Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1657 A woman not to be underestimated

Under the moonlight, a group of people were climbing along the forest path.

The scarred man cursed dissatisfiedly: "Old Ma, do you really have to leave now? Why don't you let us turn on the flashlight.

Then why did you ask us to prepare this thing?

We have been walking for most of the night, and you didn't let us rest. Do you think we are robots?"

Ma Qiubai lowered his voice and said: "Before dawn, we must pass the boundary network, otherwise we can't pass during the day, and we can only wait for a whole day!

You also saw it just now. The Inca green suits have come here twice!

What does this mean?

They already suspect that someone is going to cross the boundary network, so they have strengthened patrols!

I think they will come again soon.

If you feel tired and want to rest, I won't stop you.

If you are willing to continue walking, just follow me."

Everyone lowered their heads and continued to move forward.

The scarred man followed behind with a gloomy face.

One person kicked him lightly and raised his chin.

This is a cross-eyed man who came from the same dormitory as the scarred man and has a good relationship with him.

He looked at the two women in front of him with a veiled smile.

The scarred man was also happy, knowing what he was thinking.

This guy is a pervert.

After being freed from his identity as an illegal worker, his true nature was exposed.

He always talked about women.

The scarred man also saw that the cross-eyed man had set his sights on these two women.

He had been trying to get close to them all the way, but they just ignored him.

When climbing the mountain, he also deliberately pulled the scarred man to the end, and his intention was obvious.

The cross-eyed man lowered his voice and said to the scarred man: "Find an opportunity to pull the two of them behind a tree!

You play with the older one, and I'll play with the younger one.

Then switch sides.

In this mountain, it's a waste not to eat the meat that's delivered to your doorstep!"

The scarred man angrily cursed: "At this time, you still have this interest?"

The cross-eyed man laughed: "I didn't want to think about it at first.

I thought I would die in that broken place.

I didn't expect to run out again!

How can I not play with this?

You know why I ran here!

If that girl wasn't so weak that I played her to death, would I have to come here to suffer this?

I've been holding it in for so long, if I don't vent my anger, I'm so pissed off!" The scarred man said gloomily, "You can have fun with the girls, but before that, let's get rid of those annoying people first! Otherwise, they will definitely not let us succeed!" The cross-eyed man sneered and said with disdain, "We still need them now, so let's listen to what they say first. When we cross the boundary net and reach the territory of China, do you think I will pay any attention to them?" The scarred man nodded and cursed gloomily, "If you make me angry, just kill them! Bring the map over, I can go back by myself!" Just then, someone in front suddenly shouted in a low voice, "Get down!" Everyone turned aside and lay in the bushes. Soon, a light shone over, which was obviously the flashlight on the Inca green gun. This was a group of three people, who should be conducting routine inspections in a small area. One of them shouted, stopped, and untied the belt on his pants. And where he was facing, the scarred man was lying! Knowing what this guy wanted to do, the scarred man cursed in his heart and moved aside cautiously.

But in this place, unless you don't move.

As long as you move a little, the friction sound of clothes will be very obvious.

And the moonlight is very bright, you can see most of the movements of people.

This movement, the Inca green suit found it, was startled, and immediately raised his gun, shouting: "Who is there?!"

In fact, this is just a test. As long as you stay still and stay next to the stone, the other party will think it is a wild beast in the mountains or heard it wrong.

But the scarred man himself was already panicking, thinking that he was discovered. He turned over and knelt on the ground in fear, shouting: "Don't kill me..."

At this moment, behind the green suit, a black shadow suddenly appeared, holding a stone high, and smashed it hard on the head of the green suit!

Blood splattered, and the green suit fell to the ground without a groan!

Two other green suits rushed over immediately, and the flashlights on their guns hit the black shadow at the same time. It was Ma Qiubai!

The stone in his hand was still dripping with blood!

At the same time, two shadows rushed up from the side and directly knocked down the two green suits!

Erkui and the mute grabbed the arms of the two green suits tightly to prevent them from pulling the trigger.

This place should be not far from their main force. Once the gun was fired, everyone would be finished!

Everyone watched this scene anxiously, and Ma Qiubai shouted: "Why are you still standing there?


Once we are discovered, none of us can leave!"

Everyone reacted and rushed forward!

Only the scarred man was still kneeling on the ground, looking frightened.

At that moment just now, if the green suit had fired a gun, he would have been a corpse now!

The guns of the two green suits were finally taken away.

A green suit screamed, but the next second, Ma Qiubai took a stone and smashed it hard on his head!

Blood splashed on Erkui who was pressing on him.

But Erkui didn't bother to wipe it off, just picked up a stone next to him, raised his hands, and smashed it hard at the green suit under him!

On the other side, the mute grabbed the green suit's neck with both hands, and the person next to him held down the green suit's hands and feet.

Soon the man in green clothes stopped struggling, his body went limp, and he was strangled to death by the mute!

All three green outfits have been eliminated.

Everyone then let go of their hands and stepped aside.

Ma Qiubai and Mute together pulled Erkui away, who had smashed the green suit's head to pieces and was still slamming rocks down like crazy.

Erkui stood up, threw away the stone in his hand, turned around and kicked the scar-faced man to the ground!

"You bastard! Why did you move? You almost killed everyone!"

Seeing everyone looking at him with angry eyes, the scar-faced man became anxious and cursed at Erkui:

"Are you so blind?

Can't you see this bastard is going to piss on my head? "

Erkui wanted to rush over, but was pulled away by the others, who spat and cursed at him: "Why don't you show your backbone to me here!

In Dingxin Factory, how many times did you have people pee on their heads?

Which of us has never been peed on before?

If you want to show your backbone, you should have resisted then. Why are you so valuable now?

You really have to kill everyone before you stop, right? "

The scarred man's face turned blue and white, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It was okay before, but my life there was worse than a dog's!

Now I have come out and become a human being!

Who the hell is going to try to shit and piss on me again? "

Erkui still wanted to scold him, but Ma Qiubai shouted at him: "Okay, don't say this!

These people will be found by our companions soon. We must leave quickly!

Get their weapons!

Let's divide it up, Erkui, Sister Ying, Fatty, you three get the guns.

Dumb, Aman, and I were holding knives. "

Peng Ying was stunned for a moment and asked Ma Qiubai, "Should I get a gun?"

"Yes!" Ma Qiubai nodded and said, "When we came here, you fired a gun and killed someone!

Everyone looked at Peng Ying with awe in their eyes.

Even the cross-eyed man and the scarred man exchanged looks of shock.

I originally thought she was a gentle and weak woman, but I didn't expect to have such a tough experience!

It seems that if you want to have something happen with her, you can't use force right from the start.

He made her anxious, and she was also a ruthless person!


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