Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1626 Let’s just forget about it

Even if his leg was injured, it would not have much impact on the punch just now.

So Zhong Hongyi knows how heavy his punch is.

But the guy in front of him actually confronted him head-on!

And vaguely, not only did he not fall behind, he seemed to have a slight advantage!

After all, he only took one step back!

This guy's strength is definitely not as weak as he showed before!

But if you are like him and are just a master of inner strength, you will not be caught doing illegal work in the factory!

Such a master can't be said to be rampant in the world, but he can't be easily manipulated by others.

Chen Xin'an didn't answer, just flicked her wrist, looked at Zhong Hongyi with excited eyes and said, "Come again!"

Zhong Hongyi looked at Chen Xin'an coldly and said, "Do you believe that as long as I raise my right hand now, a gun will blow off your head?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at the other end of the bridge, then looked into the distance with a sneer on her lips.

He squinted his eyes and said to Zhong Hongyi, "Then do you believe that you will die in front of me?"

Mohad on the side scolded Zhong Hongyi, "Why are you nagging him so much?

Just let the sniper kill him!

It would be unnecessary to come over and negotiate with them.

It doesn't matter if we let those green-suited attackers enter the factory and kill them all!

How dare a group of untouchables resist our Brahsha family?

Even if we kill them all, there won't be any trouble! "

Chen Xin'an sneered and said, "Okay, then there's no need to talk about it!

Just let the green outfit take action and see if they will listen to you! "

Mohad said with a mocking look, "Those green outfits all took my money, how dare they..."

Before he finished speaking, he seemed to hear something and turned his head to look.

On the road in the distance, police lights connected into a long dragon, roaring towards this side!

these people……

Mohad glanced at Zhong Hongyi, with a solemn look on his face.

Since last night, the police in Kambahan have been acting a little strange, as if they are out of control!

Now they are not allowed to come at all, why do they seem to be mobilized in full force?

And it’s not just Cambahan’s police prowess.

It seems like I borrowed help from somewhere else!

The team of police cars stopped not far from the military vehicle.

Moore jumped out of the car and shouted to a man in green clothing who was standing in front of him, "Call your commander over!"

The man in front of me is the king of Kambahan!

The green suit didn't dare to disobey, so he turned around and ran away.

After a while, the commander in green came over, gave Moore a military salute, and said to him, "Moll, what are you doing here?"

Moll burst out laughing, looked at him sideways and said, "Garp, I should ask you this, right?"

This is not a border. Are you bringing an army here to fight?

If such a scene is reported to me, you, the commander, will be judged! "

Gap said coldly, “The people who massacred our brothers at the border are hiding here.

We are just here to avenge our fallen brothers!

Even if it brings trouble to the top leadership, I'm not afraid! "

"Okay!" Moore waved, and someone came behind him holding a remote control.

Moore pointed to the top of his head and said, "The drone has been following and taking pictures. Then let's report what happened here to the higher ups!"

Garp's expression changed, and he looked at Moll with a gloomy face and asked, "Moll, what do you want?"

Moll then showed a proud smile and said to Garp, "Get out of here.

And Mr. Gap had better vote for me in next year's election.

Don't worry, I won't let your vote go in vain.

I know that the little military expenditure allocated from above is simply not enough.

I will give you double the amount of money Dingxin will give you in the future.

If I succeed in the election, this number will be doubled again! "

Garp stared at Moll, then watched him raise three fingers of his right hand.

In the Incas, this was a gesture of oath to the main god.

Only then did Garp believe what More said, saluted him again, and then waved to his men!

All the green outfits got on the bus and started to retreat, but they didn’t leave.

Far away, just parked behind the police car.

Seeing such a scene, Zhong Hongyi and Mohad also changed their expressions.

Without the help of the green outfit, they alone would not be able to deal with these more than 3,000 illegal workers!

Mohad shouted angrily, "These damn bastards!

They are all a bunch of scoundrels who only take money and do nothing! They all deserve to die!

What about the security guards in the factory?

They are all hand picked by me!

I can't believe that everyone betrayed me! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him and asked, "You are indeed an idiot!"

"You dare to scold me?" Mohad glared at Chen Xin'an.

He was very unhappy during this time.

It seems that it started when I went to China.

Nothing he does is satisfactory, and his anger becomes stronger day by day.

Chen Xin'an looked at him as if he were a fool, pointed to the much smaller fire next to him and said

"Isn't that your security guard? Don't you care about the environment when you come here?"

Mohad turned his head in shock.

When he came over just now, although he smelled the smell of burning, he only glanced at the burning corpse and didn't look at it more.

In the Incas, after almost everyone died, their bodies were burned in the open by the river.

So this kind of scene is common.

However, he never imagined that these corpses were all security guards in his factory!

All of them were killed!

Mohad's face turned pale, and he finally realized the seriousness of the matter!

At this moment, Moore came over with Garp.

He told everyone, “Starting from today, Dingxin Company will be sealed off.

You will be considered persona non grata in Cambahan, leave here within two days, and never come back! "

"How dare you..." Mohad gritted his teeth and looked at Moll, then glanced at Garp.

Moll sneered and said to him, "No matter how long the hands of the Borasa family extend, they can't reach my head, Moll!"

Kambahan is not a place for you to be arrogant. Get out of here with me immediately. Do you understand? "

Mohad gritted his teeth angrily, and Zhong Hongyi said sullenly beside him, "Mohad, no need to waste your words!"

Chen Xin'an couldn't understand what they were saying and didn't want to hear it. She just asked coldly, "What should I do with these illegal workers?"

Moore looked at him and said, "From now on, Dingxin will enter the bankruptcy liquidation process.

Everything here will be sold.

The money sold was used as travel expenses for those people to return home.

However, Cambahan will advance the money.

Starting tomorrow, arrangements will be made for them to return home through various means.

After a while, someone will come into the factory to register.

Are you satisfied with this result? "

Chen Xin'an pointed at Zhong Hongyi and Mohad and asked, "What about them? Just let them go like this?"

Then he pointed at Gap and said, "What about him? Military-business collusion, just forget it?"

These green outfits were just following orders and could not be held accountable.

But as a commander, he must bear responsibility for the orders he issues.

Are you just letting it go? "

Everyone’s faces turned dark!

Moir walked up to Chen Xin'an and lowered his voice and said to him, "Chen Xin, just stop when you're ready, don't push yourself too far!

I have reached an agreement with Gap and punished the Balosa family.

This result is acceptable to everyone.

If you continue to cause trouble, this matter will not end well!

This is a matter of Inca politics and officialdom, and you Chinese people don’t understand it.

This is also the result of my discussion with your sister Ying. You should stop messing around! "

Chen Xin'an said nothing.

Mohr turned his head and shouted to Zhong Hongyi and Mohad, "Aren't you leaving yet?"

Mohad wanted to yell and curse, but Zhong Hongyi pulled him away and left with Master Muzhu.

Chen Xin'an turned around and cursed, "Fuck your politics!"

Moore frowned and shouted to him, "What did you say?"

Chen Xin'an had already reached the gate and waved.

He took the RG handed over by Hales and cursed, "I said, go to hell with politics!"

Then he pressed his finger and pressed the trigger!

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