Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1610 I came here just to get out.

With a bang, the iron door closed. Chen Xinan, who was lying on the ground, moved and sat up.

Rubbing his neck and head, Chen Xinan grimaced.

These bastards really hit him!

If he hadn't deliberately dodged a few hard blows, his head would have been hit hard!

Looking around, Chen Xinan was stunned.

Is this a prison?

Or, is it worse than a prison?

At least there are beds in the cells. There are only weeds on the ground, not to mention beds, and even no wooden boards.

The narrow room is at most the size of a toilet at home, but more than a dozen people sleep in it!

And all of them are like him, stripped to a pair of shorts.

Seeing that new people have come in, these people don't seem to be curious, and they still lie with their eyes closed.

Those who can't sleep also look at something with empty eyes, as if they are dead.

Only two people slowly crawled over, looked at Chen Xinan in the dim light, and then cried out.

"You come in too! I thought you ran away! God is really open-minded!"

"Chen Xin, even if you can fight, so what? Didn't you get caught by them? Didn't you get sold here?"

Chen Xin'an then recognized that these two guys were actually Ma Qiubai and Zeng Hai!

No wonder Chen Xin'an didn't recognize them at first glance, because after just two days of not seeing them, these two guys had sunken eyes and scraggly beards, as if they had become another person!

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to the two of them: "Why are you two here too?"

Ma Qiubai scolded angrily: "The whole city is under curfew, where can we run to?

We were caught by the Inca police and then sent here!

Chen Xin, you did a good job!"

Zeng Hai also sneered and said: "Laugh, you will not be able to laugh soon!

This is not a place for people to stay at all!

The work we do every day is dirty and tiring, and we are beaten at any time!

Look at the injuries on our bodies!

Tomorrow, you will be the same as us!"

Chen Xin'an has noticed the injuries on the two men.

All of them were whipped or burned by cigarette butts.

They were covered with wounds in two days, which shows what kind of abuse they have experienced.

Chen Xinan grinned and said to them: "Don't worry, I will find a way to take you out!"

Ma Qiubai's eyes lit up, but dimmed in an instant.

He said to Chen Xinan unhappily: "Go out?

You wish!

Once you come in here, don't even think about going out!

Do you know what they use to watch the factory?

Inca green suits!

They are all real green suits with guns and live ammunition!"

Zeng Hai said in a trembling voice: "Chen Xin, no matter how powerful you are, can you fight against the green suits?

Don't look at it...

This place is different from the mountain.

Except for the dormitory and the workshop, you have to wear handcuffs and shackles in other places.

Your movements are restricted, how can you fight with people with guns?"

Chen Xinan was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect this.

He asked Ma Qiubai with some doubt: "Are you sure that it is a real green suit?"

"This..." Ma Qiubai hesitated.

A middle-aged man lying on the ground next to him said, "It's a real Inca green suit. It was just transferred here in the past two days. The local police and green suits all have cooperative relations with Dingxin. They collude with each other. But this is the first time that it's so blatant. Anyway, I've been here for almost a year, and this is the first time I've seen it. I don't know if those who have been here longer than me have seen it!" He glanced at the middle-aged man. Although he had a long beard, he had pale skin and looked gentle. Ma Qiubai whispered, "This is Brother Dongshan, the boss of our dormitory." Chen Xinan asked him, "Chinese compatriots?" "Compatriots?" Brother Dongshan looked at Chen Xinan with sarcasm and said, "Brother, remember! There are no compatriots in this place! Half of those who tricked you in are your compatriots!" Chen Xinan thought of the woman in the bar and said nothing. Brother Dongshan said expressionlessly: "There are 308 registered employees in Dingxin Factory.

The actual number of employees is more than 3,100.

Chinese compatriots account for 60%.

The rest are tourists from various countries, deceived and sold here!

For the sake of your so-called compatriots, I advise you.

Since you are here, don't think you can easily get out alive.

Work honestly until you earn enough money to redeem yourself, and you can get out alive."

Chen Xinan asked curiously: "How much money can redeem yourself?"

Brother Dongshan simply said: "One hundred thousand!"

Chen Xinan thought that this was not much. If he gritted his teeth and worked hard here for a few years, it would not be difficult to redeem himself, right?

According to some black workshops in China, no matter how black it is, they will pay wages.

Seeming to see Chen Xinan's thoughts, Brother Dongshan said expressionlessly:

"Let's calculate it this way. The work you do here in a day, calculated in this way, is no more than ten yuan at most!"

Chen Xinan was dumbfounded when he heard it!

I have seen black people, but I have never seen such black people!

The pay for a day's work is no more than 10 yuan, and the price for redemption is 100,000 yuan.

In other words, everyone has to work here for 27 years before they can redeem themselves.

Look at the injuries on Ma Qiubai and Zeng Hai, and look at these exhausted roommates in front of them.

Not to mention twenty-seven years, if you can persist for ten years, you have become a god!

Brother Dongshan said calmly: "I have been here for one year, and the longest working age I have seen is three and a half years, less than four years.

I was in the tenth batch to enter the factory.

The mortality rate of the first batch is 100%!

By my last batch, it was 60 percent.

The Dingxin Factory has been open in Inca for six years. Even the boss himself can’t count how many people have died!

When you go to the workshop during the day, you can see two large mountains of dirt outside the west wall.

All the people buried there are dead!

Now you can almost see the third mountain of earth emerging from the top of the wall.

In the past six years, I don’t know how many people want to leave here.

But now, they have all been buried in those two mountains of earth and turned into a pile of bones!

Brother, don't expect to get out, and don't expect anyone to save you.

This is Inca, a place without law and humanity.

There is collusion between government and business. Even if you really run out, you will be caught by the police and sent back here!

Because they are originally a group! "

After hearing Brother Dongshan's words, Ma Qiubai and Zeng Hai burst into tears.

They experienced two days of hellish life, and saw with their own eyes that some people were beaten to death for resisting and escaping!

I originally thought I was desperate and resigned to my fate.

But after hearing these words, I still couldn't help crying.

Brother Dongshan had no expression on his face, and the others seemed to have not heard and were indifferent.

They have experienced such expressions of despair before, and have seen them too many times, and have become accustomed to them.

Chen Xin'an sat directly next to Brother Dongshan, smiled and asked him: "You should know a lot about Dingxin Factory, right?

Talk to me in detail and tell me everything you know! "

Seeing that he hadn't given up yet, Brother Dongshan frowned and said impatiently: "What's the use of listening to this?

Just accept your fate and work here honestly, otherwise you won't even be able to save your life, do you understand? "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "I said I would take you out, and I will definitely do what I said!"

Brother Dongshan became impatient and scolded him: "Are you deaf and can't understand what I say?

If that were possible, would you still be needed to take us out? We can’t run ourselves?

Do you know that once someone is found to have escaped from that dormitory, the entire dormitory will be punished?

You're fucking hurting all of us, do you know that? "

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "If you all have this attitude of accepting fate, then I can only say I'm sorry.

I came here to get out, otherwise I would have come here in vain! "

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