Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1647 This is the person who knows how to do business

Now Chen Xin'an understands that these guys want to buy his car!

Without even saying hello, Curly opened the passenger door and got in.

There was a strong body odor on his body, which made Chen Xin'an feel disgusted.

Just as he was about to drive him out, Curly Hair patted Chen Xin'an on the arm and said:

"Friend, judging from your appearance, you must be new here, right?

If we don't accept it, you won't find any company in Gabon that dares to accept your car.

It's so late, you have no choice but to drive back!

It was stolen anyway. If it stays in your hands for one more minute, you will be in more danger.

Look at these transactions, how straightforward they are!

Get what you pay, no bidding!

These are the rules of Gabon City, so you have to abide by them! "

Others also gathered around, pointing at Chen Xin'an and saying:

"Don't be shameless! Fifty thousand is already a lot. If it were someone else, it would be nice to give you thirty thousand!"

"Looking at you, you are new to the industry, right? Let me teach you a trick first: learn to be content! Otherwise, you won't be able to survive in this industry!"

"Boy, I have a bad temper, don't make me get angry! Then you will know how terrible it is to offend me!"

Chen Xin'an laughed dumbly.

Now he finally understands what these people mean!

After working on it for a long time, Gabon City turned out to be a place selling black cars!

These people driving around in cars for several blocks are thieves.

They stole the car and came to Gabon City to sell it.

A car that costs hundreds of thousands or even millions may be stolen before it has been driven for long.

Then it was sold here for tens of thousands of yuan.

You know, this is the Indian Canadian dollar!

The car driven by Chen Xin'an was worth at least 7 to 8 million Indian dollars, but the price was only 50,000.

But the car wasn’t originally his, and the fifty thousand yuan was for nothing.

But Chen Xin'an didn't feel comfortable being beaten so hard, so she simply stretched out her hands.

One hundred thousand, not a penny less!

The people around him all looked downcast.

"You dare to negotiate the price with us? Do you believe that I will make you unable to leave Gabon City?"

"I told you, don't make me angry, but you don't listen? Do you know what will happen if I get angry? I will beat you to death!"

"Stop talking nonsense to him. Throw him 20,000 yuan and tell him to get out of the car and get out! If you don't want to sell it, you have to sell it!"

Curly sneered, took a wad of money from the person outside, and threw it directly on Chen Xin'an's face!

The banknotes were flying down one after another, and Curly Hair sneered and said: "Take this money and get out of here right away!

Otherwise, I will kick you out of the car and you won’t even get a penny! "

He cursed at Chen Xin'an and slapped him.

But Chen Xin'an stretched out her hand and punched him on the head, knocking him out!

This punch was so fast that people outside didn't see it clearly.

Seeing Curly's head tilted and slumped on the seat as if he was asleep, a group of people looked at each other in confusion.

Chen Xinan leaned over, opened the passenger door, and then kicked Curly Hair out of the car!

Only then did the people below realize that their companions had been knocked unconscious, and they all screamed in surprise.

"How dare you attack us? This kid is looking for death!"

"You ungrateful idiot! If you dare to come to Gabon City to cause trouble, then don't leave!"

"I'll hit eight of these idiots with one hand!"

A group of people yelled and cursed loudly and rushed to the car.

Chen Xin'an simply opened the car door and walked out, rolled up the sleeves of her robe, and waved to them.

The motorcyclist pulled out a big wrench from the side of the motorcycle and swung it at Chen Xin'an's head!

Chen Xin'an turned around and kicked him sideways, sending him flying up and hitting him on the rolling shutter door!

The remaining people were stunned for a moment and rushed over with roars.

How could Chen Xin'an be so polite when dealing with these little people? Just like chopping vegetables with a knife, he stepped forward and knocked them down one by one with three punches and two kicks!

"No, this guy knows kung fu and it's hard to deal with!" The motorcyclist stood up, covering his chest, looking at Chen Xin'an in horror, then turned around and slammed the rolling gate!

With a crash, the rolling shutter opened.

Chen Xin'an's eyes widened. She didn't expect that there was a large car repair shop inside the door!

There are many people inside, heads down, busy working.

Some are sanding and some are painting.

Seeing the people outside, everyone raised their heads, stopped what they were doing, picked up the guy next to them, and walked over slowly!

"Boy, don't run away if you dare! Take out his car keys or he will run away!"

"Don't worry, I've blocked his escape route, he can't escape!"

"How dare you hit us? Boy, I think you are tired of living!"

Chen Xin'an took a cursory glance at the group of people walking out. There were about thirty people.

Looks like I’m going to be busy again!

He sighed and had no intention of running away.

Instead, he walked to the rolling gate and kicked the motorcyclist to the ground!

With a tip of his toes, he lifted up the big wrench and grabbed it in his hand.

He stood under the rolling door, holding the wall with one hand and holding a big wrench in the other, raising it to his head and knocking calmly.

The banging sound made people a little irritated, and the workers looked at Chen Xin'an with unconcealable astonishment.

Is this guy crazy?

Still a blind man, unable to see so many of us?

Why didn't he even show the slightest fear?

Just when everyone wanted to rush over at all costs, someone shouted from behind!

A middle-aged man wearing an Inca skirt came over and glanced at Chen Xin'an.

He looked at the people he knocked down again, frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

He should be the boss of these people, so everyone respects him and stands behind him honestly.

The motorcyclist quickly got up, lowered his head and told him what had just happened.

After hearing this, the middle-aged man glanced at Chen Xin'an again, and then shouted to the person behind him: "Jili!"

A young man in his twenties ran over and shouted to him: "Dad!"

The middle-aged man whispered a few words into his ear.

Ji Li turned and ran away.

The middle-aged man looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Do you only have that one car?"

Chen Xin'an didn't answer, just looked at him lazily.

Seeing Chen Xin'an's rude attitude, the people next to him shouted and wanted to step forward.

The middle-aged man turned his head and yelled at everyone, asking everyone to quiet down.

Ji Li brought a bag and opened it to let the middle-aged man take a look.

The middle-aged man pointed at Chen Xin'an and said, "Give it to him!"

Ji Li came over, handed the bag to Chen Xin'an, and said to him: "One hundred thousand! It's yours now!"

Chen Xin'an didn't count and took the bag in her hand.

"Boss!" The motorcyclist looked at the middle-aged man with a troubled expression and said, "This breaks the rules..."

The middle-aged man said with a straight face: "I'll make it up!"

He turned his head and stretched out his hand towards Ji Li.

Ji Li took out a business card and handed it to him.

The middle-aged man handed his business card to Chen Xin'an and said, "If you still have business, come to me directly!

No matter what kind of business it is, as long as it can make money, I will do it! "

Look, this is someone who knows how to do business!

Chen Xin'an grinned, took the business card with the bag containing the money, and turned around to leave.

After taking two steps, he turned back and walked towards the motorcyclist.

The motorcyclist thought that this guy was still unwilling to let him go, so his face changed with fear. He leaned against the wall next to him and turned to the middle-aged man and shouted: "Boss!"

Chen Xin'an pointed to the motorcycle parked next to the rolling gate and stretched out her hand to him.

Depend on!

You sold the car for 100,000 yuan, which broke the rules of the industry. Now you still want my car?

Are you a thief or a bandit?

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man shouted next to him: "Give him the key!"

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