Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1627 This matter can be resolved, but it cannot be ended

A bright light roared out with white eyes and went straight to Zhong Hongyi, Mohad and Master Mu Zhu.

Both Moore and Garp were dumbfounded with their mouths wide open and their eyes wide open!

They didn't expect that this guy would dare to fire RPG in front of them!

Zhong Hongyi and the other three were even more unexpected.

It was Master Muzhu who reacted first, grabbed Mohad by the collar, and ran forward quickly!

Zhong Hongyi also changed his expression instantly and speeded up!

It’s just that no matter how high your kung fu is, you still can’t do light kung fu and you can’t fly!

Master Muzhu could escape by himself, but it would be a bit inconvenient to take someone with him!

Zhong Hongyi even suffered an injury to his leg, which affected his movements.

The three of them were directly carried away by the blast of air and fell heavily to the ground!

"Chen Xin!" Moore became angry and shouted.

The policemen and green-suited policemen on the other side of the bridge are all running this way!

Chen Xin'an's actions have aroused public outrage!

Garp glared at Chen Xin'an, gritted his teeth and asked, "Did you kill my people?"

Just now, I told Moore that I had found the murderer who killed the green suit on the border. In fact, it was not just an excuse.

Now that he saw how bold this guy was, Garp had a premonition.

One of his subordinates who died on the border is probably inseparable from the guy in front of him!

However, he didn't speak Chinese, and Chen Xin'an couldn't understand Inca, but she guessed what he meant.

He didn't answer, but pointed at Guo Dongshan's body at the gate.

Then he stretched out his thumb and index finger, made a gun look, pointed it at Garp's head, and made a bang sound in his mouth!

Garp gritted his teeth and cursed, reaching out to take out the gun from his waist!

Chen Xin'an stretched out his hand, and Erkui threw a rifle next to him.


When Chen Xin'an received the gun, he opened the gun and aimed it at Gap's head!

The Gap gun stopped halfway after taking out the gun.

Because he could feel it, if he moved again, the other party would definitely shoot!

But Chen Xin'an turned his gun and fired a burst of fire at Zhong Hongyi and Mohad in the middle of the bridge!

Both Zhong Hongyi and Mohad are a little miserable now.

Even though he escaped direct damage from the high-explosive warhead, he was still covered in blood and scarred by the aftermath!

Even Master Muzhu is in a sorry state.

A large piece of the monk's robe was torn on the back and dripping with blood.

He ignored his injuries and just checked Mohad's body.

Although he is not dead yet, he is seriously injured!

This made Master Muzhu really angry!

Although he couldn't stand this guy, after all, the Balosa family spent a lot of money to invite him.

This kid almost lost his life right under his nose. This was like slapping his Mu Zhu Master directly in the face!

He stood up from the ground, turned around with a sullen face, looked at Chen Xin'an, and strode over!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an picked up his rifle and fired in this direction!

Master Muzhu used both hands to flick away the bullets flying in front of him and those that might hurt Mohad behind him!

When he was less than ten meters away from Chen Xin'an, he took off the beads from his neck.


With a flick of Master Muzhu's finger, a Buddhist bead flew faster than a bullet and shot into Chen Xin'an's chest!

Depend on!

What a perverted finger power!

Chen Xin'an knew that she couldn't hide, so the only thing she could do was to move her body as much as possible to avoid the fatal part!


The prayer beads were inserted into Chen Xin'an's chest and came out from behind!

Chen Xin'an was hit by a strong force and fell backward into the air.

At the same time, he threw away the rifle in his hand, but picked up the RG that he just dropped on the ground!

Master Muzhu's expression changed, and he quickly retreated back to Mohad!

He may not be afraid of guns, but he cannot be afraid of cannons!

With Mohad's current injury, there is no way he can dodge this shot, and he will definitely be blown to pieces!

But he didn't expect that what Chen Xin'an was carrying was just an empty cylinder, and he had no warhead.

At this moment, a large number of Inca policemen and green-clad soldiers rushed over and quickly separated the two sides.

Moore angrily cursed at Chen Xin'an, "Are you crazy?

Where do you think this is?

I have already said that the decision just made is the final result. Do you understand?

Do you have to fight to the death to be satisfied?

By then, how many of the more than 3,000 people do you think will survive?

Do you want to save them?

Or do you want them to die with you? "

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said with a gloomy face, "This result is not the result I want, nor is it the result everyone wants.

Let them go, I'm sorry for those brothers who died before!

I'm also sorry for the souls who died unjustly in those three mountains!

But you're right, I can't drag so many people to die together!

So this matter can be solved as you said.

But these three people must die!

Don't worry, I will seek their lives myself and not embarrass you.

You can stop me however you want! "

Moore's face looked uncertain.

He knew that Chen Xin was not someone under his control.

Even his wife told him last night not to provoke Chen Xin, and to do everything possible to protect his Zhou Quan.

He didn't know why his wife was so nervous and attached great importance to this person, and he didn't dare to ask more questions.

After all, his success today and even in the future depends on his wife's support.

Chen Xin'an turned around and walked into the door without looking at the people in front of her.

All the black workers gathered around him in darkness.

Everyone's tomorrow is related, and no one is nervous.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone, "Kambahan officials are coming to take over this place tonight.

They will register everyone and then send you away from the Inca and back to your homes.

From now on, you are free! "

No one cheered, no one jumped for joy.

No one seems to be able to accept this fact.

After a while, I heard someone crying.

So as if they were infected, more people began to cry.

Chen Xinan also had no organization, allowing everyone to vent their emotions freely.

Ma Qiubai wiped away her tears and said to Chen Xin'an, "Brother Xin, what about you? I'll go with you!"

Erkui also nodded and said, "Brother Xin, I'll go back with you too!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "I may be a few days late, and I still have some things to deal with.

And I can’t go through normal channels, I can only go back how I came here! "

He cannot leave entry and exit records at the customs, so he can only go back illegally.

Unexpectedly, Ma Qiubai and Erkui said, "We are too! Brother Xin, where are you going?"

We will follow you and wait for you to go back together! "

Just when Chen Xin'an was about to refuse, Erkui said to him, "Brother Xin, my eldest brother and I both committed crimes at home.

Once you go back openly, you will definitely go in!

I want to go back, but I can only go back secretly.

Brother Xin, please take me with you! "

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and said to everyone, "How many of them are inconvenient to fly back?"

Unexpectedly, some people actually raised their hands. Chen Xin'an took a look and saw that there were twenty or thirty people!

Frowning, Chen Xin'an said to Ma Qiubai and Erkui, "Let me draw a road map, which is the way we came.

Someone will come back to you tonight to help me take care of her.

If I'm not back after 48 hours, I will arrange for someone to take you to the border.

Go back yourselves.

Lao Ma, Er Kui, these brothers, I leave it to you!

If someone reports my name to join, you can take him with you! "

"Got it!" Ma Qiubai and Erkui nodded solemnly.

Hales came over, punched his heart three times with his right fist, and then stretched out his hand.

Chen Xin'an also reached out and held his hand.

Hans looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Never forget that in the distant Eagle Flag Country, there is still your friend, Jon Hans!

Always will be! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay! I hope we will remain good friends throughout our lives!"

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