Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1624 Do you want such happiness?

All the corpses were cleared out, pulled to the gate on small cars, and piled at the bridge.

It was doused with gasoline and set on fire.

And the corpses of those Incas dressed in green were all neatly lined up next to them and were not burned.

It’s not that Chen Xin’an wants to show her favor to the Inca green outfit.

It's just that as green outfits, they follow orders and fight, which is understandable.

Chen Xin'an has no hatred towards them.

These inconsistent and wavering Inca security guards are what Chen Xin'an hates the most.

Not to mention burning, he can do anything like crushing bones and raising ashes!

"Where's the new brother?" Ma Qiubai ran over from the stairs and asked Erkui who was standing outside the office door.

Erkui pointed behind him: "He's inside, don't disturb him now!"

"How long has it been and he is still thinking about this kind of thing!" Ma Qiubai was furious and cursed: "If it's an emergency, get out of the way!"

Erkui's expression changed and he scolded him: "Are you crazy? Do you dare to interfere in Brother Xin's affairs?"

Ma Qiubai frowned and said: "Brothers' heads are still tied to their waists, but he is enjoying himself here! Why can't I take care of it?"

During the battle just now, some female employees ran out of the office building and wanted to escape!

All of them are young and beautiful white-collar women.

In ordinary times, if these little lambs waiting to be slaughtered fell into the hands of these rough guys, how would they fare well?

It's possible to eat them alive!

But now that there is a war, no one has time to think about those things.

So they all were driven back to the office building.

They all entered the factory director's office.

Now, Chen Xin is inside.

Ma Qiubai knew that Chen Xin'an needed to vent now.

Killing is one way, and finding a woman is also another way.

This guy is not afraid of being exhausted. Can he handle so many beauties on his own?

But now is not the time to play with women!

Ma Qiubai was also afraid of Chen Xin, but now, he felt that he should be a critic!

In special times, a strong-willed person like him is needed to stand up and point out the leader's complacency.

The battle is not over yet!

He pushed Erkui away and knocked on the door.

After a while, someone opened the door from the inside.

It's a female secretary wearing a short skirt.

Ma Qiubai pushed him away, strode in, and said to Chen Xin'an, who was sitting on the sofa, shirtless:

"Brother Xin, someone is looking for you at the gate, saying they want to negotiate. I think you can't..."

Before he finished speaking, he stared at Chen Xin sitting on the sofa with his mouth open.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an had a pile of scissors, tweezers, gauze, needlework and other tools in front of him.

The clear water in the nearby basin has turned into blood.

There were shocking blood stains on his body and on the sofa!

There were at least three wounds on his upper body. On the tray next to him, there were three bullets that had just been taken out of the body and were still stained with blood!

Two women stood nearby with bloody hands and pale faces.

There were seven or eight women standing by the window, looking frightened and not daring to come near.

They have never seen a person be so cruel to them!

Dare to cut open your own body with a knife, put your hand in, and pick out the bullet with your fingers!

Then he sewed it up himself.

All they can do is help thread the needle.

There is a bottle of high-strength liquor for disinfection on the coffee table.

As soon as Chen Xin'an stretched out his hand, the female secretary ran over and handed the bottle of wine into his hand.

Holding the wine bottle, Chen Xin'an took a swig of wine and winked at the female secretary.

The female secretary bit her lip and shook her head.

Chen Xin'an frowned, and the female secretary looked at him with a resentful look. She reluctantly picked up a lighter, lit it with a click, and gently raised it in front of him.


Chen Xin'an spit out the wine in her mouth against the flame of the lighter.

Under the exclamations of the girls, a ball of flames roared and fell on Chen Xin'an.

Accompanied by the smell of burning flesh, the newly sutured wounds were forcibly stuck together with blood scabs.

Chen Xin'an didn't say a word, but there were dense beads of sweat on his forehead.

Ma Qiubai and Erkui watched with horror.

Then Erkui turned around and kicked Ma Qiubai with tears in his eyes!

Do you really think that the new brother is having fun inside?

Are you willing to let you be so romantic and happy?

He was so seriously injured that he hid here to heal in order to avoid worrying everyone and affecting his morale.

Why the hell do you still think he got carried away after winning the battle?

Ma Qiubai looked ashamed and lowered his head.

Chen Xin'an tightly wrapped the injured area with gauze.

The female secretary wanted to come over to help, but he glared at him and backed away obediently.

Picking up his clothes, Chen Xin'an asked Ma Qiubai, "What's the matter?"

Ma Qiubai took a deep breath and said to him: "Brother Xin, someone claims to be the boss of Dingxin and wants to talk to you!"

Chen Xin'an asked him: "Is he an old man with gray hair on his temples and dark skin, holding two iron walnuts in his left hand?"

Ma Qiubai's eyes widened and he looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

Is the new brother a god, a prophet?

He quickly nodded vigorously and said to him: "There is also a young Inca man who is darker than the old man. He doesn't look like a good guy. And there is..."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Xin'an's mouth.

finally come!

Zhong Hongyi, Mohad, have you washed your necks?

He put on his clothes and asked Ma Qiubai, "What else is there?"

Ma Qiubai said with a strange look on his face: "There is also a bald monk wearing monk's robes and hanging Buddhist beads!"

Bald monk?

Chen Xin had no impression of this person.

However, the Incas were originally a great Buddhist country, so it was not unusual to have monks.

He nodded and said, "Where are they going to talk?"

Ma Qiubai said: "It's at the end of the bridge on our side. The three of them are already waiting there, and the Inca green clothes have not come over from the other side of the bridge."

"Okay! I'll go over to see them!" Chen Xin'an raised her legs and walked out.

Ma Qiubai and Erkui quickly followed.

Looking at Xin Ge who was walking calmly in front of them, both of them had shocked looks on their faces.

He was so seriously injured, but now he seems to be fine.

The new brother is simply a god!

Although there is a lot of equipment and terrain that can be used in the workshop, the space is limited after all.

Moreover, Chen Xin'an faced hundreds of Inca security guards armed with firearms.

Although they are not in green clothing, many of them have served in the military.

And all of them have received firearms training!

Even if the combat effectiveness cannot be compared with the regular green equipment, it is not a living target that can be slaughtered wherever it is.

It is inevitable that Chen Xin'an will be injured.

Fortunately, we finally managed to get rid of them all one by one!

Without silver needles, I could only seal a few of my acupuncture points with my hands to temporarily suppress the injury.

His strength will definitely be affected by this, but killing Zhong Hongyi is still no problem!

They also have the third level of internal strength, but Zhong Hongyi is simply not good enough in front of him!

On the bridge outside the gate, the hill of corpses was still burning, with black smoke billowing and a disgusting stench.

Hanles led a group of foreigners and lay down behind a makeshift bunker, aiming their guns at the three people standing ten meters away from the fire.

Chen Xin'an strode over and said to Ma Qiubai and Erkui: "Okay, you can stay here, I will go there alone!"


Ma Qiubai became anxious and advised Chen Xin'an: "Brother Xin, we don't need to tell them any rules!

There are three of them and you only have one, which is unfair! "

Erkui also nodded and said: "Yes, brother Xin, you are also injured now, it was too dangerous to go by yourself!

Although I am a martial artist, I still have a gun in my hand. I have been a militiaman and my marksmanship is not bad! I can help you! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head, looked at Zhong Hongyi and Mohad with squinted eyes and said:

"An old dog and a pig are just killing two beasts. How can we need so many people!"


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