Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1609 Do you dare to hit a Chinese woman?

She didn't seem to expect that her little move would be caught on the spot. There was a trace of astonishment on the beauty's face, but she immediately became indifferent.

She was waiting for the other party to deal with her, or slap her in the mouth, or make a fuss about calling the police. In fact, he wanted her to apologize and take advantage of her.

She was used to all this.

But after waiting for a long time, nothing happened.

The other party just pushed her away and made no other moves.

He just looked at her with a smile and said, "Come on, tell me, what kind of wine do you want to drink?"

The beauty was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect that this man knew that she was a thief and had already caught her in the act, so he invited her to drink!

Seeing the beauty in a daze, Chen Xin'an pointed to the cup next to her and said:

"Tell me, what kind of drink do you want to drink? Just order it!

If you meet compatriots in Inca, you must buy them a drink! "

"Compatriot..." The beauty's eyes were a little dazed, she looked at Chen Xin'an, smiled, and said to him: "Then treat me to a drink of Erguotou!"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to the bartender: "Two cups of Erguotou!"

The bartender glanced at the beauty, said nothing, turned around, poured two glasses of white wine, and placed them on the bar.

Chen Xin'an handed the beauty a glass and said with a smile: "Wanderers in foreign countries, let's go together! When we return to Kyoto, I will treat you to a drink of authentic Red Star!"

"Go back to Kyoto? Can I still go back?" The beauty smiled sadly, glanced at Chen Xin'an, and said to him: "Touch one?"

Chen Xin'an raised his glass generously: "Come on, have one!"

The beauty raised her glass and approached Chen Xin'an. While clinking her glasses, she whispered: "Don't drink, hurry up and get out of here!"

"Hi!" An Inca bearded man came over with two companions and called to the beauty.

Then he grabbed the beauty's hair and pulled her back.

The wine glass that the beauty had just put to her mouth was pulled and spilled all over her body before she could even drink it.

Then the Inca man slapped her face hard twice.

The beauty seemed to be numb, so she stood expressionless and let him beat her.

Neither resisting nor evading.

Kicking the beauty away, the bearded man scolded Chen Xin'an in broken Chinese: "Boy, do you dare to seduce my wife?"

He raised his arm and slapped Chen Xin'an hard on the face!

Chen Xin'an just took a sip of wine, and before he could slap her, he threw the empty cup and hit the bearded man in the face!

Then he punched the bearded man in the nose, knocking him back two steps and falling to the ground on his back, with blood spurting out from his nostrils!

"Damn, how dare you bully our Chinese women? Who gave you the courage!

Which hand did it?

This is just right?

I let you hit women!

Cowardly Incas, they only know how to beat women, right? "

Chen Xin'an rushed forward and kicked the bearded man head and face.

Then jump up and stomp on his hand!

The bearded man screamed loudly in pain, and his right hand had been trampled off.

Only then did the two companions next to him react, and rushed forward screaming!

Chen Xin'an turned around and ran, put her hand on the bar and jumped into the air.

With a flying kick, he kicked the bartender who had just pulled out a machete, jumped into the bar, grabbed a bottle of wine and threw it out!


The bottle hit an Inca on the forehead and shattered.

As soon as the Inca rushed to the bar, a bottle was smashed against him. His eyes rolled up and he slipped to the ground!

Another Inca shouted several times, and a group of Incas in the bar gathered around him!

The beauty turned her head and shouted to him: "Go away quickly! They will really beat you to death! Even if they spare your life, they will make your life worse than death!"

This place is not for you, run away quickly, otherwise you will have no chance! "

Chen Xin'an took a bottle of wine in each hand and threw it out one after another. Each bottle would hit one person.

Hearing what the beauty said, Chen Xin'an laughed and said, "Want to beat me to death? Come on!

I'm not afraid of them!

If they dare to bully us Chinese people, I will definitely not let them go!

Don't be afraid, beauties, they've tortured you a lot, right?

I'll take you out of here and go home! "

The moment he grabbed the beautiful woman's hand, he had already seen that the woman's arms were covered with scars!

Some were beaten, and some had scars left by cutting their own veins!

What's even more frightening is that her fingers are basically deformed.

It was obviously connected using a very rough technique after being interrupted.

So he knew that this woman was forced to steal his things, and she was often treated inhumanely!

This is a poor man.

Chen Xin'an didn't make things difficult for her, but invited her to drink a glass of hometown wine.

He originally came here to cause trouble tonight, but now that the scene is bigger, it suits him better!

Asking the beauty to hide aside, Chen Xin'an picked up the wine on the wine cabinet and threw it at the Incas!

The whole bar was in chaos and the floor was in a mess!

Chen Xin'an was having so much fun that she kicked the bartender down who had just stood up.

Seeing someone rushing towards the beauty, Chen Xin'an put her hands on the bar and tried to turn over, but her hands softened and she fell heavily to the ground!

Someone rushed over and slapped Chen Xin'an on the head with a wine bottle.

The wine bottle shattered, and Chen Xin'an lay motionless on the ground.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as the bartender stood up, the bearded man, whose face was covered in blood and whose right hand was trampled off, held an empty wine bottle in his left hand and hit him on the head!

"You idiot!

Use a larger dose next time!

If he continues to go crazy, our bar will be closed! "

The bartender covered his bleeding head and slumped to the ground, unwilling to stand up.

Who did I provoke?

Normally, this is the amount I use with others. One cup is enough.

Why is this guy so resistant?

A group of Inca people found an opportunity to vent their anger, and surrounded Chen Xin'an, punching and kicking him.

Someone covered his bleeding forehead, rushed up angrily, took out a knife and aimed it at Chen Xin'an's head to chop it off!

The bearded man kicked him away and cursed at him: "Are you crazy?

If he dies, we will lose so much here!

Dead people cannot be sold for money!

Only when sold to a factory will he experience the pain of life being worse than death!

Garner, Bree, tie him up and send him to Dingxin!

Tell Zhong Xing, I want fifty thousand Indian dollars for this person! He is worth the money! "

"Yes, boss!" Two Incas came over holding ropes.

First, he turned his pockets upside down and took out 20,000 Indian dollars, and then tied him up.

Holding the 20,000 Indian dollars, the bearded man gritted his teeth and cursed: "You dare to go wild in Inca with this little money?

These Chinese people are really stupid and poor! "

He turned around and said to the beauty: "What's wrong?

Can’t bear to see your compatriots?

Dare you let him go?

Do you want him to take you away? "

The beauty stood there numbly, without saying a word.

But the bearded man still didn't let her go, and hit her on the head with a wine bottle.

The beauty fell to the ground slumped, her buttocks and hands were punctured by the glass shards on the ground, and blood flowed out.

But she didn't even frown, as if she couldn't feel the pain anymore.

The bearded man kicked her down, pointed at her and cursed: "You can never go back, just give up!

Clean this place up for me!

The loss tonight will be your fault!

From now on, if I receive five more customers every day and work for three months, this debt will be paid off! "

The beauty slowly knelt on the ground and raised the bloody glass shards on the ground with her bleeding hands.

She didn't mind it, it seemed like nothing mattered anymore!

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