Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1614 Now we are grasshoppers on a rope

Everyone was shocked and watched helplessly as the fire broke out from the warehouse and then thick smoke filled the air!

Chen Xin'an and Brother Dongshan ran out of the warehouse and shouted at the black workers who were still in a daze: "Why are you still standing there! Run!"

Only then did everyone react, screaming loudly and running away.

But the Inca green suit with loaded ammunition has already rushed over and blocked the workshop door!

Dakui shouted to Chen Xin and Brother Dongshan with frightened eyes: "Brother Xin, brother Dongshan, the door is blocked by Inca green clothes.

We are not allowed to leave the workshop and we will be burned alive! "

Chen Xin'an's eyes were cold.

Dingxin has been targeted by Moore.

If these black workers run away, that will be the biggest excuse for Moore!

Of course Dingxin will not make such a mistake and will definitely suppress it vigorously.

But even Chen Xin'an didn't expect that these beasts could be so cruel!

I would rather burn everyone to death than let anyone escape!

A group of Inca security guards stood outside the workshop door, swung the iron rods in their hands at the black workers who wanted to rush out, and beat several of them until their heads were bleeding.

Someone was pulling on the big iron door, trying to force it shut from the outside.

But there was a gunshot from behind.

The security guards turned around in horror, only to find those in Inca green clothes looking at them with cold eyes.

Raise the muzzle and signal them to enter the warehouse!

A group of security guards looked at these Inca green outfits in disbelief.

Are these bastards planning to burn them together with these illegal workers?

A young man in a crisp suit stood in front of the Inca green suit with a small speaker and shouted loudly to the Inca security guards.

Brother Dongshan stood next to Chen Xin'an and said to him: "This guy is the apparent boss of Dingxin Factory, his name is Zhong Xing.

Although he is Chinese, he is as ruthless as a snake and a scorpion!

They treat their compatriots even more blackheartedly than these Inca people!

He told these security guards that we workers must be allowed to stay quietly in the workshop, and he had already dispatched fire trucks to put out the fire.

There is an official event in the city today, and workers must not be allowed to run out.

These security guards need to keep an eye on us and not let us act recklessly anymore.

He gave each of these security guards a daily salary of 10,000 Indian dollars! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, just ten thousand Indian dollars, and he asked people to work for him?

Could these Inca security guards be that stupid?

Sure enough, an Inca security guard pointed at the smoke-filled warehouse and said something loudly to Zhong Xing.

Then he took off his upper body security uniform and threw it on the ground, quitting!

Turn around and walk outside.

But at this moment, there was a gunshot!

Zhong Xing held a pistol and screamed fiercely at a group of security guards without even looking at the body lying on the ground!

The security guards were shocked!

They didn't expect that the factory director would shoot them!

Someone wanted to resist, but the Inca green suit behind Zhong Xing snapped and raised his gun!

Chen Xin'an said to Brother Dongshan and Dakui: "Follow me!"

A group of Inca security guards walked into the workshop with downcast expressions and trepidation.

Just when they were about to close the door from the inside, someone suddenly shouted from behind: "Get out of the way!"

Everyone turned around and saw someone rolling a smoking raw material barrel on the ground, and they rushed over quickly!

Not just one, there are six or seven more behind!

When he came to the door, Chen Xin'an kicked the bucket to make the raw material bucket roll faster!

Looking at the barrels of raw materials rolling out of the workshop, Zhong Xing had an angry look on his face.

He yelled at the Inca green suit behind him, stepped forward to block these raw material barrels, and extinguished the flames above.

An Inca green man stood in front of the raw material barrel and kicked the barrel several times before it stopped.

He lowered his head and looked at the raw material barrel strangely, and then looked at the soles of his feet.

He reached out and touched the barrel, smelled his fingers, and his expression changed drastically!

He opened his mouth to shout, but at this moment, the raw material barrel in front of him exploded!


After a loud noise, the raw material barrel turned into a powder barrel and exploded directly!

The Inca green suit in front of him was unprepared and was instantly ignited, turning his whole body into a fireball!

He screamed miserably, ran two steps to the side, and then fell to the ground, rolling around!

The green suit next to him was startled and did not dare to step forward to help him put out the fire.

And they all avoided other raw material barrels, not daring to get close!

boom! boom!

Two more raw material barrels exploded and burst into flames!

Brother Dongshan grinned and said, "Brother Xin is so awesome!

These raw materials plus engine oil are really domineering!

New brother? "

He was stunned for a moment, Chen Xin was no longer around!

Ma Qiubai pointed outside and said to him, "He has already rushed out!"

Brother Dongshan became anxious when he heard this: "There are so many green suits with guns and ammunition outside, is he going to die if he rushes out alone?

We all go out and help him! "

"Death?" Ma Qiubai curled his lips, looked at Chen Xin'an who was moving quickly outside, shook his head and said:

"That's like you haven't seen him on the border mountains!

Otherwise you wouldn't say such things! "

Zeng Hai and Chen Sheng said to Brother Dongshan: "Brother Xin asked us to wait here, so let's wait honestly.

Rushing out will not only fail to help him, but will also become a burden to him! "

Brother Dongshan frowned.

How could so many of us be a burden to him?

Suddenly, gunshots rang out outside, and with a scream, a figure rushed into the crowd of green-clad people!

With a burst of dense gunshots, the Inca green-clad people were thrown to the ground!

When the group of green-clad people were looking for cover and preparing for battle, the figure had disappeared!

Soon, a person flashed in at the door of the workshop. It was Chen Xinan who had just rushed out alone!

At this moment, his protective suit was stained with blood, and five or six guns were slung over his shoulders and thrown to the ground.

"Those who have played with guns, take one yourself!" Chen Xinan said to everyone: "We are going to have a big fight!"

"Brother Xin!" Brother Dongshan stared at Chen Xinan with wide eyes, looking him up and down.

I didn't expect that he would dare to rush out in the situation just now.

I didn't expect that he could come back alive!

Chen Xinan knew what he was worried about, and smiled and said: "I'm fine!

But these guns are not enough!

We can only have a chance to survive and get out if we make things bigger!"

Brother Dongshan and the brothers beside him nodded.

All six guns were taken by the brothers in dormitory 103.

Chen Xinan took one and said to Brother Dongshan: "Help me call the security captain over!"

Brother Dongshan nodded, walked in front of the group of security guards and said something.

A tall black-skinned Inca followed him and looked at Chen Xinan with a complicated expression.

"Listen, I don't need to ask your opinion, I just want to tell you one thing.

Now we are all grasshoppers on the same rope. If we die, you can't live!

Dingxin doesn't regard you as one of their own at all.

Like us, you are also workers and illegal workers.

So if you want to survive, you must join forces.

If you want to stand aside, I will let my brothers get rid of you first, and then get rid of the Inca green suits outside!"

Brother Dongshan told the security captain what Chen Xinan said, and also told the workers around him.

At this time, everyone must work together and fight side by side!

The security captain looked at Chen Xinan, remembered his bravery outside just now, took a deep breath, and nodded.

Chen Xinan didn't waste any words and threw the gun in his hand to him!

"You have calluses on your hands. You must be retired green uniform, right? I hope you won't waste bullets!"

The security captain took the gun with some surprise, then pulled the bolt skillfully and checked the gun.

He raised his head and grinned at Chen Xinan, then clenched his right fist and beat his chest hard.

International universal hand gesture: Don't worry, leave it to me!


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