Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1615 I think they must really want to see you

The fire began to burn to the factory building, and thick smoke enveloped the entire factory area.

The fire truck sent by Zhong Xing didn't work at all. It didn't even have a chance to get close before it was blown out by the air wave of the explosion!

His plan to suppress this matter was completely in vain. Such thick smoke and fire were definitely not something he could hide.

With a livid face, he took out his cell phone and started making a call.

The biggest crisis now is not the illegal workers in front of us, but how to deal with the Kambahan City Hall!

So he no longer has the ability to handle it, and must let the big boss behind it handle it!

After the phone call, the boss over there scolded him bloody!

This is also to be expected.

This is what the Zhong family is like.

In the eyes of the patriarch, as long as he messes up one thing, he is considered a waste and must be punished!

These are all secondary. The most important problem to solve now is how to calm down this riot as soon as possible!

The best way is of course: go on a killing spree!

A cruel sneer appeared on Zhong Xing's face.

Be it illegal workers or security guards, they are all a bunch of insignificant ants.

If a group of people die, just recruit another group.

But reform matters can only be solved in reform.

Once outsiders get involved, it will be a big trouble and the losses will be unpredictable!

"Kill them all!" Zhong Xing gritted his teeth and shouted loudly to the Inca green suit next to him: "No exceptions, no one will be spared!"

Just the raw materials in the warehouse and the damage to the entire workshop are enough to make these bastards die ten thousand times!

But before Inca's green suit could fire, the opponent actually fired first!

After a few shots, four or five people in green clothes beside him fell down!

A green-suited commander's face changed drastically, and he shouted to his subordinates: "Look for bunkers, determine the target, and deal with the opponent's gunmen first!

Be careful, the other side has accurate gunmen..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly rolled to the ground.

A piece of cement splattered where he had just spoken. The other party listened to the argument in the smoke and shot him!

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he would have become a dead man now!

The Inca commander's expression changed.

Only people who have worn green clothing can do this!

The current situation is beginning to develop in a direction beyond his control!

And the biggest problem is that the fire is getting bigger and bigger and the smoke is getting thicker and thicker.

Their vision is severely limited, but the enemy is already close to them!

"Shoot! You're fucking shooting!" Zhong Xing yelled crazily and cursed at the green-suited men beside him:

"Did you grow up eating poop?

With so many guns, why are you afraid of the few guns they took away?

I give you so much money a year, are you raising a bunch of pigs?

No wonder some stowaways took care of your class!

You are a bunch of idiots!

Damn it, kill them all, bring me the leader, I will kill him with my own hands..."

Before he finished speaking, a voice suddenly came from beside him: "Are you looking for me?"

Zhong Xing was shocked.

When did a big living person come to my side?

He didn't even hear a sound!

Moreover, there are Inca green clothes all around, how did this guy get in?

Isn't he afraid of death?

Then, an ordinary face appeared in front of him.

But it was this man who, like a ghost, killed six green-suited men and stole six guns just now!

The entire green-suited team didn't even react. The battle was over and he was nowhere to be seen.

Now he actually appears in front of you!

Although Zhong Xing was scared, he raised his pistol and cursed through gritted teeth:

"Fuck you!"


Gunfire sounded, but Chen Xin'an in front of him stood behind him like a ghost.

One hand grabbed his gun hand, the other wrapped around his waist...

If this position were replaced by a man and a woman, it would be a very intimate way of teaching a girl how to shoot.

But if it were two men, it would be very weird!

What's even weirder is that every time Zhong Xing shoots, he will hit an Inca green suit.

They were all shot between the eyebrows and killed with one shot!

The Inca green-suited commander yelled and cursed, telling his men to scatter in all directions!

At the same time, he also shot at Zhong Xing!

Zhong Xing's body trembled continuously and he was shot at least three times.

He shouted loudly: "It's not me! You can't shoot!"

But his right hand was still held by Chen Xin'an, who kept shooting at those Inca green suits!

At the same time, several black workers bent over and ran over under the cover of smoke, picked up the gun next to the Inca body on the ground, turned around quickly, and were hidden in the smoke again!

Of course, the Inca commander in green also knew that Zhong Xing did not shoot at them intentionally, but was controlled by others.

But they can't not fight back just because of this!

Now they are truly attacking indiscriminately.

As long as someone comes close, they will shoot!

At this moment, a grunting sound came, and the Inca green-suited commander's hair stood on end.

This sound was the most terrifying sound he heard today.

Looking around, I saw two raw material barrels rolling over in the thick smoke.

Oil has been poured on it and it's still smoking!

This area is where the Inca green equipment hit. How did the enemy know their location accurately?

Before he had time to think about it, the conductor in green shouted loudly: "Disperse!"

Along with his shouting, two bullets hit the two raw material barrels one after another!

At this moment, the raw material barrel exploded and fire exploded!

Before a group of Inca green-clad people could react, they were lifted up by the air wave.

At the same time, their bodies were already ignited with blazing flames!

The bullets in the pistol were empty, and Chen Xin'an dragged Zhong Xing back.

Zhong Xing was in unbearable pain, gritted his teeth and said, "Who are you? Chinese, right? Then you should know who I am!

Even if you just came here and don't know me, you should have heard of the name Qingxi Zhong Family.

Let me tell you, I am from the Zhong family!

Do you know what will happen if you offend someone from the Zhong family?

Let me go and you can go!


Chen Xin'an lowered her head and asked him, "Have you called Zhong Hongyi?"

Zhong Xing was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed drastically!

"How do you know my uncle?

who are you?

What the hell do you want to do? "

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, she just dug her fingers directly into the wound on his body, and then tore it to the side!

"Ah!" Zhong Xing cried loudly.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "Remember, when I ask you questions, you must answer honestly!

Now tell me, have you called Zhong Hongyi?

When will he come? "

How could Zhong Xing dare to talk nonsense? He cried and said: "Beat! Already beaten!"

But he's not in Cambahan!

He said try to get there before dark! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Then I can wait for him instead of looking for him!"

Zhong Xing could tell that this man was probably an enemy of the Zhong family, and he was the kind of person who would fight to the death with his uncle.

Therefore, he gave up the idea of ​​living. After all, with the injuries on his body, if he was not sent to a doctor in time, he would not be able to survive!

"Kill me and give me pleasure!" Zhong Xing looked generous and awe-inspiring, gritting his teeth and said:

"I'm still a good man after eighteen years!

Just kill me, I have killed a lot of people anyway, this life is worth it! "

Chen Xin'an ignored it and just dragged him forward.

Zhong Xing said angrily: "Where are you going to take me?"

Chen Xin'an raised the corner of her mouth and said to him: "We're here, I think they would like to see you!"

In front, there are all the illegal workers who just ran out of the workshop!

Zhong Xing collapsed instantly and knelt on the ground, shouting in horror:

“Please, for the sake of my compatriots, kill me!

Don't leave me to them! "

"Compatriot?" Chen Xin'an grabbed his hair, pointed at the three mountains outside the Western Wall and said, "Go and plead with them!"


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