Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1634: Spit out as much as you lied to me

Even Chen Xin'an didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

I just randomly came to a strange place. In this city I didn’t even know the name, I unexpectedly met Peng Ying!

Guo Zhaodi said she left around noon to find her husband.

Could this be her husband's home?

These Incas are really ruthless.

Five people beat a woman violently, and they all took sticks and hit her with all their strength. This was basically beating her to death!

"Hi!" Chen Xin'an shouted and walked over!

The five people stopped, looked at Chen Xin'an angrily, waved him away, and cursed.

Although I couldn't understand what they were talking about, the meaning was obvious, that is, not to let him meddle in other people's business.

Chen Xin'an, wearing a big felt hat, ignored him and walked straight over.

A woman wearing an Inca runner threw away the broken stick in her hand and threw herself on Peng Ying's body with open hands.

The fingernails penetrated deeply into her flesh, and there were two deep blood grooves when they were drawn down!

Peng Ying finally let out a shrill cry of pain, covering her face with her hands, and blood flowed from her fingers!

Another Inca woman also rushed forward and pulled Peng Ying's hand away with both hands.

The woman who scratched Peng Ying's cheek just now stretched out her hands towards Peng Ying again.

Just when her nails were about to touch Peng Ying, the man in the big felt hat suddenly rushed over and kicked her!

The Inca woman screamed in surprise, rolled her body several times on the ground, and slid several meters away!

Everyone else was stunned.

But Peng Ying on the ground let out an angry shout, broke free from the hands of the woman next to her, grabbed her hair with his backhand, held her down under him, and beat her head hard!

The old Inca woman next to her kept cursing and raised the stick in her hand to hit Peng Ying on the head.

But Chen Xin'an grabbed the stick and folded it in the middle!


The thick-wristed stick broke at the sound!

The two men next to him were startled by this hand, but they still rushed over bravely.

But before they could knock down the sticks, Chen Xin'an slapped a stick on each of their arms!

The two men screamed loudly in pain, dropped the sticks in their hands, hugged their arms, and looked at Chen Xin'an in horror.

Perhaps because he was injured from the beating, Peng Ying found it difficult to trap the woman and she broke free.

Peng Ying did not catch up, just looked at Chen Xin'an and asked: "Sir, who are you?"

She asked in Inca, but Chen Xinan couldn't understand.

He simply took off his big felt hat, sighed and said to Peng Ying: "Sister Ying, is this your husband?"

It seemed that he did not expect that the person appearing in front of him would be Chen Xin.

Peng Ying was stunned for a moment, then forced herself to stand up, threw herself into Chen Xin'an's arms and cried loudly!

It's like a person who has been wronged meets his family.

Chen Xin'an knew that she had suffered a lot of grievances, so he let her cry as much as she wanted and patted her shoulder gently.

The middle-aged Inca man pointed at Peng Ying and cursed: "You actually came to me with your lover?

You still have the nerve to ask me for money? "

This time he spoke Chinese.

Chen Xin'an pointed at him expressionlessly and said, "If you dare to say another nonsense, I will smash your mouth!"

After holding Peng Ying steady, Chen Xin'an glanced at the Inca man with disdain, shook his head and said:

"Sister Ying, is this Bablu?

I have never seen an upright-looking Inca, and this one is even more obviously crooked.

Why do you like this thing? "

Bablo said angrily: "Hi! You speak..."

Chen Xin'an glared at him, so scared that he quickly closed his mouth.

Peng Ying wiped her tears, covered her face and said, "Brother, I was also obsessed with ghosts at that time!

At that time, I had just divorced my ex-husband, and I met this Inca man because of business.

He speaks Chinese very well and is very eloquent and can please women.

Later, at a cocktail party, I got drunk, so he took me to the hotel, and then...

Anyway, they were all old people, so I didn’t hold back afterward, so I just stayed with him.

Later, he proposed to me and said that I was the only woman who would treat me well in this life.

I believed him and agreed to him.

Thinking about it now, I was so stupid at the time that I couldn't see that everything he did was planned!

It wasn't until he used my company's name to defraud a lot of money that I realized I had been deceived.

In fact, I recognized how much the company had lost and regarded it as a lesson learned from my money.

But that 800,000 yuan was a sum of money that my best friend saved to help me during the most difficult time.

He even rowed away cruelly!

Our old friend who has been doing business for nearly 30 years completely turned against him because of his greed!

My best friend's restaurant completely closed down because of this debt.

Her husband was also hospitalized because of this incident, and eventually passed away..."

At this point, Peng Ying was already crying.

This is the biggest guilt in her heart.

It was precisely because of this incident that she made up her mind to come to Inca to find Bablu.

Even if she doesn't get the money back, she still wants an explanation.

From the beginning to the end, she had never treated this Inca man badly. Why would he deliberately deceive her?

He deceived her into losing her entire family, deceiving her into betraying her relatives and leaving her relatives!

But when she actually found Babu Road, she realized that she had imagined this Inca man to be too kind.

It turned out that he had a wife, two of them.

When he went abroad to China, it was because he could no longer survive there. He deceived many people and was blocked at the door of his home by the victims.

After meeting Peng Ying, he moved here from the countryside with the money he cheated from Peng Ying, and lived a very good life.

Moreover, he has already bought a house in a wealthy local area, and once the decoration is completed, the family can move there!

When Peng Ying came to his door, he didn't feel the slightest bit panic or ashamed.

Instead, she mocked Peng Ying as a stupid woman who believed whatever others said. She was the easiest woman he had ever deceived!

Idiots like this deserve to be defrauded of money and sex by men.

Still want to come to Inca and ask for money?

What a dream!

Bablu's parents were not good either. They united their two wives and fought against Peng Ying!

I already had one in the afternoon.

Peng Ying was knocked unconscious and then dragged into a room by his family and tortured for two hours before being thrown outside the gate.

If they weren't afraid of the bad luck of dying at home, they would have taken heavy action!

A Chinese woman was smuggled in. Even if she was beaten to death, no one would care!

There will be no investigation by the Inca police.

It's just that the murderer's family provided some money and found someone to bury it somewhere like a dead cat or dog, or throw it into the river!

Peng Ying knew that if she hadn't happened to meet Chen Xin tonight, she would have died in this foreign country!

After listening to Peng Ying's cry, Chen Xin'an took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Babu Lu and gritted his teeth and cursed:

“I won’t tell you any more nonsense, you beasts can’t understand too many human words!

How much money has been deceived, how much money will be spit out.

If you don’t have cash, borrow it or sell your house!

If you miss one point, I will kill one member of your family.

Until your whole family is dead!

have you understood? "

Babu Lu's father pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed with a sinister look on his face.

Chen Xin'an turned her head and looked at him impatiently and said, "You've been chattering for a long time, but I can't understand you either!

Considering your age, you were ruthless when you attacked me just now. You are obviously not a good person!

Since you think I’m scaring you, let’s start with you! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly turned around and kicked the old man sideways, sending the old man flying and slamming him against the wall!

The blood exploded into a big red flower on the wall, and the old man's brain splattered, killing him on the spot!


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