Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1600 I can finally have a good sleep

An Inca green man checked the magazine and found that there was only one bullet left.

This time must not be wasted, this bullet will explode his head and kill him!

A dark shadow flashed behind the tree in front. The two Inca green outfits looked at each other and surrounded them from the left and right. From the side, they could see the toes of their shoes exposed behind the tree!

Stupid Chinese people!

The two Inca green outfits ducked behind the tree almost at the same time and fired a shot at the figure clinging to the tree!

After the gunshot, the man fell straight to the ground.

But it was a companion who had his coat taken off, a silver needle stuck in his neck, and a bullet in his head, killing him on the spot!

At this moment, a person appeared from behind the green Inca man on the left. Just as he turned around alertly, he held the back of his head with one hand and held his chin with the other hand.

The moment the hands were intertwined, there was a click, and the cervical vertebrae of the green Inca suit broke. His body was as limp as mud and he fell to the ground.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the other man in green clothes turned around and ran away.

Chen Xin'an bent down and picked up a fist-sized stone from the ground and threw it, hitting him in the back of the head. The man in green clothes fell to the ground!

Chen Xin'an walked up to him, without even looking at him, she stepped on his neck with her right hand and crushed him hard!

When the four or five Inca green-suited men standing not far away saw this scene, their faces turned pale with fright, they shouted loudly, turned around and ran away!

Chen Xin'an said with disdain: "There is not even the most basic tactical cooperation.

Just a bunch of rabble in green clothes!

To deal with people like you, one detachment of Getanwolves can destroy your entire regiment!

Are you afraid now?

Want to run?

Have you asked me? "

In a flash, he had already chased after him!

Old Leech's pants are already wet!

I knew that Chen Xin was not an ordinary person, but I never expected that he would be so cruel!

This is the green suit of the same class, let that guy kill most of them by himself!

While Chen Xin'an was chasing him out, Lao Zhi quietly got up and prepared to run away.

He knew very well that once Chen Xin'an came back, it would be his death!

But just when he turned around and wanted to run, there was a sudden burst of gunshots behind him.

Old Leech's whole body tightened and he stood motionless. He trembled and said, "S-please spare my life!"

Zou Ying walked up to him with a gun in hand and cursed through gritted teeth: "You bastard, you still want to run?"

Guo Zhaodi pointed at him and cursed: "Are you still a human being?

It's not enough to collect our money, they have to sell us!

Don’t forget, you are also Chinese! "

Zou Ying rushed forward and kicked him between his legs, cursing:

"I'm just an incense burner, but I'm not something a bug like you can play with!"

Old Leech screamed, covered his crotch with his hands and knelt on the ground, crying and begging for mercy:

"Sister, I was wrong!

Don't shoot, don't kill me!

My miserable life is not worth your taking! "

Seeing him crying and crying, the three women all had a look of disdain on their faces.

But at this moment, Wu Kuizi behind him suddenly stood up and ran away!

The three women were also startled and turned to look.

This is where their inexperience lies. In the face of a formidable enemy, they dare to be distracted!

At the same time, Lao Zhi quickly took out a pistol from his waist and shot Zou Ying in the chest!

Then he fired several shots at Wu Kuizi!

To him, the three women without guns posed almost zero threat to him.

But if a tough guy like Wukuizi really gets entangled with him, it will definitely slow down his escape!

Wukuizi's body shook twice and fell to the ground.

The look in Lao Zhi's eyes was full of unwillingness and grievance!

Did I provoke you?

Didn't you see that the direction I ran in was not towards you?

You can run but I can't?

Why did you hit me?

Now Lao Zhi also saw that Wu Kuizi just wanted to escape, not to deal with him.

But so what?

Who on earth made him so expressionless and appear in his sight at this time?

Besides, it doesn’t matter if I kill a stowaway!

He looked at the three girls Zou Ying who fell on the ground, and said with a ferocious smile: "You are a stinky incense burner, why are you pretending to be like me?

Shit compatriots!

Whoever can give me money is my compatriot and my family!

Do you really think that Chen Xin can save you?

That bastard has stung a hornet's nest!

Inca green pretended to have killed so many people, they will definitely conduct a nationwide search.

Find all of you and kill every one of you!

Your fate in the future will be even worse than being sold out!

A bunch of stupid women..."


The gun in Zou Ying's hand went off.

The last bullet hit the old leech in the stomach, and blood seeped out instantly!

Lao Zhi lowered his head in disbelief and looked at his belly.

Zou Ying's lips trembled and she cursed two words: "Trash!" Then she let go of her hand and the gun fell to the ground.

Lao Zhi raised his right arm with difficulty, aimed at Zou Ying, and wanted to shoot, but a hand fell on his shoulder.

Before he could react, there was a click on his shoulder, and his shoulder joint had been shattered by a punch!

"Ah!" Lao Zhi let out a shrill scream, trembling all over, looking at Chen Xin'an who appeared in front of him in horror.

At this time, Chen Xin'an was covered in blood, and his expression was still as rigid and cold as before, as if his face was paralyzed.

But his eyes exuded a terrifying glare.

Just looking at you makes people feel scared, their legs feel weak, and they dare not move!

The fact that he came back alive means that he has eliminated all those Inca green suits!

Is this guy a devil?

Old Leech was so frightened that his tongue was almost tied.

He said in a trembling voice: "Chen Xin, please let me go! I'll give you all the money, I don't want any of it!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an's indifferent look, Lao Zhi quickly said: "I have an acquaintance in Inca.

I can help you evade the Inca military!

Chen Xin, we are all Chinese, there is no need for you to kill me!

Don’t forget, Guishou and I are from the same street.

Since he is your friend, let’s..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an sighed and said: "Old Zhi, a person like you is not worthy of being called Guishou's friend.

Moreover, people like you actually come from China, which is really embarrassing to China!

Stop talking nonsense and think about the compatriots you have harmed.

Think of Taishan, he is still waiting for you! "

After saying that, Chen Xin'an slapped Lao Zhi on the head.

He was slapped until his seven holes were bleeding and he was killed on the spot!

"Uncle! Look at Sister Ying!" Guo Zhaodi cried and shouted to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an squatted beside Zou Ying, took a look at her wound, and sighed.

There is no hope.

Zou Ying opened her hand, stretched it halfway and then retracted it.

Chen Xin'an took the initiative to hold her hand and asked softly: "Is there anything you need me to do?"

"Mr. Chen..." Zou Ying spit out a mouthful of blood and gasped: "Am I dirty?"

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "You are cleaner than most people!"

Zou Ying said with a look of regret: "It would be great if I wasn't injured, I could really serve you for free.

As long as you don't think I'm dirty! "

Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "There is no need to think about this kind of thing.

I have a wife and I love her very much!

No matter what you do, whether you are free or paid, I will not have any intentions.

We can be friends, but let’s skip the rest! "

Zou Ying laughed, but she choked on the blood and coughed violently.

Guo Zhaodi quickly pressed an acupuncture point on her back.

Zou Ying finally came to her senses, patted Guo Zhaodi's hand, and said with a smile: "Do you understand?"

Guo Zhaodi was stunned for a moment.

Zou Ying looked into the distance and sighed: "I can finally sleep peacefully without fear of nightmares!"

After saying this, she loosened her hands and disappeared.


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