Seeing how this guy is so indifferent and refuses to listen to anything he says, Brother Dongshan is also furious.

He stood up with a gloomy face, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Do it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the dormitory got up!

Each one of them seemed to have a grudge against Chen Xin'an, their eyes flashed fiercely, they clenched their fists and rushed over!

After staying here for a long time, I have seen all kinds of people.

The people who die the fastest are those who scream all day long to leave here.

There is another type of person who is not gregarious.

The guy in front of me is both.

Rather than being implicated by him, he would inevitably be beaten to death by factory security guards.

It's better to let everyone send him on his way for the sake of his compatriots!

The dormitory is almost completely enclosed and has no windows.

Once the iron gate is closed, even if there is a commotion inside, no one outside will know.

The factory doesn't care if the employees are in harmony or not, they only want these illegal workers to be at odds with each other.

Killing people is just a matter of burying them in the mountains behind, and then recruiting a few new people to come in.

It is really common for someone to die in the dormitory.

Whether they died of illness or were beaten to death, it was not uncommon.

Only this time, everyone realized that they had hit a nail!

This guy who just came in is not an ordinary guy who can fight!

Before Brother Dongshan could react, everyone in the dormitory was lying on the ground!

Ma Qiubai and Zeng Hai lay on the ground crying bitterly!

"I just knew this was the result!

Why are you provoking him when you have nothing to do?

Even a green suit with a gun can't kill him, how dare you ordinary people take action against him?

Isn't this an invitation to be beaten? "

"Whoever attacks you, you go and beat him up!

We are squatting here just fine, what's bothering you?

Why are you giving us a kick? "

Chen Xin'an said apologetically: "I'm sorry, the way you two squatted there was so handsome, I couldn't help but kick you a few times!

Next time this happens again, you two go and squat on one side.

Otherwise, the fight would be lively, and you two would squat there like you were trying to relieve yourself.

It's in the way, indecent, and easy to kick! "

Ma Qiubai: "..."

Zeng Hai: "..."

Chen Xin'an turned around, sat cross-legged next to Brother Dongshan again, and said to him with a smile:

"Aren't you going to do it?

It’s okay, I’ll give you three moves! "

Brother Dongshan stared at Chen Xin'an, then turned around, pulled away the weeds under him, and said to him: "Here is what you want!"

Chen Xin'an lowered his head and saw, "Hey guys, this guy used stones to draw the floor plan of the entire Dingxin factory on the cement floor!"

Those who are locked up here and become illegal workers, who doesn’t want to leave this hell on earth?

I just haven’t found the right opportunity, nor the person who can take them out!

Dealing with Chen Xin'an is also a process of testing his strength.

If you can't even deal with these people, why would you want to deal with the armed guards outside?

Go ahead and dream!

It's not enough for him to seek death. He also wants to harm the whole dormitory, so he can't even beat him to death!

But if it is someone who is really capable, it will bring hope to everyone.

Brother Dongshan is also willing to take the gamble.

Anyway, both left and right are dead, what if it happens?

Just after dawn, the barking of wolves and dogs could be heard outside, as well as the loud sound of iron rods beating on the iron door.

Everyone in the dormitory got up, opened the iron door, and everyone went out. They stood in two rows outside and had to wear the factory's special shackles.

This kind of thing, where both hands are put into a rope buckle and tied to a piece of wood, is used to restrict someone from escaping during the process of entering and exiting the workshop!

There are five rope buckles on a piece of wood. A group of five people must carry a piece of wood together and move forward. Whoever is faster or slower will affect the other four people.

The number of people in the dormitory next to it was wrong, and there was still a free rope buckle.

One of the Inca guards cursed and released the leash of the wolf-dog in his hand.

The wolfdog, which was almost as big as a calf, roared and rushed into the dormitory.

Then he bit a person's neck and dragged him out.

Chen Xin'an took a look and saw that he was a black man, but he was already dead!

Brother Dongshan, who was standing behind him, said with a gloomy face: "This man has been sick for two days.

However, he was never seen a doctor and was forced to continue working.

When I came back last night, I saw something was wrong with him.

It should be acute pneumonia.

I didn’t expect that I really died last night! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked him, "Do you know medical skills?"

Brother Dongshan responded: "Just a little knowledge!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said nothing.

Two black workers came out, each dragging a leg, and dragged the deceased away in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at this scene with numb expressions.

Everyone has become accustomed to this kind of thing.

But Chen Xin'an could see the fear and sorrow hidden deep in their eyes.

No one can tell whether the next body to be dragged away like this will be his.

With a whistle, the team began to move forward.

Soon they entered a glass corridor, and everyone turned their heads and looked at the sky as dawn began to break outside.

This is one of the few opportunities for everyone to see the sun.

Chen Xin'an finally saw the large earth mountain thirty or forty meters high outside the wall in the distance.

There is also a dirt bag that has just emerged and only a little bit of it can be seen.

I don’t know how many corpses are buried here!

Passing through the glass corridor, there is a large open iron door in front of you.

Everyone needs to put down the wood here, then enter the dressing area and enter the workshop through another door.

After everyone enters the dressing area, the big iron door will be locked.

I spent the entire day eating, drinking, and eating in the workshop.

In addition to an hour's rest at noon, I can't go back to the dormitory until eight o'clock in the evening.

The so-called changing of clothes is nothing more than putting on a dustproof suit that covers you from head to toe.

It doesn’t keep warm in winter and it doesn’t insulate in summer.

When the front end was very hot, people suffered from heat stroke every day because of wearing this thing.

Brother Dongshan said that in summer, two or three people die every day, which is extremely common!

Chen Xin'an, who lives in the dormitory, does all the moving work.

It means moving the raw materials from the warehouse and putting them on the car.

Then it is sent to the workstation to be unloaded and processed.

This is the most strenuous job, but the advantage is that you can move around the entire workshop.

Fire prevention and anti-virus signs are hung on the warehouse door. Some of the raw materials inside are very dangerous. If you are not careful, it will cause a fire or explosion.

There are mountains of raw material barrels, each weighing hundreds of kilograms.

The lower part cannot be moved, otherwise it will collapse and the consequences will be disastrous.

So someone has to climb on top, and then use manual relay to deliver the raw materials from the top bucket by bucket.

The worker responsible for loading the truck looked at Brother Dongshan and Chen Xin'an, their eyes met and they nodded.

Today we need to create chaos in the workshop so that the big iron door can be opened and we can have a chance to escape.

But the first thing is to conquer these guards first!

Only with the hostages can we make the people in the factory submit!

The brothers in the transportation team just passed on this news and asked everyone to cooperate.

At the entrance of the warehouse, two Inca security guards were holding whips and iron bars on their waists, yawning and watching everyone working.

Ma Qiubai wanted to move a bucket of raw materials, but he hadn't eaten anything in the morning and had no strength at all.

There are only two meals a day here, at 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Regardless of whether the food is good or bad, the key is whether you have enough to eat!

Coupled with the fact that I’m new here and I’m not used to it, with a bang, both the person and the bucket fell to the ground, and the ingredients inside were scattered all over the floor!

Two security guards ran over cursing, picked up the whips in their hands, and slapped Ma Qiubai hard on the head and face!

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