfit to pieces!

Another man in green clothes screamed in fear, raised the muzzle of his gun, and before he could pull the trigger, a cold light flashed in Chen Xin'an's hand, and an Ingar Ritu saber pierced his throat!

The green suit fell to the ground with his mouth wide open, blood pouring out of his mouth. He covered his throat with both hands and twisted his body in pain.

Chen Xin'an frowned and bent down, pulling out the Ruitu saber stuck in his throat!

Seeing the green-suited man's painful and twisted look, Chen Xin'an shook his head.

He has used the sabers of so many special forces in China, and they all have their own different characteristics.

The Inca Ritu saber was his least favorite that he had ever used.

It has many bells and whistles, including a screwdriver and a file. A knife can be disassembled into dozens of small parts.

But this is a saber. Are you using it to open cans?

Even if you can't kill a person, letting him fall to the ground in pain for a long time before dying is considered torture.

Fortunately, the one being tortured was the Inca green outfit.

"Ah!" With an exclamation, Guo Zhaodi was hugged by an Inca green suit and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the Inca green man picked up the rifle with empty bullets and hit Guo Zhaodi hard on the head!

It was this hateful Chinese boy who just killed his best friend in the army!

Guo Zhaodi's gun is also out of bullets. In front of the Inca green suit, she is just a little girl and is no match for them!


There is a Ritu saber stuck on the temple of the Inca green suit.

His body shook, and then he fell to the ground!

Chen Xin'an ran over, pulled Guo Zhaodi up, and said to her: "Go meet them! Hide!"

"But I want to help you!" Guo Zhaodi looked at Chen Xin'an with a worried look and said.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, rubbed her head, and said with contempt:

“If the gun can’t be used, then this is my world!

Even if there were twice as many people, they would still be a bunch of ants!

You don't need to help me, just get ready with them and we'll be able to go down the mountain in no time! "

After pushing her, Chen Xin'an's body was hidden behind the tree and disappeared.

The old leech lying on the ground raised his head, stretched his neck and swallowed.

Looking at the Inca green-clad corpses lying around, he felt his hands and feet were cold.

What kind of existence is this guy I brought here?


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