Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1612 I actually admire you Inca people

Beating and abusing these illegal workers is the most enjoyable entertainment for these security guards.

Anyway, they are idle, so they stay with these stinky illegal workers for a whole day.

In addition to teasing wolfhounds, they bully these illegal workers.

What's more interesting is bullying illegal workers than teasing wolfhounds.

What's more fun than training a person to be more obedient than a dog?

The whip hit Ma Qiubai's body intensively, making a snapping sound.

Soon, blood stains were seen on the protective suit.

Ma Qiubai fell to the ground and kept rolling, screaming miserably.

At this moment, Dongshan brother suddenly jumped down from above, knocked the two security guards away with his body, and then pulled Ma Qiubai up and ran away.

The two security guards were furious!

There are still people who dare to stop them from beating people?

These Chinese are really looking for death!

Among all the illegal workers, there are the most Chinese.

They seem to be the most honest, but they are actually the most cunning!

On the surface, they are timid and used to being submissive.

But after a long time, you will find that they are the most difficult to tame!

Illegal workers from other countries will be afraid after being beaten once.

But when dealing with Chinese people, they first submissively pretend to be pitiful, and after being whipped a few times, they look like they are dying, and they are the most unbearable to beating.

But when you think they are scared by being beaten, you are wrong!

They have been resisting in various ways, and will never give up if they have a chance.

Even if they are beaten the most viciously, they can still stand up the next day, go to work, and run away if they have a chance!

The Inca security guards have hated the soft resistance of these Chinese people!

It's like a fire on the grassland, no matter how you step on it, you can't completely put it out!

Seeing the two Chinese people running to the side, the two Inca security guards were angry.

Throw away the whip in their hands and pull out the iron rod on their waists!

Swinging the whip until you are exhausted, it's just a flesh wound, at most it will hurt for a few days.

Only using an iron rod to hit someone is the most effective. If you can kill someone, you will lose half your life. This will definitely teach them a lesson!

But at this moment, someone behind them shouted, "Hey!"

The two security guards turned around quickly and saw a man standing on a two-meter-high pile of raw materials, holding a raw material barrel in his hand, looking at them coldly.

The raw material barrel weighing more than 100 kilograms was as light as nothing in his hand!

"Damn it, what do you want to do..." An Inca security guard pointed at Chen Xin'an with an iron rod and yelled in Inca.

But before he could finish, Chen Xin'an raised the raw material barrel in his hand and smashed it down!

The unlucky guy was knocked to the ground by a barrel before he could react.

He opened his mouth and was about to scream, but with a bang, a raw material barrel fell straight down and landed on his head squarely!

At the moment when the raw material barrel fell sideways, a man jumped down and stood on the raw material barrel!


The security guard standing next to him felt something splashing on his feet. He looked down and saw that it was all red and white!

Under the raw material barrel under the man's feet, the two colors of things were distributed radially, which was creepy to see!

Chen Xinan squatted down from the raw material barrel, pulled off the protective cover on his head, squinted at the security guard and asked: "Did you enjoy the smoke just now? Did you enjoy it?"

The security guard's face turned pale, his legs trembled, and he wanted to run away. He turned around and saw a group of illegal workers in protective clothing blocking his way.

The security guard was so scared that the iron rod in his hand fell to the ground. He wanted to bend down to pick it up, but he felt it was inappropriate. He shrank his neck, looked at everyone awkwardly, and muttered something.

Brother Dongshan said to Chen Xinan: "He told us not to kill him. He will never tell anyone about this. He can pretend that nothing happened!"

Chen Xinan burst out laughing, looked at the security guard with a sarcastic look and said:

"In fact, I sometimes admire you Incas.

Stupid as a pig, mysterious self-confidence.

How do you know that I am afraid that you will tell others?

How do you know that I agree with you to pretend that nothing happened?

Come, take down your intercom and tell the other security guards.

Something happened in the warehouse, let them all come over!"

Brother Dongshan translated Chen Xinan's words to the security guard.

The security guard hesitated and seemed not to do it.

Chen Xinan casually pulled out a barrel of raw materials from the side.

The security guard was so scared that his eyes almost popped out.

Is this guy Hercules?

He held a hundred pounds of things in his hands like a toy!

He was afraid that his head would become like his companions, more broken than a watermelon falling to the ground!

He was so scared that he immediately took out the intercom, looked at Dongshan brother, and started talking to the intercom.

When he finished speaking, Dongshan brother nodded to Chen Xinan, and the security guards were coming soon!

Chen Xinan said to everyone: "When the security guards come, you go out.

Then, close the warehouse door!"

"Chen Xin, you..." Zeng Hai screamed.

Chen Xinan shook his head and said: "Do as I say!"

"Okay!" Dongshan brother was not so indecisive and nodded to Chen Xinan.

Chen Xinan subconsciously reached into his arms, and then he remembered that the cloth bag containing the silver needles was not on him at all, but at Moore's house.

It was indeed a bit uncomfortable to take it off suddenly, something that had been with him for more than ten years, even when sleeping.

Chen Xinan said to the security guard helplessly: "I'm sorry, acupuncture can't be used, you can only suffer!"

Before Dongshan translated this sentence to the security guard, Chen Xinan had already come to his side.

He bent the five fingers of his right hand, with the middle finger protruding, and one finger chiseled his Adam's apple!

The security guard's eyes almost popped out, and he covered his throat with both hands!

At this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps came from outside.

The security guards have arrived!

Chen Xinan winked at Dongshan and nodded.

Before the security guards entered the warehouse, everyone held their heads with both hands, walked outside honestly, and squatted on the ground skillfully!

A group of security guards pulled out iron bars, and after the illegal workers walked out, they rushed into the warehouse.

I saw a companion lying on the ground, having been killed by the raw material barrel.

Another companion covered his neck with both hands, spitting blood from his mouth.

An illegal worker next to him was supporting his shoulders.

Seeing everyone coming in, the illegal worker waved to everyone.

Everyone was stunned. What did this guy mean?

But at this moment, there was a creak behind them, and the big iron door of the warehouse turned half a circle and slammed shut!

A group of security guards suddenly felt something was wrong and turned to open the door, but heard a bang behind them!

When everyone turned back, they were shocked to find that the pile of raw materials had begun to collapse!

One by one, hundreds of pounds of raw material barrels rushed towards them like a tidal wave!

Chen Xin'an huddled in a corner, which was the only place that could not be hit.

Watching those people trying to escape, they were instantly swallowed up by the raw material barrels!

Some raw materials spilled out, and the whole warehouse was filled with pungent smells.

Chen Xin'an, who has always been very sensitive to drugs, immediately felt that there were contraband in these raw materials!

Dingxin Food Technology's official positioning is to make food additives and various seasonings.

But last night, I learned from chatting with Dongshan that a large part of their production has nothing to do with these things.

Instead, they process a kind of colored MSG.

This kind of thing is the contraband that appeared in the Kyoto Leman Restaurant!

This thing was produced in Inca and used in China. Zhong Hongyi and Mohad were the behind-the-scenes pushers, so they all deserved to die!

"Brother Dongshan!" The tall Da Kui shouted in a trembling voice.

"Hold on! Go for it!" Brother Dongshan responded in a deep voice.

Anyway, it has come to this point, there is no way to turn back!

More than 20 security guards entered the warehouse, but there was only one person to deal with them!


The warehouse door was opened.

Chen Xinan stood at the door, pointing at the security guards lying on the ground and screaming, and said to everyone: "Drag out the living ones!"

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