Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1650 Let’s settle the old and new accounts together

Late at night, three black cars roared up and stopped at the door of the outpatient hall of a private hospital in Gabon City.

Doctors and nurses all pushed the prepared stretcher cart over, and the four seriously injured people were lifted out of the car, placed on the stretcher cart, and then wheeled away for rescue.

Immediately afterwards, a bald man with burns all over his body, wearing only boxers, also stepped out of the car.

He didn't dare to put anything on his body because the skin in many places on his body was ulcerated and would fall off when touched!

The hatred in Master Muzhu's heart now is stronger than the wounds on his body!

If he met that guy named Chen Xin now, he might not be able to control himself, he would just pounce on him and tear that guy to pieces!

It was that bastard who caused him to do this!

What's even more irritating is that he himself was seriously injured, yet he still had to bring his apprentice back and push the cart for such a long time!

What's even more annoying is that no one told him that the car he was pushing had the handbrake on!

No wonder it takes so much effort to push!

He was already injured, but now he is even more injured, both feet are worn out!

Fortunately, he calmed down and remembered that his apprentice still had a mobile phone in his pocket, so he immediately contacted one of his more powerful believers in Gabon City.

Only then was he able to send himself and his apprentice to the private hospital in Gabon City.

He wanted to kill that Chinese man, otherwise he would not be able to get rid of the hatred in his heart!

And he knew very well that the guy was seriously injured and needed medical treatment as soon as possible.

Gabon City is the nearest place, and that guy will definitely come here too!

So he asked the believers to inquire and they would get the news.

In the evening, there was indeed a strange man wearing a bloody robe and a scarf covering his face, treating wounds in this hospital!

It should be that kid!

The believers have sent people to search for this person throughout the city.

But Master Muzhu told him to notify him immediately once he found it.

He must kill this person with his own hands!

At the same time, a group of luxury motorcade drove into Gabon City and stopped in front of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, which has the best conditions in the city.

The general manager of the hotel stood at the door to greet him personally.

An old man with a bald head and a plump head, wearing white Inca noble clothes, stepped out of the Les Rolls.

Although he is short, fat and ugly.

But everyone around him did not dare to underestimate him, and saluted him with admiring and respectful eyes.

Because this person is the president of Wackeer Rubber Group and the current head of the Borosa family, Abraham!

When he heard the news that Dut was dead, he was furious!

In just a few days, he had already lost two of his sons!

Although he still has many sons, he can't stand such a torment!

More importantly, when had the Balosa family ever been so cowardly?

They are not pigs or dogs that can be slaughtered by others at will!

Originally, he planned to go directly to Luowa Village tonight, burn their entire village on fire, and kill everyone.

But he received a call from Master Muzhu, telling him that the murderer of his two sons was in Gabon City!


Then seal off the whole city, find that damn guy, and avenge the two sons!

Late at night, Chen Xin'an was walking on the streets of Gabon. She was really tired and hungry now.

There happened to be a small store in front, and Chen Xinan went in to buy something.

After walking around, it seems that the only food available is instant noodles, and the store provides hot water to soak them directly.

I ordered two buckets of instant noodles and waited for the merchant to boil water.

At this moment, a group of arrogant young people walked in from outside, gathered around the cashier, and shouted at the boss.

The boss had a straight face and didn't want to pay attention to them, but he was afraid of affecting the guests. He responded to their questions without a word.

A gangster took out a poster and showed it to him, and the boss shook his head.

A group of gangsters cursed and looked around, then each of them grabbed a handful of things and stuffed them into his pockets, ready to leave.

A young woman came over with hot water and wanted to refill Chen Xin'an who was sitting at the small table in the corner next to her.

A young gangster glanced at the girl, smiled and slapped her on the butt.

The girl was so frightened that she almost jumped up, screamed, and almost spilled the boiled water bottle in her hand!

The boss yelled, rushed forward and slapped the gangster hard!

I can't stand it no matter what. If you open a store like this, you can only lose money and avoid disaster when encountering these gangsters.

But I can’t stand teasing my daughter anymore!

The beaten gangster immediately clenched his fists and rushed towards the boss!

The companions next to him also rushed forward and punched and kicked the boss!

The girl was so frightened that she cried and screamed. Chen Xin'an took the pot of boiling water from her hand and poured water on his face first.

Then he turned around and walked into the crowd, grabbing the fist of the gangster who had just been slapped by the boss.

He picked up the kettle in his hand and poured it on his head!

The gangster screamed loudly when he was burned, turned around and ran away.

The gangsters nearby yelled and rushed over. Chen Xin'an pulled up the boss and protected him behind him.

Then he slapped the kettle in his hand on the face of the gangster closest to him!

The kettle was smashed out of shape, and all the boiling water inside spilled out. The people nearby screamed and ran away with their heads in their hands!

The guy who was hit was lying on the ground holding his bleeding head and rolling back and forth.

Chen Xin'an stepped forward and kicked another gangster to the ground. Seeing how ruthless this guy was, how could the rest dare to provoke him?

He was so frightened that he helped his companion on the ground, turned around and ran away without looking back!

The boss and his daughter walked away and said words of gratitude to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an didn't wear translation headphones, so she couldn't understand what they were saying, and she didn't need their gratitude.

Waving his hands, he bent down to pick up the poster that the gangster had thrown on the ground, and walked to the corner seat to eat some noodles.

After taking a look at the poster in his hand, Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment.

What the hell is this poster? This is a large photo of him!

It should be a picture taken from the monitor of the private hospital. After all, there is a nurse next to it.

It seems that the enemy has come after us!

It shouldn't be the police, otherwise the people looking for him wouldn't be these gangsters.

It shouldn't be Master Muzhu, otherwise the people asking about him should be a group of bald monks.

In this case, someone from the Balosa family is here?

Which of Abraham's sons were sent this time?

In fact, it doesn't matter. If you have more sons, just send a few more to die. Let's settle the old and new accounts together!

Even my daughter-in-law dares to assassinate her. The entire Borosa family has already been included in Chen Xin'an's enemy list and will be destroyed sooner or later!

The boss's daughter came over with a bag of ham and wanted to give it to Chen Xin'an to thank him for his action just now.

Chen Xin'an waved her hands, shook her head with a smile, and said she didn't want it.

The girl thought he was too polite to accept the offer, so she kept explaining that she didn't want any money, and even didn't charge for the two bowls of noodles as a thank you to him.

Chen Xinan was determined not to.

Noodles, I eat them.

Forget about the ham sausage.

In Inca, you can't eat anything randomly, you don't even know what kind of meat it is!

The two of them were being polite, but the girl exclaimed, glanced at Chen Xin'an, and walked away in a hurry.

Because of eating noodles, Chen Xin'an took off the scarf on his head, revealing the mask.

The girl must have recognized him as the person on the poster, so she was shocked.

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything. She lowered her head and finished the noodles, then took out a few Indian Canadian dollars, put them on the table, and turned around to leave.

Not long after he walked out, there was a clicking sound behind him.

Countless three-wheelers came rushing towards them and stopped at the entrance of the small shop.

A group of gangsters rushed out of the car and kicked open the door of the small shop.

As soon as Chen Xin'an turned around, she saw the boss and the girl being pushed out by a group of gangsters, and then pointed in his direction at the same time!

Chen Xin'an turned around and ran away without saying a word!

Behind him came the screams of the boss and the girl being beaten, Chen Xin'an didn't even look back!

You really deserve it!


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