Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1655 Kneel down and beg me to spare your life

The two masters were fighting together, and the group of people around them didn't even have a chance to get close!

Originally, someone wanted to add insult to injury and launch a sneak attack on Chen Xin'an.

But just as he was about to approach, he was kicked away by an unknown person, and his body hit the car next to him, causing a big dent in the car body!

The guy's mouth was bleeding and he died on the spot!

This frightened the people around him, and no one dared to take advantage of it.

Everyone took a few steps back and surrounded the two people, just watching them grapple with each other.

Unlike those flying martial arts scenes in movies, real masters fight without those fancy moves.

The punches hit the flesh, and the moves are deadly!

Boxing, kicking, wrestling, and all close combat moves can be used.

It's just that the force is heavier and the moves are faster, making people dazzled and can't even see clearly!

Chen Xin'an's mouth and nose were bleeding, and his body, which was already seriously injured, was now riddled with holes.

But his eyes are getting more and more excited!

This is a master of the fourth level of internal energy!

The strongest enemy he has ever encountered!

How many times can he encounter such a fighting opportunity in his life?

Every move and every move can benefit me immensely!

Masters like them must experience the realization between life and death if they want to improve themselves.

And this kind of opportunity is rare!

So even if he is injured, as long as he doesn't die and can still move, Chen Xin'an will continue to fight!

Like an invincible little strong, with endless vitality!

On the contrary, Master Muzhu became more and more frightened as he fought!

I originally thought that if Chen Xin was fighting face to face, he could easily kill the opponent with three punches and two kicks.

After all, there is still a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

I just never expected that this guy would be so durable!

After every heavy blow, he thought the opponent would definitely fall.

But the other party still stood firmly in front of him, and even took the initiative to rush forward!

Is this guy a robot made of iron?

Not afraid of pain and tireless?

On the contrary, his whole body was almost torn, and blood had penetrated the thick gauze.

The unbearable pain engulfed him whole.

If there weren't so many people around now, he would have shouted out.

He has many followers and has lived a pampered life over the years.

In fact, since he returned from the great victory in China that year, he has been regarded as an Inca hero.

He was named a guru, recruited many followers, and was sought after and respected by others.

Life is getting better and better, and the strength has been greatly improved because of the superior environmental conditions.

The only thing that has declined is combat power.

Because he no longer needs to take action himself, there will naturally be believers to help him solve all problems.

Such a life made him afraid of losing, afraid of pain, and even more afraid of death!

He had been able to kill Chen Xin several times just now, and the other party had taken the initiative to expose his flaws.

But he couldn't catch it even once.

Because even if he succeeds, he will pay a high price.

Even if it is not a reward of one's own life, it may be a reward of half a life, or a limb.

Master Muzhu wouldn't dare to take such an adventure!

He couldn't imagine what kind of life he would live after becoming a disabled person.

But one thing is for sure, everything he has now will be lost!

So when he hit the back, he fell into a disadvantage!

He was obviously stronger than his opponent, but it was more like he was occupied by the opponent and took the initiative to fight. The more he fought, the more embarrassed he became!

In fact, the two of them fought for less than three minutes, but for the masters, this was already a lot of physical exertion!


Master Muzhu slapped Chen Xin'an on the back of the heart with a powerful palm.

Chen Xin'an leaned forward, turned around, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Master Muzhu covered his eyes with his right arm and took a step back.

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an rushed up and grabbed his finger.

Before he could react, he just pushed it out!

With a click, two of his fingers were cut off!

"Ah!" Master Muzhu screamed loudly, and the severe pain left him wide open!

How could Chen Xin'an let go of such a good opportunity? Another mouthful of blood spurted on his face!

Master Muzhu's face was covered with blood, his vision was blurred, and he staggered back.

Chen Xin'an chased after him, hitting his chest hard with both fists in turn, and finally broke Master Mu Zhu's sternum with a click!

Master Mu Zhu, who was in severe pain, screamed and kicked Chen Xin'an away. The two of them fell to the ground almost at the same time!

In just the next second, Chen Xin'an jumped up, rushed to Master Mu Zhu, and punched him in the face!

Master Mu Zhu let out a scream of terror, pushed Chen Xin'an away, got up and was about to run, but was kicked to the ground by Duju!

Then Chen Xin'an rushed forward, rode directly on Master Mu Zhu, raised his fist, and smashed Master Mu Zhu's head!

Master Mu Zhu screamed and stretched out his hand to push Chen Xin'an away.

But the opponent grabbed his arm, clicked it, and broke his left elbow!

Then he held down the opponent's right arm and raised his fist to hit Master Muzhu on the right shoulder.

After three punches, there was another crisp sound, and Master Muzhu's right shoulder joint was completely broken by him!

Master Mu Zhu's arms were disabled and he could no longer make harmful attacks on Chen Xin'an.

He has never encountered such a desperate opponent in his life, and his courage has been frightened!

At the critical moment of life and death, he still had too many worries and begged Chen Xin'an for mercy:

"Chen Xin, please let me go, don't kill me!

I have a lot of money, I can give it all to you!

As long as you can let me go! "

Anyway, this guy has already killed Abraham. Even if he can get out here, he will never get out of Inca!

The police outside will definitely not let him go!

As for the money, as long as this guy can't leave Inca, the money will still be his!

Chen Xin'an looked at Master Mu Zhu with a sarcastic expression, curled her lips and stood up.

Master Muzhu didn't expect to impress this guy so easily, and he felt very contemptuous in his heart.

I thought it would be so difficult, but I didn’t expect that it could be done with just a little money!

Chinese people are greedy and want money even when they are about to die!

Without the help of his hands, Master Mu Zhu endured the severe pain, struggled to stand up, and said to Chen Xin'an with a pitiful look:

"I have become like this. I am no longer a threat to you. It is useless for you to kill me. Just let me go!"

I can give you enough money so that even if you return to China, you can have a wealth that you can't spend all your life..."

"Kneel down!" Chen Xin'an wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, pointed down with his hand, looked at Master Mu Zhu with squinting eyes and said:

"Be sincere when you beg me. Don't stand there. Kneel at my feet and beg me to spare your life!"

"You..." Master Muzhu's expression changed and he wanted to refuse.

But Chen Xin'an just rolled up her sleeves and wanted to take action!


Master Mu Zhu knelt on the ground and said to Chen Xin'an: "Please, spare my life!"

The people around were in an uproar!

They couldn't understand what the two were talking about, but now they could see that Master Mu Zhu had been defeated!

And as a leader in the Inca martial arts world, a Buddhist monk, the hero and pride of the Inca country, he actually knelt down to the enemy and begged for mercy!

There are many people here who are also followers of Master Muzhu.

But seeing such a scene, their faith collapsed!

They couldn't accept that their respected guru knelt down and begged for mercy from his opponent!

For a moment, almost everyone looked at Master Muzhu with undisguised contempt.

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, shook his head and looked at Master Mu Zhu and said: "With a person like you, you can still trample the entire Chinese martial arts under your feet?

That's because you haven't met a real master.

The Wushu Association is just an organization and does not represent the entire Chinese martial arts community.

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in China. Who do you think you are? You dare to say that you are stepping on the Chinese martial arts? ! "


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