Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1652 They are all a bunch of ungrateful people

A Ming was startled and looked at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Don't say anything, don't talk loudly." Chen Xin'an went to help him again, but this time A Ming didn't refuse, and he pulled his arm and stood up.

Mgaad was really cruel. The crowbar hit him, breaking at least two bones.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to A Ming: "You have to go to the hospital..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" A Ming gritted his teeth and endured the pain and said, "I don't have money to treat the injury!

Do you know how expensive private hospitals are in Inca?

Although public hospitals are free of charge, the conditions are too poor.

Even then, I wasn’t eligible to go because I didn’t have proof of Inca citizenship!

Why did you save that bastard?

Do you know how long I have been waiting for that opportunity just now?

Just because of you, everything went to waste! "

It turns out this guy really did it on purpose.

Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "What are the consequences of doing that? Have you considered it?

Even if you kill Mgarde, no matter whether intentionally or unintentionally, no one here will let you go! "

"I do!" A Ming cursed through gritted teeth: "I will pull these bastards to die together!

Did you know that their car repair skills were all learned from my dad!

They lied to my dad and gave him a high salary to quit his job in China and come here to work for them.

After they mastered all the techniques, they kicked my dad away.

I was afraid that other people would poach my dad, so I reported him as an illegal immigrant and put him in jail!

As a result, he was beaten to death in prison!

I came here to find out that my dad is dead...

But they refused to let me leave and tricked me into working as a laborer for them here for a year.

He ate food worse than pigs and dogs, and bullied me, insulted me, and beat me!

These bastards are not human!

I no longer want to live.

But before beating me to death, I'll help them back up! "

Chen Xin'an looked at the person in front of him sympathetically.

He shook his head and said to A Ming: "You can't even defeat one of them, how can you get them to take revenge?

You only get one chance like tonight. "

A Ming glanced at him and said angrily: "What do you know? Of course I can do something!"

Chen Xin'an patted him on the shoulder and said, "I can take you away and get out of here!"

A Ming was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "I won't leave!

I won't leave here until my revenge is avenged!

My dad is gone, I have nothing left, I can’t live without Inca!

Even if I return to China, where can I go?

My mother had divorced my father a long time ago and had her own family and children, so she wouldn't let me go find her.

What's the point of me going back?

My biggest wish now is to die together with these bastards!

Let me tell you, every one of the people here deserves to die! "

Chen Xin'an sighed: "I can see the killing intent in Mgaad's eyes.

Don't think he can't see that you did it on purpose.

So he won't give you a second chance!

No matter what your support is, he will not give you time to take action! "

A Ming looked sad, and he knew that Chen Xin'an did not lie to him.

He frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "What about you? Why are you here? Are you willing to be the lackey of a person like Mgard?"

Chen Xin'an didn't have much explanation, she just said to him: "I have to hide from a tough opponent and need a place to rest and heal.

So here I am.

I will leave when the injury is healed.

When the time comes, I can take you with me and no one can stop me! "

Looking at Chen Xin'an's sincere eyes, A Ming believed what he said.

He reached out and held Chen Xin'an's hand.

The two were about the same size and had the same build.

It's just that A Ming's hands don't look like the hands of a young man at all.

It was scarred and covered with calluses, and you could feel the harsh roughness when holding it in your hand.

"Brother! I have something to ask you!

Don't worry, I won't ask you to help me get revenge.

Because only if I take revenge with my own hands can I die in peace!

All I ask is that once I die, please help me breathe my last breath.

Send me to the backmost room in the front toilet! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned!

I have never heard such a weird request in my life!

You have only one breath left and you still want to crawl into the toilet?

Do you want to take a bite of Xiang before you die?

Seeing the doubt in Chen Xin'an's eyes, A Ming said calmly:

"You don't know, there are a lot of private oil sales in Inca.

Most people rarely go to gas stations to refuel when driving, so they will look for private fuel because it is cheap.

This is also a private oil storage point.

The large warehouse next to the toilet is full of barrels of private oil!

Once it explodes, the entire garage will turn into a sea of ​​flames, and no one can escape!

I have dug a passage in the innermost toilet and blocked it with wall panels.

As long as you remove the wall panel, you can enter the oil depot.

Then I can die with them!

Chen Xin'an was startled and scolded him: "Didn't you roast me too?"

A Ming glanced at him shyly and said, "After you send me there, it will take about two minutes for me to light the fire.

When the time comes, run out quickly and run as far as you can! "

What a lunatic!

A warehouse of oil was ignited. The explosion and the fire. How far can I run?

I'm afraid the whole street will be engulfed in fire!

Just as Chen Xin'an was about to refuse, the door was pushed open and someone walked in.

The two immediately shut up.

Chen Xin'an helped A Ming walk to the sink.

Ji Li came over and said to him: "Why did you come in for so long?

Why are you paying attention to him?

No one cares if this idiot dies here!

Come out quickly and I'll take you around inside! "

Chen Xin'an washed her hands and followed him.

After walking a few steps, he turned around and glanced at A Ming.

Seeing the pleading look on his face, Chen Xin'an sighed helplessly and nodded.

Coming out of the bathroom, Chen Xin'an frowned, the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

It seemed that everyone raised their heads and looked at him. When Chen Xin'an looked over, they quickly lowered their heads.

"This side is for maintenance, and that side is for polishing. This place is amazing. You must have never seen it before. I'll take you to see it!"

Chen Xin'an remained calm and followed Ji Li.

In front of you is a large iron door with an electronic control panel next to it.

Ji Li opened the door and asked Chen Xin'an to go in.

The moment Chen Xin'an walked in, Ji Li suddenly closed the door behind him, with a sinister smile on his face!

But Chen Xin'an, who was already on guard, reached out as fast as lightning and grabbed Ji Li's arm!


The electric door pinched Ji Li's right arm hard, causing him to scream in pain!

His left hand quickly pressed the electronic control switch next to it, and the door was opened again!

Everyone nearby rushed over, but Chen Xin'an held down Ji Li's head and pushed him against the door frame.

The other hand is on the button of the door close button!

As Mgarde shouted loudly, everyone stood two meters away, not daring to move forward!

Chen Xin'an said nothing, but a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Mgaad with squinted eyes.

With the owner of the small shop and his daughter Zhuyu in front of him, how could he trust these Mgaade father and son.

These Incas are all ungrateful, and they have no idea what integrity is!

Mgaade looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I don't care how you offended Master Muzhu!

I never get along with those monks!

But you should never, never, ever provoke people from the Balosa family!

Even if the head of the family comes to arrest you personally, there is nothing I can do! "


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