Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1633: Recuperate through battle

The bar was filled with the disgusting smell of blood.

Chen Xin'an was sitting on a high stool, silently watching the woman named Cai Ruman, raising a knife with both hands and stabbing the bearded man in the belly.

There were five Incas in total, and their mouths and private parts were all mashed!

Two have died, and three are still alive, including this bearded man.

This group of guys were all eliminated by Chen Xin'an in less than two minutes. They were all lying on the ground, unable to move.

At Cai Ruman's request, Chen Xin'an spared their lives, and then handed over the power of life and death to this woman.

He knew that this woman wanted to vent and take revenge.

So when Cai Ruman raised the knife, until now, Chen Xin'an watched with cold eyes and did not interfere.

It is indeed cruel, but cruelty also deserves punishment!

Chen Xin'an did not stop him or comfort him.

Let her take her own revenge.

Don't encourage others to do good unless they have suffered.

Outsiders can't imagine what kind of life Cai Ruman lived here.

The hatred for these Inca people cannot be understood by outsiders.

So Chen Xin'an would not interfere, and just watched her torture all five of them until the last one died!

The moment he put down the sharp knife, Cai Ruman sat in a pool of blood, covering his face with his hands, crying heartbreakingly, but unable to make a sound.

Chen Xin'an didn't inquire too much about Cai Ruman's life experience and experience.

She took Chen Xin'an to the back of the bar, opened the bearded cash box and took out all the money inside.

I originally wanted to divide it into two parts and give the largest part to Chen Xin'an, but he refused.

All the money was put in a backpack. When Cai Ruman took a shower and changed into clothes, Chen Xinan asked her to carry it on her back.

"Now go to Dingxin Factory, find Ma Qiubai and Erkui, and say that Brother Xin asked you to go there.

Tomorrow night, they will take you out of Inca and smuggle you back to the country!

You deserve this money. With it, you can start over and live a good life when you go back! "

Cai Ruman hugged his arm and said with tears: "Brother Xin, I want to go with you..."

I know, I'm dirty, and you deserve to dislike me.

I just want to be your maid, I have no other ideas, I just want to repay you! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head, gently pulled her hand away and said, "Aman, I can't go back now!

It's very dangerous for you to follow me, and it will drag me down, do you understand?

You are not dirty either, you are cleaner than them all!

Remember, whatever you experience here is just a nightmare.

It's over now, you don't have to feel inferior to anyone.

You can be like them, hold your chest high and live an upright life!

Oman, go to Reform and leave now.

The police are coming and I have to get out of here! "

Cai Ruman wiped her tears, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Mr. Chen, can we still meet?"

"I will definitely do it!" Chen Xin'an smiled and nodded, and said to her: "We are still very young, and the days to come will be so long, so we will definitely meet again!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an waving her hands again, Cai Ruman knew that she had to leave now.

She took a deep look at Chen Xin'an, turned around and left.

Chen Xin'an turned around and looked around, looking at the mess and blood on the ground, curling her lips in disgust.

Then he took out a lighter from the bar, picked up a bottle of alcohol, took a sip, and sprayed it on the lit lighter!

A fire dragon roared out of his mouth, igniting the wine that had been spilled on the ground.

Soon a fierce fire swept through the entire bar, including the bodies on the ground.

Chen Xin'an stood at the door of the bar, still holding the bottle of wine in his hand. He raised his head and took another sip, then smashed the bottle at his feet!

The fire spread behind them, engulfing everything.

The nearby shops were also set on fire. In less than half an hour, the entire food street had turned into a sea of ​​flames!

An hour later, Chen Xin'an was lying on the roof of a freight truck, looking at the starry sky above her head.

Do you think I left Cambahan?

Actually I'm in an industrial area!

You thought I would follow the industrial zone to the border, but in fact I was already deeper into the Incas.

This was a car heading out of the city, and Chen Xin'an didn't know where it would go.

But it doesn't matter, as long as we can leave Kambahan.

He could go directly to the border and leave with Cai Ruman and Ma Qiubai.

But it is indeed dangerous!

He had to draw everyone's attention to him.

This will make it easier for Ma Qiubai and the others to sneak out of the country!

The real danger is not the Inca police or the military killers.

But the great monk Mu Zhu!

The enemy with the fourth level of inner strength, except for his lack of brains, can make Chen Xin'an afraid to sleep to death!

In the hospital, only by surprise can you escape from the opponent's hands.

If the two meet again, Chen Xin'an has no confidence that he will escape alive under the nose of a peerless master with the fourth level of inner strength.

Do you really think that this kind of supreme master who can travel around the world is just a piece of paper?

Chen Xin'an has reason to believe that Master Mu Zhu's fourth level has been settling down for a long time.

In other words, he has accumulated in this realm for many years, and his strength is terrifying!

It doesn't matter, just run away if you can't fight.

Chen Xin'an was very reckless and had never been afraid of fighting with others.

But being reckless does not mean being stupid.

He knew that he would definitely lose in a head-on confrontation, and the price of losing would be death.

If he rushes forward regardless and fights someone to death, then there is no way he can survive until now!

Anyway, this is the Inca, and the sky and the sky are as vast as you want.

In addition, the Incas generally had a bad impression of the Chinese and were very repulsive.

So no one he involves will make him feel the slightest bit guilty!

After sleeping in the car, it was already late at night when we stopped.

Chen Xin'an jumped off the roof of the car, startling the driver who was about to unload the car!

He didn't even know when someone climbed into his car!

Fortunately, this kind of hitchhiking was common in the Incas.

Chen Xin'an took out a few Indian dollars and handed them to him, and the driver suddenly smiled.

In Inca, you don’t have to pay for a ride.

The driver probably has never encountered such a generous person.

I originally wanted to talk to him for a few words, but the man had already turned away and didn't even get a clear look.

Chen Xin'an strolled forward aimlessly.

He is now taking the path of recovering from his injuries through fighting.

The body is now covered in scars.

The gunshot wound was nothing, but the most serious thing was that one of Master Muzhu's beads penetrated his chest!

Even if Chen Xin'an avoided the worst result of internal injury at the critical moment, the injury was still enough for him to bear!

So now he randomly goes to some places in Inca to deliberately cause some damage and cause official commotion.

The purpose is to let everyone know that he is still in Inca!

The most important thing is to get rid of Master Muzhu and make him wonder where he has gone!

So it doesn't matter where you come.

As long as this is Inca!

This seems to be a street, very long, with closed doors on both sides, but there are still many signboards.

This is supposed to be an Inca farmers market.

Unlike the Chinese, the Incas had specialized market buildings.

Basically, goods are sold on the street, and the first floor becomes a street-facing shop.

It's very lively during the day, but at night there are only cars and people loading and unloading goods.

Chen Xin'an walked for a long time before reaching the intersection. Just as she was about to turn out, she heard a burst of yelling and cursing coming from the alley next to her.

A woman was pushed out and sat on the ground outside a very large shop with a big sign!

Two men and three women rushed out from inside, all holding sticks in their hands, and they slapped the women on the head and face!

The woman did not cry out for mercy, but just curled up on the ground and covered her head with her hands.

Chen Xin'an had no interest in watching this kind of thing, so she turned around and left.

But at this moment, he heard the woman who fell to the ground say something in a sad and angry voice:

"Bablo, if you don't pay me back the money, beat me to death!"


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