Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1651 You can walk sideways here from now on

A group of threesomes were roaring and running rampant in the street, and even the cars were trying to avoid them.

Countless gangsters were holding on to the car door, with half of their bodies leaning out, holding machetes in their hands, waving them around and shouting loudly.

Chen Xin'an rode his motorcycle to the alley without street lights, and quickly got rid of the group behind him.

But he also knew that this was only temporary.

Now the other party is searching for him all over the city. If he wants to avoid those people's eyes, he must find a temporary shelter.

But if he is unfamiliar with this place, where can he hide?

At this moment, he reached into his pocket and took out the business card.

Even Curly Hair didn't expect that the guy who punched him and made him lie down in the car and fall into a baby-like sleep would come back again!

"What do you want to do?" The curly men standing at the street corner looking for work looked at Chen Xin'an warily.

This guy knows kung fu and is not someone to be trifled with!

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said that he was not here to cause trouble.

Then he took out the business card.

A group of people looked at each other, and Curly Hair said to him: "Wait!"

He turned around and rang the doorbell next to the rolling shutter door.

Soon the door opened from the inside. Curly Hair said a few words to the person who opened the door and pointed at Chen Xin'an.

The man glanced at Chen Xin'an, turned around and walked into the maintenance shop.

After a while, he walked out again, waved to Chen Xin'an, and motioned to follow him in.

Chen Xin'an walked into the repair shop, where dozens of people were busy.

For newly driven cars, the engine number must be filed off here, and then repainted and waxed.

After a whole set of procedures was completed, the original car looked like something else, and no trace of its origin could be found.

After being sold at a high price, they may even be smuggled abroad!

There are four or five repair shops like this in Gabon City.

But the biggest one is here!

The boss's name is Mgaade, who is the one who gave Chen Xin'an his business card.

At this moment, he was standing under a red car that was lifted high, looking at the fracture under the chassis.

Seeing Chen Xin'an coming over, he just nodded and ignored him.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an noticed that the hand of the person next to him who was controlling the hook slipped.

The controller fell down and hit the corner of the table next to it.

What a coincidence, I happened to hit the descending button.

The red car above Mgaard's head suddenly fell down!

The people around him exclaimed.

If this is smashed down, the boss will definitely die!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an rushed over and stood next to Mgaade!

He raised his hands to support the car, then moved it to the side and threw the car to the ground!

Everyone was shocked!

What kind of person is this? He can actually tow a car weighing almost two tons!

Is that human being?

Mgaad's expression also changed. Of course he knew that he had just escaped death!

He nodded to Chen Xin'an with a grateful expression, then picked up a crowbar from the ground, walked up to the man who controlled the hook, and swung the crowbar on him!

The man screamed and fell to the ground.

However, Mgaad kept on beating him with an iron rod and whipped him violently, causing him to roll on the ground and scream in agony.

But the people around him all looked indifferent, and no one cared.

Chen Xin'an walked over, grabbed Mgaade's iron rod, and shook her head at him.

When he threw the red car away just now, he vaguely heard the person controlling the hook mutter something.

That's a national curse, Chinese!

And he saw that although this man's face was full of oil, his facial features did not look like those of an Inca.

Could it be that he is Chinese?

Mgaade glanced at Chen Xin'an, took a deep breath, gave him face, and stopped pursuing it.

After all, they had just saved him.

He turned around, threw away the crowbar, and asked Chen Xin'an, "What's your name? What do you need from me to help you when you come to me?"

Chen Xin'an pointed to her mouth, indicating that she was mute and couldn't speak.

Mgaard frowned. This guy is so skilled, but he can't speak?

But from the first time I saw this man, I really never heard him say a word!

Chen Xin'an pointed around, then bent her arms and made a toned posture.

Mgaad understood, looked at him in disbelief and asked: "Do you want to find a job here?"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Mgaade looked Chen Xin'an up and down, and chuckled: "It's such a waste of your skills to do such physical work!

Let's do this, you will be my driver and bodyguard.

I'll give you 10,000 yuan a month!

what do you think? "

You want me to be your bodyguard for a thousand dollars?

You are dark enough!

Chen Xin'an really wanted to kick him away.

But now the situation is special and he needs a hiding place.

So I didn’t care about how much money I had and nodded.

Mgarde grinned, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Do a good job, I, Mgarde, will not treat my brother badly!

Follow me and you can walk sideways in Gabon from now on!

Ji Li, you take him everywhere!

From now on he will be one of his own! "

The young man Ji Li came over, nodded to Chen Xin'an and said, "Come on, friend, I'll show you around and let you know what we do every day!"

Chen Xin'an followed him, but out of the corner of her eye she saw the person controlling the hook limping into a door nearby.

He turned to Ji Li and pointed to the door.

Ji Li asked him: "Do you want to go to the bathroom? Then I will wait for you here.

Just call me when you come out! "

I didn't expect that there was a bathroom in that door.

In Inca, there are not many places with restrooms.

Because people here always find a nook and corner to pee when they walk on the street.

He turned around, walked over, and opened the door.

It turns out that this is not just a restroom, but also a bathroom and a dressing room.

There are shift workers changing clothes inside.

The man who came in just now was being ridiculed by several people.

"Hey, A Ming, look at your virtue and you've been beaten again!"

"This idiot is used to being beaten every day! The injury is so serious this time, maybe the boss did it himself?"

"I can't help it, who made him look like he deserves a beating! If I don't beat him every day, I won't feel comfortable! Kneel down, do you still need me to remind you every time?"

A Ming lowered his eyes and knelt on the ground with a resigned look.

Several Incas raised a foot in perfect agreement, stepped on his head and body, and tied their shoelaces.

But just when someone was switching to the other foot, A Ming seemed unable to bear the injury and fell to the ground!

He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and a few drops of blood stained the trouser leg of the person next to him.

"Asshole! You soiled my pants!" One person scolded him and kicked him hard!

Others also raised their feet and kicked A Ming violently!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an came over with a sullen face and pushed everyone away!

"Who are you? Dare to meddle in other people's business? I'll beat you to death!" The Inca, whose pants were stained, clenched his fists and forced himself towards Chen Xin'an!

A person next to him grabbed him and whispered: "This is the bodyguard the boss just hired!

The person who sold the car for 100,000 yuan tonight is him! "

Everyone's expressions changed.

Everyone heard about that.

After all, this is one of the few things that their factory suffers from.

No one dares to mess with this fierce man.

Several Incas patted their clothes angrily and walked out.

Chen Xin'an stretched out her hand to pull A Ming up, but he threw his arm away expressionlessly.

Chen Xin'an didn't mind either. He glanced around and asked in a deep voice, "Are you Chinese?"


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