Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1607 You can’t be too mole

Let the couple watch from the side first. If it works, go upstairs to the bedroom and give them the injection.

Of course, there is also the intention of using Linde as a guinea pig.

He was a bodyguard, so Linde didn't say anything and just lay down on the bed in his bedroom on the first floor.

It was also deliberate. When Chen Xin'an gave him the injection, he asked Guo Zhaodi to stand aside and watch.

Although the little girl is an inheritor of ancient medicine, her acupuncture techniques are not as good as those of her daughter-in-law.

But there are academic specializations.

Even the inheritance of ancient medicine is divided into different schools.

The little girl knows a lot about medicinal herbs, and she is a good match for her junior brother in this regard.

It would be even better if he learned the pulse-taking technique from his junior brother.

Chen Xin'an said to Guo Zhaodi while injecting the needle: "The three of them must be injected at least once a day for three days in a row.

Sister Ying, I would also like to trouble you to wipe your body for them after each time.

Be sure to scrub away the sweat, so that the excreted toxins cannot be absorbed again! "

Peng Ying and Guo Zhaodi stood aside and nodded seriously.

First, give Linde an injection to detoxify. He is in good health and does not need to put in too much effort.

After the needle was removed, Linde's entire upper body felt like he had just come out of the water, soaked with sweat.

Seeing this effect, Moir and Xia Hongying were also pleasantly surprised, and immediately went to the bedroom upstairs to prepare.

Chen Xin'an left Peng Ying to scrub him and let him lie on the bed to rest for twenty minutes.

Then he took Guo Zhaodi upstairs to Moir and Xia Hongying's bedroom.

The couple's bedroom is still a suite, and there is another room next to it that is the child's bedroom.

However, the children went to an aristocratic school and only came back once a week.

The couple shared a room, and Chen Xinan asked Guo Zhaodi to go inside and give Xia Hongying an injection according to his previous demonstration.

Many needles had been inserted into Moir's body, and some of the acupuncture points were highly stimulated. His body ached and became hot, and he began to sweat.

In order to divert his attention, More said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen has such ability, he can also accomplish a lot in Inca!

How about staying a few more years to accompany your sister Ying? "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Actually, I came here to learn some experience in opening a factory.

I know that the Incas were very developed in the manufacturing and processing industry, especially in chemical processing.

How many well-known companies are there in Cambahan? "

"Are you talking about Dingxin Food Technology, a subsidiary of Zhongding Group?" Moore snorted coldly and said:

“That’s the focus of what I’m dealing with this time!

It was originally a foreign-funded company, and the boss seems to be you Chinese.

However, during the first round of investigation, we encountered obstacles.

It actually has a cooperative relationship with a well-known large company in Inca.

If you want to learn from experience, I will help you arrange some better companies. You don’t need to learn from this one. "

This is the one I want!

Dingxin Food Technology?

Zhong Hongyi’s Zhongding Group is the company directly affiliated with its branch in Inca!

This is a joint venture factory between Zhong Hongyi and Mohad, and it is also Mohad's main source of income.

If Mohad wants to be appreciated by Abraham, he must rely on this reform company to earn him more money and make greater achievements.

So how could he allow you to destroy his company?

Maybe this guy arranged for the poisoning to happen!

This factory is very important to both Mohad and Zhong Hongyi.

It is not only a tool for Mohad to show his ability to the family, but also the basis for Zhong Hongyi to gain a foothold in Inca.

So if something happens, the two of them will definitely come over!

Chen Xin'an asked Moore: "Mr. Moore really wants to take action on this company? Want to shut it down?"

"Of course!" Moore snorted and cursed: "A company run by a Chinese has become the company that pays the most taxes in Kambahan!

You can imagine how much money it can earn every year!

Our local enterprises have been squeezed out of breath by it!

How could the funds of the Inca country fall into the hands of the Chinese...

I'm sorry Mr. Chen, I don't have any discrimination or prejudice against Chinese people.

The reason why they want to investigate it is because the police in Kambahan have received countless complaints about Dingxin Video Technology from all aspects!

