Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1616 You are worthy of showing off your achievements to me

He pinched Zhong Xing's neck and threw him into the crowd like a chicken!

Even Chen Xin'an didn't want to look at the next scene.

It's like throwing a normal person into a group of zombies.

It can still ensure the integrity of the body, which is the best ending for this person!

The burned skin gave off a pungent burnt smell. The green-suited commander shook his head and got up from the ground.

There were several corpses of his men lying beside him, and not far away there were several men in green clothes who were screaming miserably and beating the flames on their bodies.

Da da da!

After several gunshots, the green-suited men fell into a pool of blood.

Soon some black workers rushed over and picked up their guns!

"Damn!" the green-suited commander yelled, raised his gun and knocked down two black workers who failed to retreat in time, and then shouted: "Retreat! Evacuate the factory first!"

An Inca green-suited man responded in a trembling voice: "Report to the commander, they have controlled the gate!"

The green-suited commander made a quick decision and shouted to him: "Go and drive and hit the south wall! Quick!"

After a while, a truck spray-painted in camouflage colors roared over and then slammed into the south wall like an iron bull!


A large wall collapsed and the car got stuck in the middle and stalled.

The conductor in green shouted loudly: "Go! Get out quickly!"

A group of green-clad men fled out of the gap in embarrassment. They ran for thousands of meters in one breath and stopped.

Glancing at the brothers beside him, the green suit was startled and asked loudly: "Where are the others!"

There are only seven or eight people here?

Didn’t the rest of the people follow?

The frightened Inca squad leader in green clothes in front of him said with a cry: "There is no one left!

There are more than 3,000 people in that damn factory, not 300!

Our brothers are surrounded by them!

They are simply hungry wolves with no humanity!

Our brothers were all killed by them! "

The green-suited commander was dizzy and almost collapsed to the ground!

Three whole squads of troops!

Just these seven or eight people?

Is the rest already folded inside?

There are no such heavy casualties in wars, right?

Why did you lose so miserably?

He looked gloomy and said to the squad leader: "Contact the base immediately and send an army over to quell the chaos!"

Dingxin Factory has completely fallen into the hands of illegal workers.

Chen Xin'an has already told Brother Dongshan and asked him to tell everyone.

Don't rush to leave the factory, otherwise you will definitely not live long!

Now that the Inca green outfit is involved in this matter, there are now enemies outside.

As long as an illegal worker is found running away from the Dingxin factory, there is only one way to deal with it: shoot to death!

Illegal work is an unspoken and unspoken rule of Kanbahan Enterprises, and naturally it cannot be exposed to the public.

Otherwise, international public opinion can put all the companies in Kanbahan into disaster!

Only when the real big boss of Dingxin Factory is solved, or someone can really clear up a series of subsequent troubles for everyone, can this battle be truly won!

Before that, everyone must stick to the factory!

There is more than a warehouse and a workshop here.

In order to save greater losses, the big boss behind Dingxin will definitely show up!

What everyone has to do now is to put out the fire first.

Don't let the fire spread throughout the facility.

Otherwise, it will become a ruin and all value will be lost.

Listening to Brother Dongshan's call, some nodded in agreement, while others expressed dissatisfaction.

A burly blond man cursed Brother Dongshan:

"Shut up! Damn Chinese!

What qualifications do you have to order us to obey your orders?

Now this place has become our world.

If we don’t leave at this time and wait for those green-suited people to call more people, we won’t be able to leave if we want to! "

"Hanles, you're right! We don't have to listen to the orders of these Chinese people!"

"I just killed two green-suited men by myself! How many of these Chinese dwarfs did you kill?"

"Now I can go wherever I want, and no one can stop me! I don't want to stay in this damn place for a minute anymore!"

Brother Dongshan cursed loudly: "You can't cross the river and burn the bridge like this!

If Brother Xin hadn't led us in doing things, we wouldn't have the results we have now!

Only when we unite can we have the confidence to negotiate with those people.

Otherwise, they will eventually be defeated one by one, and everything achieved now will be lost..."

"Listen, I don't want to hear your nonsense!" Hans pointed at Brother Dongshan and cursed: "But if you want to stop me, I don't mind killing you!"

The blonds and black people surrounding him all looked at Brother Dongshan with evil eyes.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an left the crowd expressionlessly and walked towards Hans.

Sensing that he was coming from an unkind person, Hans shouted angrily: "Stop! If you take another step forward, I won't be polite!"

Chen Xinruo ignored it and walked straight over!

Hales raised the muzzle of the gun, but hesitated and put it down.

He clenched his fist and smashed it at Chen Xin'an!

But suddenly, the person in front of him disappeared.

The opponent appeared next to him like a ghost, and punched him hard in the stomach!

At this moment, Hans's face became as pale as paper, and he bent down and started vomiting!

"Damn it!" A black man raised his gun and pointed it at Chen Xin'an's head!


There was a gunshot, and a blond man behind Chen Xin'an fell to the ground!

Many people saw with their own eyes that after the shooting, the moment the bullet came out of the chamber, Chen Xin'an twisted his body to the side, barely avoiding the bullet!

Horrible people!

Terrible reflexes!

The next second, Chen Xin'an kneeled into the black man's abdomen.

The black man screamed and spat out a mouthful of blood!

Immediately afterwards, he was swept to the ground by Chen Xin'an.

At the same time, the gun in his hand was snatched away by the opponent!

Just as the black man was about to get up, the still hot muzzle of the gun was pressed against his forehead.

"Don't..." Just as the black man opened his mouth, there was a gunshot and the bullet penetrated his head!

Chen Xin'an was standing next to the black man, holding a rifle adjusted to a single shot in his right hand.

The muzzle of the gun was pressed against the black man's head, and the trigger was pulled one after another.

His left hand was outstretched, pointing at Hales and the others who had been making a fuss.

With one shot, he would just nod a person's head!

The people he called were the ones who screamed the loudest just now.

It was as if his finger was the muzzle of the gun and a bullet would be fired when he clicked it!

He fired five shots and clicked five times.

The black man at his feet had his head smashed!

It wasn't just this man's cruelty that made Hans' hands and feet feel cold and he didn't dare to disobey in the slightest.

Just like that, with a single shot, one shot after another broke a person's head without blinking an eye!

What's even more frightening is that he held a gun with one hand and kept firing.

But the muzzle of the gun seemed to have no recoil and was always pressed against the black man's head!

Even he who had joined the Marine Corps would not be able to do this kind of gun-suppressing method!

Chen Xin'an threw the rifle, which was still bleeding, to Zeng Hai.

He looked at the foreigners, pointed at them and cursed: "Think about the life you lived in this place before today!

What do you look like one by one?

More obedient than a dog, more docile than a rabbit!

We Chinese opened the door for you and got the guns.

You begin to feel that you have stood up and become a human being?

Without me, none of you are dogs!

This battle has not yet been fought, and you want to show off your achievements in front of me without being commanded?

One of you counts as one, which one is more suitable?

You can leave if you want, but leave the gun and get out! "

Brother Dongshan translated Chen Xin'an's words to everyone.

Thousands of people in the audience were silent.

Chen Xin'an tilted her head and looked at Hans.

He was so frightened that he knelt on the ground on one knee, lowered his head and said to Chen Xin'an:

"I am willing to obey your command! I will never betray you!"


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