Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1613 This is just the beginning

Of course there are more than twenty security guards in the entire workshop.

But after seeing this group of Chinese people holding a dozen injured security guards hostage, the remaining people did not dare to act rashly.

What makes Brother Dongshan's face become more and more gloomy is that although the brothers have spread the news, there are not many people who respond!

Most people were watching indifferently, with no intention of coming to help.

In fact, I don’t blame them for being timid.

Because this situation has happened many times, but it has never been successful!

There once was a strong black man who held a security guard hostage with an iron piece ground from a raw material barrel.

He even walked out of the workshop and came to the yard.

But he was still shot to death less than a hundred meters away from the gate!

What's more, the people guarding the door now are not ordinary security guards, but Inca green suits. Even if you walk out of the workshop, how will you break through the door?


Therefore, everyone is not optimistic about Brother Dongshan and his gang, and no one thinks that they can escape smoothly!

Brother Dongshan led twelve brothers and fourteen security guards and walked quickly towards the door of the workshop.

"Open the door!" Brother Dongshan shouted to a security guard.

There is a fingerprint system on the door, so not just anyone can open it.

The security guard screamed loudly and didn't want to put his finger on it.

The other security guards in the workshop had already gathered and began to slowly move closer.


Chen Xin'an suddenly rushed over from behind and kicked the security guard in the lower back.

The security guard hit the big iron door like a human cannonball, splattering a large amount of blood!

This kick not only frightened the security guard next to him, but also shocked the illegal workers in the workshop!

Everyone raised their heads from their workstations and looked here.

The remaining hundreds of security guards were full of anger, pointing at Chen Xin'an and shouting curses.

How could Chen Xin'an pay any attention to them? She just raised her right hand and pointed at a security guard next to her!

The Inca security guard shuddered and wanted to refuse.

But his eyes saw the seriously injured companion on the ground, and of course he didn't want to be like him.

He had no choice but to brace himself and walked to the door shivering, pressing his palm on the door handle.

As the access control light turned green, several black workers ran forward and opened the huge door latch, letting the sunlight shine in!

Nothing can stop people's yearning for freedom...

At this moment, everyone turned their heads and stared blankly at the sunny sky outside the gate.

At this time, the entire workshop became commotion, and everyone left their workstations.

At this time, piercing sirens sounded in all workshops, and a large number of people came over.

There's going to be chaos!

Chen Xin'an knew that going out was not his ultimate goal.

He wants to take advantage of things here to fish out the big boss hiding behind Ding Xin!

So this little movement is not enough, there will be more noise and chaos.

But the security guards didn't dare to act rashly because the illegal workers had hostages in their hands.

Because the illegal workers ran out of the workshop and saw Hope, they began to gather towards Chen Xin'an and Brother Dongshan, and then rushed to the gate!

Is it so easy to get out?

Chen Xin'an still felt a little regretful, and suddenly saw that the situation ahead was not right!

He grabbed Brother Dongshan's arm and shouted loudly: "No, stay back!"

Brother Dongshan was stunned for a moment, still not understanding what happened.

But he also knows now that Chen Xin is brave and resourceful, and if he wants to go out, he must listen to him!

So when Chen Xin'an said to stop, he didn't hesitate and shouted loudly to the brothers beside him: "Stop!"

The people in one dormitory listened to him, but not many of the illegal workers who came with him listened to him.

They have taken over from people like Brother Dongshan and controlled the hostages.

Hearing Brother Dongshan’s stop, everyone turned a deaf ear!

"Fake! What is that guy shouting? Let us stop? Is he crazy? How can he stop now!"

"Since we want to rush out, we must go all out! Stopping at this time is equivalent to giving up halfway!"

“Chinese people are like this, they are timid and cautious in everything they do!

Ignore them, we have the hostages in hand, we don’t need to worry about those guys blocking us! "

"Everyone, hurry up and let them open the door, otherwise we will kill the hostages!"

Countless people roared, pushing the security guards who were taken as hostages, and rushed to the gate!

But at this moment, a group of Inca green outfits suddenly appeared.

Almost without warning, he pulled the trigger on the person who rushed forward!

For a moment, blood and flesh splattered, ghosts cried and wolves howled!

Almost all of the Inca security guards who were taken hostage were shot and fell into a pool of blood!

As for those illegal workers, many were shot, and the rest turned around and ran back!

Only then did everyone in Brother Dongshan understand why Chen Xin suddenly stopped them.

Fortunately, he realized something was wrong and asked everyone to stop in time.

Otherwise, they will be the ones defeated!

"What should I do? These Inca green suits are simply beasts, they can even kill their own people!"

"Even if I leave the workshop, I can't get out of the door! It's over now, it's failed again!"

"I just said those Chinese people are unreliable! They have escaped so many times, but they have never succeeded!"

"We are going to receive more severe punishment! It's all the fault of those Chinese people!"

"There's no need for those security guards to take action, I want to kill those Chinese people right now!

I really regret messing around with them now.

If you just stay patient, you can at least survive! "

People around him were running and yelling.

They couldn't imagine what kind of revenge would be waiting for them after they returned to the workshop!

Brother Dongshan also looked frustrated. He looked at Chen Xin'an and sighed and said, "Chen Xin, we can't get out, we have failed!"

Everyone had already ran back to the workshop, and Brother Dongshan said to everyone: "Brothers, please remember this.

I planned this incident alone, so I alone bear the consequences! "

"Brother Dongshan!" Everyone screamed.

Chen Xin'an also looked at him with a puzzled expression and said, "Brother Dongshan, we haven't lost yet..."

Brother Dongshan smiled and patted his shoulder and said: "Forget it, Chen Xin!

No matter how hard you try, you can't get out!

They are colluding with the Inca green outfit, and it is difficult for us to fly!

Chen Xin, you are a capable person.

From now on, you will be the big brother in our dormitory No. 103!

I'm tired and don't want to hold on anymore.

Let them do whatever they want, it’s all a relief to me!

I just want to ask you a favor!


Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an grinned, patted his shoulder and said, "Brother Dongshan, what the hell! It's still early!

We can still play, now is the chance!

Look what I just found on those security guards? "

He spread his hands and raised them in front of Brother Dongshan.

"Lighter?" Brother Dongshan looked at the lighters in his hand strangely, frowned and asked, "What's the use of this thing? Do you want to smoke? Or..."

He seemed to be thinking of pouring something, his expression changed, he looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and shouted:


Chen Xin, aren’t you?

Want to play so big?

Do you know what the consequences will be if you do it? "

Chen Xin'an smiled and nodded, looked at him and said, "Of course! Otherwise, what do you think I came here to do?"

Brother Dongshan looked at Chen Xin'an in shock.

What do you mean?

Could it be that you came here on your own initiative?

How crazy is that person to do such a crazy thing?

A few minutes later, the security guards who had just returned to the workshop gritted their teeth and prepared to take revenge on these illegal workers.

But before they could get close to everyone, there was a huge explosion from the warehouse!

Then a raging fire shot into the sky!


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