There must be something wrong with this factory!

We welcome Chinese people to open factories in Inca.

But we must abide by our Inca laws.

If something illegal is done, I will not sit idly by and watch! "

Go to hell!

You even look down on the Chinese people to your core!

Marry a Chinese woman as your daughter-in-law.

Making a fortune depends entirely on the support of your wife.

The Chinese people gave him everything he wanted, and now he looks down on the Chinese people!

It can be seen that the relationship between Moore and Xia Hongying is purely a combination of interests.

Just now, Chen Xin'an and that person could see that Moir was a little afraid of Xia Hongying.

As for how much true love the two have after living together for so long, they can only ask themselves.

"Mr. Chen..." Moll said tremblingly: "Why is it getting more and more painful? I can't bear it! When I saw you giving Linde an injection just now, it wasn't so uncomfortable!"

Moore lay on the bed, clutching the sheets with his hands and grinning.

Those silver needles seemed to be red-hot. Not to mention piercing his body, even touching his skin with the tip of the needle would make him shiver in pain.

Chen Xin'an calmly put her hand into the basin prepared in advance.

Blood spread, turning a basin of water red.

If anyone is watching, they will definitely be shocked!

Because at this moment, the skin of Moir's entire back was bright red.

It seemed like blood was oozing out of every pore.

This was caused by Chen Xin'an "accidentally" giving the wrong injection.

So you can’t be too mole as a person.

Otherwise, it will affect Chen Xin'an's mood, and he will accidentally stick it in the wrong place.

Of course, death is definitely not possible.

But the pain is really painful.

The kind of pain that is enough to make a grown-up man burst into tears.

Peng Ying walked in and was shocked to see the bloody man in front of Chen Xin'an.

If you don't look carefully, you can see that Chen Xin'an peeled off the skin of Moore's entire back!

Chen Xin'an signaled her to keep quiet and asked her to get a basin of clean water, then took out the silver needle and wiped his back clean.

Half an hour later, everyone went downstairs.

I have to say, the effect is very good.

The three people who were poisoned all felt very relaxed, which was completely different from the tired feeling before.

Because problems with the diet were discovered, no one ate the meals cooked in the kitchen.

The maid bought dinner outside, and Chen Xin'an checked it personally and found no problems.

Xia Hongying had already arranged rooms for everyone. After dinner, she led everyone to their rooms to rest.

During the meal, Xia Hongying told Moir a few words, and Moir called.

After the meal, someone drove over and gave some clothes to Chen Xin'an and the others.

Moreover, it is a complete set inside and out, and the size is suitable, which shows that Xia Hongying does her job flawlessly.

Chen Xin'an took a bath and put on new clothes.

Wearing a denim outfit, it looks very civilian, but it is in line with Chen Xin'an's wishes.

He now wants to wear clothes that are casual and resistant to stains and wear. If he dresses too delicately, he will easily attract attention.

Someone knocked on the door, and Chen Xin'an walked over and opened the door.

There was a girl in a long skirt standing at the door, holding the lockbox containing money in her hand.

If paired with long hair, she will indeed be a beautiful little beauty that makes people shine.

But now she has a crew cut and short hair, and Chen Xin'an also recognized that it was Guo Zhaodi!

"Have you seen enough? Just let me stand at the door, bad uncle!" Guo Zhaodi rolled her eyes at him shyly.

Chen Xin'an moved aside to let her in.

But when Guo Zhaodi saw that Chen Xin'an hadn't closed the door, she had a slightly disappointed look on her face.

Chen Xin'an asked her to sit on the bed, then he sat on the chair and asked with a smile: "You are so tired, why don't you go to bed earlier?"

Guo Zhaodi bit her lip and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Uncle, are you leaving tomorrow?"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Guo Zhaodi said with red eyes: "Then we will never see each other again?"

Chen Xin'an frowned and was about to speak when Guo Zhaodi suddenly ran over and hugged him:

"Uncle, I don't want to be separated from you! I want to go with you!"


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