Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1656 This cigarette is not easy to smoke

Such words made Master Mu Zhu so ashamed that he stood up from the ground and roared at Chen Xin'an!

The strange looks from the people around him were already unbearable for him. The guy in front of him even tore off his last layer of fig leaf, making him almost crawl into the cracks in the ground!

He was just about to say something in defense, but Chen Xin'an didn't bother to talk nonsense to him. He rushed forward and punched him in the throat!


Master Mu Zhu had already heard the sound of his throat bones breaking.

His eyes almost bulged, and he looked at Chen Xin'an in pain, while blood mixed with internal organs and broken bones continued to pour out of his mouth.

Chen Xin'an stood in front of him and looked at him coldly, and said lightly: "I just asked you to kneel down, and I didn't promise to let you go!"

"Kill him!" someone in the crowd shouted, and everyone rushed over!

The head of the Borosa family and Master Muzhu were all killed by this man. It is impossible for everyone here to let Chen Xin'an leave!

The crowd surged in like a tidal wave, and at this moment, a loud shout came from the door of the oil depot nearby.

Mgarde and several of his men had arrived at the entrance of the oil depot and found that the door here was indeed open.

I was about to close the door of the oil depot, otherwise it would be a big trouble if the police saw me.

But at this moment, Mgarde heard something moving inside.

He made a gesture to his men, and then led the people inside.

What a strong smell of oil!

Even in an oil depot, the smell of oil was too strong, as if an oil barrel was leaking.

It was difficult to turn on the light, for fear of being seen by people outside, so I could only vaguely see it with the help of the outside light. There was a figure inside, who seemed to be busy with something.

"What are you doing!" Mgaade thought the other party was stealing fuel and shouted sharply.

The man ignored them at all, just hugged an oil drum and opened the lid on it.

Then he tipped the oil drum down, letting the oil inside spill on the ground, and he pushed it forward while spreading it.

Not far away, there were several oil drums that had been emptied, and the ground was covered with gasoline!

No wonder it smells so oily!

At this moment, everyone also recognized the guy.


Mgaard finally understood why he kept having a strange feeling when he was in the bathroom, as if he was missing something.

Now that he remembered it, he had missed this person!

He entered the bathroom earlier than the fake mute.

But when everyone went in just now, they didn't find the fake mute, nor did they see him!

Unexpectedly, he actually entered the oil depot!

How did he get in?

At this time, Mgard had no intention of thinking about this issue. He pointed at Amin and cursed:

"Asshole, what are you doing! Stop it!

Hurry up and stop him!

This is my oil!

I let this bastard waste it all!

You don't dare to seek revenge on me for using useless things. You just use this method to cause me losses, right?

Remember, how much I have lost, you will give me more slaves! "

The two men behind him rushed over and punched and kicked A Ming, knocking him to the ground!

Mgaad stepped forward and kicked Amin hard in the face, leaving his mouth full of blood.

Then he squatted next to A Ming and said with a ferocious smile:

“Do you think I don’t know you’ve been trying to kill me?


It was indeed a good opportunity just now, but it was ruined by your compatriot!

Tell me, is this God’s will? "

One of the apprentices stepped on A Ming's face, laughed and cursed at him: "You waste!

How dare you take revenge on your boss?

Why, beating you every day is not enough to make you feel that your life is very comfortable now, right?

It doesn't matter, at worst, I'll just beat you a few more times in the future!

Anyway, everyone is bored when they are idle. Isn’t it easy for you to have fun? "

Another man spat on him and said: “Your dad is a fool.

As long as he agrees to help, we can bring our business to China and make more money!

But he didn't agree and deserved to be beaten to death!

You are even stupider than your father. You brought it to our door and were treated as a toy by us!

He doesn't even have the courage to take revenge.

Wagging its tail at us like a dog all day long!

What else can you do? "

A Ming, who was lying on the ground with his face covered in blood after being beaten, looked at the three people in front of him and said:

"Yes, I'm a waste!

I'm not as good as my dad.

I will only compliment you and please you!

Eat the worst food and get the lowest wages.

Even so, I still have to save this little money to help you buy cigarettes.

Come on, boss, two big brothers, smoke! "

He took out the cigarette case from his trouser pocket, pulled out the cigarettes inside, and handed them to Mgaard and the two apprentices.

The three of them looked at each other and laughed.

The eyes looking at A Ming were also full of sarcasm.

"Now you know how to please us? Weren't you just taking revenge on us?"

"Are you stupid! What kind of place is this? Do you still dare to smoke? Put it away now!"

"It's useless! You just don't have any brains in doing things! Don't drag me to accompany you if you want to die!"

A Ming was kicked again and didn't care, he was used to it anyway.

He simply sat up, but instead of putting the cigarette away, he stuffed it into his mouth and said with a smile:

"If you don't smoke, I will smoke it myself!

It’s funny when I think about it. I obviously don’t smoke, but I carry at least two packs of cigarettes in my pocket every day.

They all want to honor you.

And you don’t smoke ordinary cigarettes. The lowest-grade cigarettes cost 500 Indian Canadian dollars a pack.

When you buy cigarettes yourself, you buy them one by one.

When I buy cigarettes, I only buy one or two packs at a time.

I worked hard for a month, but it was not enough to buy five packs of cigarettes.

Do you think it's funny or not?

It makes me want to know now, what does smoking feel like? "

He put the cigarette in his mouth and took out a lighter.

The expressions of the three people changed!

Mgaad shouted: “Stop him quickly!

Does this bastard want us to die together? "

After saying this, he suddenly shivered!

Turning his head to look at A Ming, and seeing the weird smile on his face, he understood instantly!

That's right, this bastard just wants everyone to die with him!

The hairs all over his body stood up, and he shouted to the two apprentices: "He wants to go to the fuel depot! Hurry and grab his lighter!"

The two apprentices were stunned for a moment, then their expressions changed and they rushed towards A Ming!

But A Ming lay on the ground and rolled around twice, avoiding the two people, and his whole body was covered with gasoline.

Then he lit the lighter!

"Ah!" The three people exclaimed, all looking at him stupidly.

The fire did not burn because from beginning to end, Amin did not let his right hand get gasoline.

He sat on the ground, lit the cigarette in his mouth with a calm expression, and took a deep breath.

The three of them were so frightened that they couldn't move. After all, they seemed to be in a powder magazine now.

If you are not careful, they will be wiped out!

A Ming took a puff of the cigarette, coughed violently, shook his head, and said with a look of disgust: "It's not easy to smoke! It's too choking!"

Mgard cursed: "What the hell are you doing..."

A Ming handed the cigarette from his right hand to his left hand, grinned and said: "You bastards, are you ready to die?"

This guy's left hand is full of gasoline!

Mgaad's face suddenly turned pale and without any blood, and there was only one thought in his mind: it's over!

A blue light spread quickly, turning Amin into a burning man in the blink of an eye!

But he was still sitting there calmly in the blazing fire, smoking one puff at a time!

Almost instantly, the entire oil depot was set on fire!

The raging fire devoured everything in an instant, covering the entire maintenance shop in flames!


The violent explosion reminded me that the maintenance shop collapsed in the fire and everyone was buried in the sea of ​​​​fire!


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