Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1625 Chinese people don’t lie to Chinese people

After explaining a few words to Ma Qiubai and Hans, Chen Xinan walked towards the group of people at the bridge alone.

Seeing Chen Xin'an walking over, Zhong Hongyi shook his head.

It's strange. He is obviously an unknown person, but why does he feel like he has seen him before?

Mohad stepped forward with a curse and cursed at Chen Xin'an, "You are the only one who took over my factory with those ants?

Do you really know that you are going against the Balosa family?

Listen to me, go back to the workshop immediately, and go to work!

If you dare to cause trouble again, I will kill you all!

As for you..."

Zhong Hongyi rolled his eyes.

This guy is really stupid!

If people were afraid of your Balosa family, they wouldn't be so big!

I have no choice but to do business with such a fool.

If he hadn't valued the influence of the Borosa family in Inca, Zhong Hongyi would not have been willing to play with such an idiot!

Sure enough, before Mohad finished speaking, the person opposite suddenly moved and kicked him!

There was no other way, they were allies after all, and Zhong Hongyi didn't want to watch Mohad being beaten to death.

He turned to one side and kicked out, the second one coming first, and with a bang, he kicked Chen Xin'an in the leg.

Chen Xin'an took two steps back, covering her chest, and her face turned pale.

Zhong Hongyi curled his lips.

The strength is not good!

In front of him, it's not enough to fight!

The monk beside him always lowered his eyes and counted the Buddhist beads around his neck with his right hand, as if what was happening in front of him had nothing to do with him.

Zhong Hongyi looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Brother, we are all Chinese and have something to say.

All the troubles caused are just for seeking money.

I'll give you 100,000, and you can convince those workers to continue working.

How about you being the workshop director and taking care of them? "

When Mohad saw that this guy dared to attack him just now, he was already furious and cursed at Chen Xin'an

"Give you a chance, don't be ungrateful!

Do you really think that with just you local dogs and a few broken guns, you can dominate my factory and become the king?

Can't you see who is standing on the other side of the bridge?

If you dare to refuse, I will give the order right now to have those green-suited bastards kill you all! "

Zhong Hongyi took a deep breath, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "All this trouble is just to get something!

So if you have any requirements, just ask, and I can satisfy you if I can! "

"Really?" Chen Xin'an raised his head and looked at Zhong Hongyi with squinted eyes.

Are you impressed so easily?

A disdainful sneer appeared on Mohad's face.

Zhong Hongyi nodded and said, "Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people!"

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at Zhong Hongyi and said, "I only have one request."

He pointed at Mohad and said to Zhong Hongyi, "Kill him, and I will ask the brothers to surrender and continue working!"

"What the hell are you talking about!" Mohad's face turned dark and he yelled at Chen Xin'an.

Zhong Hongyi said to Chen Xin'an with a straight face, "This is meaningless! I gave you the opportunity, but you didn't cherish it!

If it weren't for the sake of your compatriots, you..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "Can you please don't say the word compatriot in front of me?

If you treat beasts like you as compatriots, there wouldn't be so many illegal workers.

We won't let them live such a dark life!

There would be no three mountains of earth at the back.

What happened today will never happen!

So to say the word compatriot from the hands of an old beast like you is simply disgusting! "

"Presumptuous!" Zhong Hongyi shouted angrily, raised his left hand, and headed straight for Chen Xin'an's door with the iron walnut in his hand.

I had no intention of talking to you in the first place.

Such conditions are just to confuse you.

After turning the factory into this, you still want to sit down and negotiate with me face to face?

Do you really think that I, Zhong Hongyi, am easy to bully?

If you are not fooled, then go to hell!

My strength has been tested just now, and it would be effortless to kill you!

But what he didn't expect was that the moment he threw the iron walnut, the other party actually took out a pistol from his arms!

Bang bang!

With two gunshots, all his iron walnuts were blown away!

At the same time, the opponent's gun turned and shot at him and Mohad at the same time!

Zhong Hongyi's face was ashen, his legs did not move, and his upper body bent backwards to avoid the bullet!

After entering the realm of inner strength, all aspects of the body have changed greatly from ordinary people.

Eyesight, strength, speed, reaction, etc., all have been greatly improved.

With just a small pistol, it is difficult to cause substantial damage to an internal strength master.

But what Chen Xin'an didn't expect was the bullet that hit Mohad's head.

The great monk pinched it easily with two fingers as if he was picking a flower!

This hand made Chen Xin'an shrink his eyes, even he couldn't do it so easily.

"How dare you shoot me?" Mohad glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed angrily.

He turned his head and shouted to the great monk, "Master Mu Zhu, kill him!"

The great monk lowered his eyes, dropped the bullet in his hand on the ground, continued to twist the beads, and ignored him at all.

An angry Mohad gritted his teeth and shouted to Zhong Hongyi, "Uncle Zhong, did you see it? This guy dared to shoot me! Help me kill him!"

"Shut up..." Zhong Hongyi was about to scold him, but he remembered that he was in Inca now, and there would be many places where this guy would be useful in the future, so he couldn't bear it.

He took a deep breath and said to Mohad, "Can I handle this matter?"

Mohad glanced at him and then at Master Muzhu, knowing that neither of these two people could be moved by his command.

He just snorted, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll see how you handle it!"

Zhong Hongyi stopped paying attention to him, turned to look at Chen Xin'an and said, "Friends, we have finished testing each other, and now we can talk about business...

Can you put your pistol away first, so you don't have to keep pointing it at me like this!

Since you are a fellow martial artist, you also know that this thing looks very scary, but it is actually useless to people like us..."

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at Zhong Hongyi sideways and said, "It's useless? It depends on who uses it!"

As he spoke, he lowered his arm, pointed the gun at Zhong Hongyi's legs, and fired several shots again!

A pistol actually fired like a burst of fire!

As Chen Xin'an quickly pulled the trigger, bullets shot at Zhong Hongyi's legs intensively!

Zhong Hongyi's expression changed and he stomped on the spot like a rabbit!

It is true that he is a master of internal energy, but after all, he is old and his hands can still keep up with his reactions, but his legs are not as flexible as when he was young!

With a scream, a ball of blood spurted out from Zhong Hongyi's right leg, and his body staggered to the side.

It's a pity that Chen Xin'an's pistol has emptied the magazine at this time!

There was no spare magazine on him, and Chen Xin'an also looked regretful. He threw away the empty gun and said coldly to Zhong Hongyi, "You are lucky!"

Fortunately, at the moment of injury, Zhong Hongyi's instinctive reaction caused his right leg bone to avoid the bullet and only tore off a piece of flesh.

But for Zhong Hongyi, the pain was unbearable and even more humiliating!

He roared angrily and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, took half a step back, and then punched out!


The two fought fist to fist, a hard blow!

At the moment of contact, Zhong Hongyi's expression changed. After the punch, he took two steps back, looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise and asked, "Who are you!"

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