Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1601 They treat you as a fool

There were only five people left in the team of twelve.

The unlucky men Hu Jinyong and Zang Dechang were hit by stray bullets because they were injured and unable to dodge. They are now dead.

Ma Qiubai and Zeng Hai were still lying on the ground, not even having the courage to stand up.

Chen Xin'an squatted in front of them, playing with a Ruitu saber in his hand.

"What should I do with you?

Should I kill you with one knife, or should I let you go? "

This is not to scare them, Chen Xin'an is really considering this issue.

A dignified, seven-foot-tall man is actually inferior to three women.

At the critical moment of life and death, he didn't even have the courage to fight the enemy.

If such a waste wants to return to Western China, even if it goes up the mountain, it won't be able to get down.

It's impossible for them to walk out of Silun Mountain!

But if they entered the Inca, their fate would not be able to escape a large-scale military raid.

Even if they were lucky enough to escape, because they had no identification, they would have no choice but to work as slaves in a factory, a fate worse than death.

Ma Qiubai and Zeng Hai were so frightened that they forced themselves to get up, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Chen Xin'an!

"Please don't kill us! We are just insignificant little people, not worthy of your action!"

"We were wrong before and offended you! Now I kowtow to you, please don't remember the faults of the villain, treat us like a fart, let us go!"

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and stood up.

Indeed, they are just little people, just shit, it doesn't matter whether they are killed or not.

With a sullen face, Chen Xin'an said to the two of them: "You do something, dig a hole and bury these corpses.

Don't worry about the Inca green suit and the old leech, the others are our compatriots, let them rest in peace!

After finishing this job, you can live on.

If you can't even accomplish this, then you are really useless.

You are still being tortured by the Inca while you are alive, why don't I help you get rid of it now! "

Once the two of them heard that they had a chance to survive, they didn't dare to hesitate.

I originally wanted to come to Inca and work hard, so what’s the problem in playing a few tricks and burying people?

He quickly nodded and said: "It can be done! Let's dig now!"

Fortunately, several of the Inca green-suited men also carried engineer shovels, so digging holes was no problem.

The two dug the pit, then carried the bodies in one by one and buried them.

After doing all this, he wiped off his sweat and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother, is this okay?"

The surroundings were quiet. Except for those bloody figures in Inca green suits, Chen Xin'an and the two women were nowhere to be seen. I didn't know when they left!

The two of them were also exhausted, sitting on the ground, breathing heavily.

But as soon as he sat down for a while, Ma Qiubai stood up in a hurry, took Zeng Hai's arm and shouted: "Let's go, go quickly!"

Zeng Hai cursed angrily: "They are all gone, what the hell are you afraid of! Let me rest for a while!"

Ma Qiubai scolded him: "Just give it a rest! When the Inca green outfit can't contact these people, they all come over, and we will be dead!"

"Holy shit!" Zeng Hai's face suddenly turned pale. He still dared to sit down and ran down the mountain with Ma Qiubai!

The infrastructure of the Incas is really far behind that of China.

There are no asphalt roads in this rural area. They are all dirt roads, and the means of transportation are only ox carts.

I thought the Inca people respected cows so much that they wouldn't whip them.

It turns out that there are many kinds of cows. They worship the cows with pure color or strange appearance, which are called sacred cows.

Ordinary zebu cattle are also used for farming and pulling carts, and they are also killed for meat.

What surprised Chen Xin'an was that Peng Ying could speak Inca and spoke it very authentically.

Because her husband is an Inca.

I have lived with her in China for almost fifteen years, but I have never taken her back to Inca's home.

This time, after my husband returned to Inca, he never came back.

Peng Ying ran to Inca to find someone based on some clues he had obtained before.

Because the company she once owned with her husband was involved in a financial dispute, she became a dishonest person.

In this way, it is impossible to go abroad through normal channels and can only use smuggling.

After her communication, the three of them bought some old clothes from a nearby village and changed into them.

Then she was dressed up by Peng Ying herself.

This way the three of them don't look like stowaways.

Thanks also to Chen Xin'an for wearing a dull face that looks older and has a bit of dark skin.

Otherwise, his original appearance would really be incompatible with this outfit!

In the afternoon, the three of them rode an ox cart to the Inca border city of Cambahan.

Peng Ying said to Chen Xin'an: "We are going to the mall now to buy some expensive clothes.

The Incas were very fond of judging people by their appearance.

When someone is dressed in high-end clothes, he or she thinks he is a high-class person.

Even the police won’t question you too much!

But before that, we need to find some shops to exchange money.

The Chinese currency is very repulsive in Inca, we have to change it to Inca dollars!

There are many places where you can change, generally speaking, a slightly larger store will do! "

Guo Zhaodi asked strangely: "Sister Ying, didn't you say that Bablu never brought him here? Why do you feel that you are very familiar with the Inca?"

Peng Ying smiled self-deprecatingly and said to her: "He just didn't take me to his home in Inca, it's not that he didn't take me to Inca.

It's just that I just passed by Kambahan and never went in! "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Of course he brought out the backpack containing the money. The money in it was divided into three parts, one for each of Peng Ying and Guo Zhaodi.

As for Ma Qiubai and Zeng Hai, they don't care about him even if they starve to death.

He sacrificed his life for the chance of survival. He didn't see anyone participating when he was doing his best, and he hid and acted like a coward.

When the money is divided later, you jump out and want a piece of the pie?

What do you think?

is it possible?

Do you really think that I, Chen Xinan, am a bad person?

The three of them came to a pharmacy under a large shopping mall.

There are several people buying medicine at the door.

In front of Chen Xin'an, an Inca man put his hand into the satchel of the woman in front of him.

Robbery and theft were really everywhere in the Inca and it was not uncommon!

Chen Xin'an coughed when she saw a cosmetics box printed in Chinese characters revealed in the woman's bag.

The Inca thief quickly retracted his hand and walked away.

The woman in front turned around and took a look, then followed Chen Xin'an's gaze and looked down at her unzipped bag, and understood what had just happened.

She quickly hugged the bag in her arms, turned around and gave Chen Xin'an a quick smile, and nodded to him.

She bought some medicine and counted them with a man at the counter.

The teller asked Chen Xin'an what he wanted to buy. Peng Ying, who was standing behind, stepped forward and said a few words to the teller in Inca.

Chen Xin'an took out two stacks of Chinese coins from his bag and placed them on the counter.

This is twenty thousand.

The teller looked at Chen Xin'an, then at Peng Ying and Guo Zhaodi behind him, with a joking expression on his face.

She made a gesture to Chen Xin'an.

Peng Ying whispered to Chen Xin'an: "She said it was one to six. I don't know what the current exchange rate is, but the price is very low! Why don't we go to other stores?"

"No need!" Chen Xin'an shook his head, took out two more piles from his bag, pushed them forward, and said to the teller: "Change them all!"

The man who was counting the medicines on the side took a look and cursed with a mocking smile on his face.

Even a few tellers couldn't hold back their laughter.

Peng Ying lowered her face and said to Chen Xin'an: "They called us fools!"

The woman who had been reminded by Chen Xin'an before turned around and glared at the man next to her.

After giving him instructions, the man turned and left.

The woman turned her head and said to Chen Xin'an:

“You’ve been tricked!

The current exchange rate is one to ten, and you have lost a lot of money! "


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