Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1642 Killing the Lion

The huge feeling of suffocation instantly overwhelmed Dart, making him feel as if he had fallen into an endless abyss.

The thugs nearby wanted to rush over to save him, but Chen Xin'an didn't give them a chance.

He grabbed Dart's throat with his right hand, took out his gun with his left hand, pointed at the thugs, and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

boom! boom! boom!

Gunshots kept ringing out, and with every shot, someone fell. Without exception, they were all shot between the eyebrows and shot in the head!

Not a single bullet missed, not a single bullet hit other locations!

Uncle An and Uncle, who had already retreated to the back with Jie Ding in his arms, were speechless.

Once an ancient martial arts master is proficient in modern weapons, they will become the most terrifying fighting machines in the world!

The thugs were so frightened that they howled like ghosts, turned around and ran away, hiding behind the vehicles!

Chen Xin'an saw that Dart in front of him was about to die, and then let go of him.

Dart gasped for air, looked at Chen Xin'an with horrified eyes, and said to him:

"If you offend the Borosa family, don't even think about leaving the Inca alive!

Let me go and submit to me, so that you can have a chance to live!

Anyway, Morhad is dead, so I have one less competitor.

If you can help me take over the entire family, I will not pursue the past things, what do you think? "

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and said impatiently: "What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't understand a word of it! Go to hell!"

He kicked Dart in the stomach.

Dart screamed, flew backwards, fell to the ground and rolled twice.

Good opportunity, now you can run!

As long as those thugs protect me, it won't be that easy for this guy to kill me!

But at this moment, he heard a low roar coming from behind him.

Before he could scream, the lion with its mouth full of blood pounced on him, bit his head, and dragged him around to run away.

Dart probably never dreamed that he would die in the mouth of his pet, and that he would die so miserably that not even his body would be left behind!

No longer biting Dart's mutilated body, the lion opened its mouth full of blood, roared to the sky, and then rushed towards the police!

Anyone it can see now is an enemy and will be bitten to death by it.

Now it has completely gone berserk and needs venting and revenge.

Those thugs saw that the boss was dead and the lion went crazy again, how dare they stay here!

One by one, they climbed into the car in embarrassment, started the car in a hurry, and fled in embarrassment.

But the police couldn't leave because Chen Xin'an was the person they wanted to arrest.

So the flashing lights on the police car and the uniforms they wore naturally attracted the lion with only one eye left!

Seeing the crazy lion charging towards him, the police officers panicked and opened fire on the giant beast.

But even if the bullet hits the lion, it will not have much impact on him, but will only increase its ferocity!


Chen Xin'an kicked a policeman away!

At the same time, the lion rushed towards him, but missed. He stared at Chen Xin'an with one eye and rushed towards him!

Chen Xin'an tried to hide, but Vickers next to him raised his gun and shot at him!

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to dodge the bullet first!

The moment he dodged, the lion's claws slid down three deep blood grooves on his back!

Just a little bit away, Chen Xin'an was disemboweled from behind!

"Shoot me! Kill him!" Vikas' gun muzzle swayed as Chen Xin'an moved, and he shouted to the policeman next to him.

The police officer who was sitting on the ground narrowly escaping from death looked at Chen Xin'an who was wrestling with the lion with a complicated expression.

He looked at Vikas hiding behind the car again, and the arm holding the pistol dropped!

Seeing that no one responded, Vikas cursed angrily and fired several shots at Chen Xin'an!

But Chen Xin'an was already on guard, so he would naturally not be hit by him, so he used the lion's body as a cover.

These bullets all hit the lion!

The lion finally became angry at the harassment from behind, temporarily let go of Chen Xin'an, turned around and pounced on Vikas!


There was a loud noise and the lion jumped on top of the police car that Vikas was using as a cover.

There was a crash, and almost all the car windows and windshield were crushed.

Even the roof of the car was completely flattened!

The bloody lion stood on the roof of the car, stretched his neck, and looked down at Vikas who was too frightened to move.

With an angry lion's roar, Vikas also screamed in terror.

The lion jumped down from the roof of the car and threw Vikas to the ground. Using his mouth and claws together, he tore Vikas into pieces in less than three minutes!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an had rushed over and kicked the lion on the head twice in succession!

The lion took a few steps back, his body swaying a little.

Even if Chen Xin'an is not at the peak of his physical strength now, he is still a real master of internal strength.

His fists and kicks are not something that a beast can withstand at will.

The lion's remaining right eye also turned blood red, and the pupil was completely bloodshot.

This is not madness, but a sign of serious intracranial injury!

Chen Xin'an grabbed the lion's mane, turned it over, raised his fist and punched the top of its head!

The lion staggered and almost fell.

Chen Xin'an had already turned over and stood in front of the lion.

It's like putting yourself in the mouth of a lion!

Ohm and Diva, who came later, shouted in unison: "No!"

In their opinion, this Chinese man was simply seeking death!

But the next second, Chen Xin'an punched the lion's forehead above the bridge of his nose!

The lion fell heavily to the ground with a bang, his head hanging down with blood gushing from all seven holes, motionless, and completely dead!

When a policeman approached, he took a horrified look and found that the lion's head had been deformed!

Chen Xin'an stood in front of the lion and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Do you really think that he had hit the lion's head so many times before, all of them were random?

He hit the connection part of the lion's skull.

Just like a high-rise building, as long as the pillars and foundation are destroyed, no matter how strong and tall it is, it will eventually collapse!

Chen Xin'an turned around and walked towards the police.

Although they had guns in their hands, the policemen all took a few steps back involuntarily.

This is the man who killed a lion in public!

Such a hero, even if he is an enemy, is enough to arouse everyone's respect!

What's more, he saved everyone present!

Chen Xin'an pointed at the policemen, then at himself.

He pointed at the villagers and waved at the policemen.

The meaning is very clear, your target is me, and it has nothing to do with those villagers!

The policemen lowered their heads one by one.

This matter was originally the fault of the Brahma family, and they were just following orders.

However, at this moment, even the Vikas police who gave the order died, and they just withdrew, and this matter had nothing to do with them.

As for the arrest of this nationally wanted criminal, no one has seen him tonight.

If there is news about him in the future, it will not be too late to arrest him!

The police and villagers each collected the bodies of their own people.

Jie Ding was seriously injured, but with Uncle Anhe there, he would not die.

And it is estimated that he will succeed as the village chief in the future.

Chen Xinan asked Uncle Anhe to sew and apply medicine on his back, and then stood up and said to him:

"Okay, I'm leaving! If you have a chance to come back to China, come to Kyoto to find me. I've left you my phone number!"

Before Uncle Anhe could speak, Diva rushed in from the door, grabbed Chen Xinan's arm and cried, "No, you can't leave!"

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