Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1641 Fight between man and lion

The Sheriff has given an order. Even if the police can't bear it, they have to obey the order and shoot at the villagers!

Although they consciously targeted the villagers' bodies, trying not to hit the fatal parts.

However, bullets have no eyes, so many villagers still died after being knocked down with their eyes wide open after not holding on for long!

Jieding was already injured, but he still managed to hold himself up and didn't fall down. He held up the hoe and rushed in front of a policeman.

The policeman was so frightened by this fearless aura that he forgot to shoot.

And he also thought that he would definitely die under the opponent's hoe!

But Jieding's hoe did not strike.

The policeman in front of me is just a kid as old as Ohm!

What he is even more worried about is that killing the police will not only fail to solve the crisis in Luowa Village, but will also make things worse and bring even greater trouble to the villagers!

He hesitated for a moment, then banged the hoe on the ground with a roar!

Then he ran past him, dragging his hoe and rushing towards the people of the Balosa family!

"Sergeant, we are only arresting fugitives, why should we shoot these villagers? We are not the security guards of the Balosa family. Let them handle their affairs by themselves!"

The young policeman shouted at Vikas, then put the gun away and stopped shooting!

Vikas was furious, kicked him in the stomach and cursed: "You will do whatever I ask you to do!

If you disobey orders, get out of the police station with me! "

Several police officers who originally wanted to stop also hesitated.

Being a police officer in Inca is no easy task.

Not only do you have to go to the police academy, you also have to cultivate connections and spend a lot of money.

If you are fired from a police station, then your position will no longer be available in police stations across the country.

So no one wants to lose this job casually.

A black BMW suddenly roared over and knocked Jieding away!

If the policemen nearby had not dodged in time, they would have suffered disaster at this moment.

A man in an expensive suit stepped out of the car. He was in his early thirties and had a beard. He looked disdainfully at the policeman beside him who glared at him.

"A bunch of idiots! If you can't do this little thing well, is it so easy for me, Dart, to get my money?"

Get out of here, I'll do it myself! "

At this moment, several villagers rushed over at full speed.

Dart looked at them without any panic. Instead, he sat on the front of the car with a playful expression, looking carefree.

When the villagers rushed forward, before the guy in their hands could land on Dart, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from the back door of the car!

With a roar, a tall male lion knocked away the villagers, threw one of them to the ground, opened its huge mouth, and bit off his head with one click!

Blood splatters!

The people nearby were frightened, and even the policemen turned pale and fled into the police cars one after another!

Isn't this male lion too big?

He is almost two meters tall and at least three meters long. His roar is enough to burst a person's eardrums!

After biting the head of one villager, the lion pounced on another villager.

The man was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, but the lion jumped and knocked him down.

As the lion opened its mouth, it bit his shoulder, then vigorously shook its head from side to side, and with a click, it tore off the villager's right shoulder and arm, almost tearing him in half!

The villagers were so frightened that they rolled back and retreated, looking at the lion in horror.

Dut looked proud, looked at the villagers coldly and shouted: "A group of despicable people dare to disobey the orders of the Balosa family!

Now let me warn you one last time, get out of here right away!

Anyone else object? "

Jieding, who was lying on the ground with bleeding from his mouth and nose, wanted to stand up, but he had no strength.

He looked at Dart with hatred in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "The people in Luowa Village can die!

But if they want to occupy our home, we will never agree to it! "

Although the villagers were frightened, they still held hands, blocked the road into the village, and shouted in unison: "I will never agree to it!"

Dart's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "Dada, bite them to death!"

The lion roared, then jumped up high and pounced on Jiedin.

Knowing that he would not escape death, Jieding closed his eyes and waited quietly for death to come.

There was a banging sound in his ears and dust was flying, as if a puff of smoke suddenly arose and enveloped him.

When he opened his eyes, he was shocked to find that the male lion had fallen not far away from him.

And there was actually a pair of scissors stuck in its left eye!

The severe pain caused the lion to roll on the ground and let out a heart-stopping roar.

He tried to use his claws to pull out the scissors inserted into his eyes, but because they penetrated too deep, his claws could not be as flexible as human fingers, so he was unable to pull them out!

"Dada!" Dat was stunned.

He just saw a cold light flying out of the crowd, and before he could react, it had already hurt his beloved pet!

Dart became angry and shouted to the crowd: "Who? Who dares to hurt my Dart?"

The farmers on the opposite side automatically separated and made way for them.

Chen Xin'an turned her head and walked out calmly, shaking her head when she heard the cracking sound of bones coming from her neck.

He pointed at Dut, then at Vikas, then raised his right hand, placed it flat under his neck, and swiped to the right!

"That's him!" Dart pointed at Chen Xin'an and shouted, "This is the bastard who killed my brother! Catch him and beat him to death! Dada, bite him to death!"

Chen Xin'an still walked forward calmly.

It's not that he deliberately showed his calmness in front of these people, but in the process, he has been exercising his muscles!

From head to toe, his joints were creaking.

Uncle An He followed him, and the two walked to Jie Ding's side together.

"Leave him to me, don't worry!" Uncle An He knew what Chen Xin'an was worried about, and said to him in a deep voice.

Chen Xin'an nodded, turned around and looked at the lion that was almost crazy.

Before everyone reacted, Chen Xin'an actually rushed over first!

The lion saw him with one eye and opened its mouth to bite him!

Chen Xin'an suddenly changed direction while running, his body drew an arc, avoiding the lion's mouth, kicked his feet, and bounced up!

While his body was still in mid-air, his right hand had already grabbed the scissors that were stuck in the lion's left eye.

Just when everyone thought he was going to pull out the scissors, he grabbed the scissors and pushed them in with all his strength!


The scissors pierced the lion's skull and pierced into its head!

And Chen Xin'an's right hand was actually stuffed into the lion's left eye socket!

The lion, in unbearable pain, let out a shrill roar, and rolled on the ground in pain!

Chen Xin'an rode on its back and rolled with it.

He grabbed its mane with his left hand, made a fist with his right hand, and smashed its head!

Dust was flying around, and some police cars were knocked away by the lion's body. Other police cars drove away one after another, fearing that they would be implicated.

Chen Xin'an took out the long nail that Uncle Anhe had prepared for him from his pocket and slammed it into the lion's head!

The mad lion would rush up and tear and bite anyone who was in front of his right eye. In the severe pain, how could he tell whether it was his own people or enemies!

The thugs called by Dart were jumped on by the lion before they could get off the truck. They were bitten madly, leaving a truck full of broken arms and limbs! Dart shouted Dada loudly, but it was no use. At this moment, a man suddenly appeared beside him, and he was so scared that he quickly pulled out his gun! But as soon as his hand touched the handle of the gun, his neck was locked! Chen Xinan looked at him coldly and asked: "Mohad is your brother? Sorry, I killed your brother with my own hands! Now I will kill you with my own hands too!"

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