Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1606 I have no ill intentions towards you

Moir and Xia Hongying's faces were ashen, and they sat on the sofa and stared at Linde.

He is Moore's bodyguard and the home's security chief.

So with so many monitoring devices installed in his home, it was his responsibility!

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Guo Zhaodi and Peng Ying: "Sister Ying, Zhaodi, do you a favor and ask Mr. Linde to take you upstairs.

Take photos of every room with your phone.

The red light that lights up is the location where the monitoring equipment is installed. "

"Okay!" Peng Ying and Guo Zhaodi stood up.

Linde did not dare to say any more and took the two girls upstairs.

After the three of them left, Chen Xin'an looked at Moir, smiled and said, "You can speak with confidence now.

Mr. Moore, I want to know, who did you offend? "

"This..." Moore's expression changed and he glanced at his wife.

Xia Hongying was also in a dilemma.

In fact, she is not familiar with Chen Xin'an, and the words "relatives" are just words.

Therefore, Chen Xin'an is also a stranger to her, and she has not yet reached the point where she can talk about everything.

She turned her head, looked at Moir and said: "Dear, I can guarantee that Mr. Chen is not our enemy, nor was he sent by the enemy.

He really just came to Inca from China! "

Moore nodded, sighed, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Cambahan is rectifying some illegal recruitment companies.

If some serious illegal cases occur, they will be severely punished and even closed!

Moreover, there are some people in the city government who want to take my place and are not compatible with me..."

Chen Xin'an understood, this guy is now suffering from internal and external troubles, and is surrounded by enemies from all sides!

After thinking about it, Chen Xin'an said to the two people in front of him: "Why did he only poison the two of you but let the others go?"

Moore immediately said: "That's because we are the only three eating together?!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "I'm not sure what this poison is, but I know it must be a slow poison.

In other words, the other party has poisoned your meals more than once.

Also, he can enter and leave your room freely, and he still has time to avoid everyone's eyes and install surveillance for you.

Who in your family can do this? "

The couple looked at each other, then their eyes widened, and they called out one person's name almost in unison: "Raj!"

It was the driver who drove Xia Hongying. His name was Raj.

Furious, Moore stood up and walked out quickly.

Chen Xin'an said to Xia Hongying who was holding the milk tea: "Sister Ying, it's better not to drink it.

I thought this milk tea had a strange smell before, so I didn't drink it. "

Xia Hongying quickly put down her cup.

Now she has no doubts about Chen Xin'an's words.

Chen Xin'an smiled and asked: "Sister Ying, there should be something else you haven't told me, right?

If it were just for policy reasons, the enemy would not deliberately bribe the people around you.

Because once discovered, the consequences will be quite serious!

Ordinary business leaders don’t have such courage! "

Xia Hongying looked at Chen Xin'an, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Moll is also a contender for the next Inca Grand Prix!"

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized.

This makes sense.

Only opponents at this level would be so cruel.

But it should not be too direct and cause adverse effects.

You can only use this method without leaking any traces to get rid of your opponents.

Chen Xin'an looked at Xia Hongying and said, "Actually, all of this is Sister Ying's arrangement, right?"

"What are you talking about!" Xia Hongying suddenly changed her face, looked at Chen Xin'an with a vigilant expression, and angrily said, "Are you going to say that I'm poisoning myself again?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "That's not what I'm talking about.

Mr. Moore should have a lot of credit for what he is today, right?

Maybe it was Sister Ying who helped him get to where he is today.

And if Mr. Moore wants to be the leader of the Incas, he should have Sister Ying’s support behind him, right?

I really have to sigh with emotion, the Xia family played such a big game! "

Xia Hongying suddenly stood up, glanced around first, looked at Chen Xin'an with a sharp look in her eyes, and said in a low voice:

"Who are you? What do you want to do? How do you know this?"

Chen Xin'an smiled bitterly, raised her hands and said, "Sister Ying, don't be nervous.

I can guarantee one thing, I am never your enemy! "

"How do you expect me to believe you!" Xia Hongying stared at Chen Xin'an and said:

"Don't forget what my husband just said. A dozen people in green clothes were just killed by stowaways..."

Chen Xin'an smiled bitterly and said: "Sister Ying, do you think I am someone who can kill people?

With two women, he killed more than a dozen green-suited men with guns and ammunition..."

Before he could finish, Xia Hongying said coldly: "Don't forget that at the entrance of the pharmacy, you can kick away a car with the handbrake on!

And the reaction of the two women to the police sirens on the way back!

Chen Xin, you hide everything from me, but don’t think I’m a fool! "

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and said to Xia Hongying: "Sister Ying, I can only tell you one fact.

Even Xia Hongfeng must honestly call me boss! "

Xia Hongying's eyes widened, she looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice:

"Do you know Xiaofeng?

He is my cousin! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, he had already guessed the result.

He said to Xia Hongying seriously: "Sister Ying, you don't need to know too much about my identity.

At least during this time, you don't have to find out.

When I come to Inca, my target is not you.

It was fate and an unexpected joy to meet Sister Ying.

After finishing my work, I went back.

I will tell you my identity when the time comes. "

"Okay!" Xia Hongying was not an indecisive woman. She nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, what do you need me to do?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to her: "I don't need it here, I will leave early tomorrow morning.

But those two women came with me.

They are also poor people. Sister Ying can help if she can and ensure their safety! "

"No problem!" Xia Hongying nodded.

Chen Xin'an said to her: "Your disease is not asthma, but chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

I suspect there is a problem not only with your diet, but also with the water you drink.

Tomorrow you and Mr. Moore will go to the hospital for a full body examination and then take appropriate medication. "

While he was talking, Moll had come back, his face still full of anger, and said to Xia Hongying: "That bastard has run away!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Maybe we found the room surveillance, and he had a premonition that the matter was exposed, and ran away immediately!"

Lin De also came down with Peng Ying and Guo Zhaodi, who also had several monitors in their hands.

Xia Hongying was ashamed and angry, and asked Lin De, "Is it also in the bedroom?"

Linde looked ashamed and nodded.

Moore asked in shock: "The bathroom..."

Linde shook his head and said, "Nothing was found there!"

Moir and Xia Hongying breathed a sigh of relief.

"I know who is doing this!" Moore said gloomily, and said to Linde: "Come out with me!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "Not now! All three of you find a place to lie down, and I'm going to give you an injection.

Tomorrow you go to the hospital to check the composition of toxins in your body, and then prescribe appropriate medicine.

Now let me help you suppress the toxicity first.

Fortunately, it is a slow poison, and fortunately the poisoning does not last long.

Your organs haven't been eroded too much yet.

If it's any later, you will really be in danger of being saved! "

The expressions of the three people all changed, and they all obeyed Chen Xin'an's arrangements.

There is no way, no one dares to joke with their own lives!


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