Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1648 Don’t mention this name again in the future

I didn’t find a pharmacy on my motorcycle, but found a private hospital instead.

Chen Xin'an parked the motorcycle and went in to find the doctor.

This kind of private hospital allows you to treat patients as long as you have money. It doesn't care who you are and doesn't ask why you were injured.

Moreover, in Chen Xin'an's current situation, there was no need for Chen Xin'an to describe his condition at all. He could just expose the wound and show it to the doctor!

So when Chen Xin'an took off his clothes and exposed the wounds on his body, the doctors and nurses in the entire clinic were stunned and all exclaimed!

At first they saw this man walking in with steady steps and a calm expression, and they thought he was looking for a doctor to treat his family.

Unexpectedly, he was the one who saw the injury!

And it’s still such a serious injury!

Doesn't this person feel pain?

If it were anyone else, any of these injuries on his body would be extremely painful, right?

But his expression was calm, as if none of these injuries were on him!

Chen Xin'an didn't pay attention to these people's fuss. She just sat quietly on the chair and let them deal with the wound.

He took out his phone and checked the time.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening, and it was almost the time he and Ma Qiubai had arranged. They should be leaving, right?

Under a streetlight near Cambahammore's home.

Xia Hongying handed a new card to Peng Ying and said: "The money has been deposited in Hua Xia Bank for you. This is the card. You install it!"

Peng Ying, do you really not need me to help you arrange a flight to leave?

I just sent Zhao Di away in the afternoon, don't worry, there will be no mistakes.

It's too dangerous for you to go like this! "

Peng Ying put away her bank card, took a step back, bowed deeply to her, lifted the hair that had fallen from the gauze, and said to her:

"I can't trouble you any more, you've already given me enough help!

I'll just go back the same way I came here!

Madam, if there is anything you need me to do in the future, please feel free to ask!

I will always remember your help to me! "

Xia Hongying sighed and said to Peng Ying: "Mr. Chen gave it to me. If you want to thank him, just thank him!"

This is not a lie.

If it weren't for Chen Xin or calling him by his real name Chen Xin'an, Xia Hongying would never have paid attention to such a trivial matter.

They were just two women who smuggled themselves to Inca, and their life and death had nothing to do with her.

Peng Ying smiled slightly and said to her: "You two are my great benefactors!

Madam, the time is up. I'm going to join them. Please take care of yourself! "

Xia Hongying nodded and said: "You also value it! Have a safe journey!"

Seeing Peng Ying disappear into the night, Xia Hongying turned around and returned home.

In the bedroom, Moore sat on the bedside, holding a laptop, and said strangely:

"It shouldn't be! People like him shouldn't have any information!

Why did I log into the Huaxia website and search for the name Chen Xin'an, but couldn't find anything? "


Xia Hongying closed her husband's notebook, looked at him sternly and shouted:

"Moll, remember!

Never mention this name, and don't search for any information related to him!

This is not a joke to you, I swear on our ten years of relationship as husband and wife! "

Moll's expression changed, he didn't expect his wife's reaction to be so big.

He said with some embarrassment: "But he took the initiative to tell us his name!"

"That's because he promised me to tell me who he was before leaving!" Xia Hongying said with a gloomy face:

"He believes that I can keep this secret for him, and I swear on my life that I will do it!"

Moore licked his lips and said with a dry smile: "But..."

Xia Hongying interrupted him and said: "No buts, Moore! Don't mention this name again!

Even if it is the name Chen Xin, don’t mention it.

You are also the King of Cambahan who is about to run for the top spot.

And I am your wife who has been silently supporting you.

This is our life, do you understand? "

Moore took a deep breath, nodded and said, "I understand! Wife, tonight is your Chinese Reunion Festival. I have prepared round cakes for you. Let's go eat the cakes!"

Xia Hongying also smiled and nodded at him and said, "Okay!"

At the foot of Silun Mountain, a passenger tricycle stopped at the end of the road. The driver got off the car, walked to the back, opened the door and said, "Here we go, five hundred!"

Peng Ying jumped out of the car, widened his eyes and asked, "Didn't we agree on two hundred? Why did it become five hundred?"

The driver shrugged his shoulders, looked Peng Ying up and down and said, "Everyone who comes here at this time is five hundred!

Two hundred is to the roadside just now.

But if you go up the mountain, you have to add 300! "

Peng Ying knew that she was being ripped off. Although she was a little reluctant, she didn't want to get entangled with him here.

She reached into her carry-on bag and prepared to pay.

But at this moment, the driver actually stretched out his arm and put his arm around her shoulders!

She was startled, jumped away with a scream, and shouted at him: "What are you doing!"

The driver smiled and said to her: "I can also charge you only two hundred yuan, as long as you..."

He simply hugged Peng Ying and reached under her neck with his other hand, trying to tear off her clothes!

Peng Ying screamed and struggled, shouting to him: "I'll give you five hundred, please let me go!"

The driver was not willing to give up, and said with a sinister smile: "I want the money, and I want you too!

Don't pretend to be like me, don't you know where this place is?

These are places where cheating women meet their lovers!

Are you that kind of woman too?

Why else would you be here so late!

Although you are not a young girl, your skin is quite white and tender, and your appearance is not ugly. You are not bad!

You play with me for a while, and it's not too late to go up and find your lover.

Don’t worry, I will keep it a secret for you! "

Peng Ying struggled hard and shouted: "Get out of here! I'm not the kind of person you say!"

If you keep doing this, I'm going to call someone! "

Seeing her struggle, the driver raised his arm and slapped her four times across the face!

Then he clenched his fist and hit her hard on the nose, causing her nose to bleed!

The driver grabbed her hair and said with a ferocious smile: "You bitches, you are obviously a show-off, but you always like to pretend to be innocent!

where is this place?

Even if you call Potian, no one will come to save you!

You look like a Chinese.

Even if you call someone, no one will help you!

So you'd better be honest with me! "

He snorted coldly, hugged Peng Ying, put her down on the ground, and then threw himself on her!

In the Incas, women generally had no status.

Forced incidents like this are simply not uncommon.

And all of these tricycle drivers have a bad record.

They often do such things!

To them, a single woman who goes out at night like this is simply prey that comes to their door.

They all felt sorry for themselves even if they didn’t even eat any of it!

Peng Ying struggled hard and wanted to shout loudly, but her mouth was covered.

Moreover, she was already injured, so she was no match for this stout driver.

The clothes on his upper body were torn by him, and he couldn't scream, and he was so anxious that tears flowed out!

At this moment, there was a sudden bang!

The driver's body stiffened, and then he fell down!

Peng Ying quickly turned her head to the side, and then she saw a young woman with long hair and a shawl standing next to her, holding a stone in her hand.

And the stone in her hand was still covered with hair and blood!

Peng Ying pushed the unconscious driver away.

The long-haired woman threw away the stone in her hand, stretched out her hand and said:

"My name is Cai Ruman, and you are Sister Ying, right?

Are you okay? Everyone is waiting for you! "

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