Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1658 This team can no longer accommodate you.

This lifeless escape lasted for nearly two hours.

It wasn't until they looked at the boundary net with the red light on that everyone finally stopped.

When the red light comes on, it means the boundary network is powered on.

If you want to pass safely, you have to find the hidden stream and swim upstream!

Ma Qiubai asked everyone to wait where they were, while he ran around nearby.

Erkui grabbed him and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"Water!" Ma Qiubai said anxiously, "I can't find the water!"

Erkui frowned and asked, "Don't you have some in your bag? Why don't you drink mine first?"

As he spoke, he took off his backpack and prepared to get water.

Ma Qiubai took his arm and said, "It's not drinking water, it's stream water! We must find that stream!"

Only that place can pass through the electrified boundary network! "

Erkui suddenly understood, turned around and said to everyone: "Everyone, please help me and look for streams nearby!

Remember, center on this big rock.

Sister Ying and Xiaoman, you two stay here.

Every two minutes, turn on the flashlight and shine it around so that everyone can see the light.

If you feel a little far away, come back quickly! "

No one was talking nonsense, they all turned and left.

After a while, Cai Ruman said to Peng Ying: "Sister Ying, you watch here, I'll go over there!"

Peng Ying knew what she was going to do, nodded and said, "Okay! Be careful and call me if anything happens!"

Cai Ruman smiled slightly and patted her waist, as if to tell her, I have a knife!

After walking to a big tree and making sure there was no one around, Cai Ruman inserted the knife into the tree, unbuttoned his pants and squatted down.

After a while, when she wanted to stand up, as soon as she lifted her pants, a man suddenly rushed over from behind and covered her mouth!

Cai Ruman was startled. For almost ten seconds, his body became stiff and he forgot to resist.

When she felt the person behind her taking off her pants, she remembered to struggle and her body began to twist hard!

The other person covered her mouth with one hand, pulled her body with the other hand, and pushed her heavily to the ground!

The sharp rocks below hit her body and the back of her head!

Cai Ruman burst into tears in pain. She wanted to struggle and scream, but her mouth was tightly held down and she could only make a whimpering sound!

The other party was not relaxed either. He was breathing heavily and pressed on her, tearing his clothes with one hand.

After a while, he finally couldn't help shouting: "Scar, come here and help me!"

"What the hell..." The scar-faced man cursed angrily.

I didn’t expect that this guy who failed to achieve anything but failed more than failed could not even handle a woman!

And he even called him by his nickname!

Doesn’t this mean telling the other person their identity?

Sure enough, Cai Ruman, who was pressed down, was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that it was the cross-eyed man pressing down on her!

She endured the severe pain under her head that almost made her faint, and struggled hard.

Finally, the cross-eyed hand covering her mouth slipped away and pressed against her mouth.

Cai Ruman opened her mouth, bit her cross-eyed little finger, and then kept pushing!

"Ah!" Crosseyes screamed, immediately closed his mouth, clenched his right fist, and hit Cai Ruman on the head hard!

But Cai Ruman bit his little finger and refused to let go!

The cross-eyed man became anxious and shouted to the scar-faced man: "Give me that knife!"

There is a knife stuck in the tree, but with Cross Eyes' current posture, he can't reach it at all!

The scarred man hesitated.

Once you give him the knife, someone will die!

This matter must not be hidden, and Ma Qiubai and his gang will definitely not spare the two of them!

The fighting cock cursed angrily: "I'm going to break my hand! Give it to me now!"

The scar-faced man gritted his teeth and said, "What the hell, isn't it just a cousin!"

I don't believe that Ma Qiubai and his gang really turned against her because of her!

With a swipe, he pulled out the short knife from the tree, and just as he was about to hand it to Crosseye, there was a click next to him.

Then a bright light shone on him and Cross-Eye.

Behind the bright light, Peng Ying's angry voice came: "Throw away the knife! Get out of the way!"

The scar-faced man was so frightened that he quickly dropped the knife and raised his hands without daring to move!

What they are holding is a gun!

With a scream, Cross Eyes held his bloody left hand and knelt on the ground.

Cai Ruman stood up from the ground, picked up the knife on the ground, and stabbed Crosseyes on the shoulder!

Then he spat out the severed finger in his mouth.

Companions followed the sound and ran over.

Ma Qiubai and Erkui looked at Cai Ruman, who had just put up his pants, and then looked at the scene around them, and they understood what had happened!

"What the hell are you!" He ran over and kicked Cross-Eyed, then turned around and kicked the scar-faced man, and cursed at them:

"Get out! Get the hell away now!

I won’t serve you any more! "

Erkui gritted his teeth and cursed: "You guys all...

Have you forgotten what life was like in Dingxin Factory?

Each one of them is even meaner than a dog.

I don’t see how much backbone you have.

Now that you have come out, you have all become more capable and capable!

He will act arrogantly to his compatriots and bully women!

Bastards like you really shouldn't be let out!

Forget it, let's go.

Whether you live or die is up to fate.

There is no room for you in this team! "

"We just lost our minds for a moment, give us a chance..." The scar-faced man accompanied the smiling face and begged everyone.

The mute suddenly rushed over and kicked Cross Eyes in the stomach.

He grabbed the handle of the knife and pulled it out with a pop!

The cross-eyed man fell to the ground screaming and rolling in pain.

The mute twirled the knife, pointing the tip forward, and wanted to stab Crosseye's neck to shut him up, but at this moment, there was a burst of gunfire from below!

Soon two companions who went out to look for water ran back and said to Ma Qiubai: "Hurry up, the Inca green suit is catching up!"

"Let's go!" Ma Qiubai waved to everyone without any hesitation.

Everyone had not gone far in the first place. They rushed back after hearing the shouts here. Now everyone is here.

But the scar-faced man and the cross-eyed man were deliberately left behind.

It's not like Lao Zhi, who makes money by doing this.

I just take you back together for the sake of my compatriots.

Along the way, he has been scheming against his companions, bullying women, and refusing to listen to repeated admonitions, so why don’t we let him go!

The scar-faced man really wants to kick the cross-eyed man!

Damn it, how many times have you told me to be patient, to be patient again, and to wait until the boundary is over before looking for an opportunity.

You just won’t listen and insist on taking action now!

Now it's better, if you steal the chicken, you won't lose the rice.

The fishy smell didn't stick to it, and a finger was lost.

Now he has been kicked out of the team!

This is equivalent to asking the two of them to die!

The scar-faced man originally didn't want to care about this good-for-nothing with cross-eyed eyes.

But if we really leave this guy behind, he will really become a loner!

Seeing the lights below getting closer and closer, the scar-faced man didn't dare to hesitate. He quickly helped Cross-Eye up and chased after the team in front.

Ma Qiubai had already found the stream just now. As long as he walked up the stream, he could find the secret passage.

Now everyone is walking along the stream.

The lights behind them have been following closely, as if they know they are ahead.

This kind of mountain road is difficult to walk alone.

Now the scar-faced man has to support the cross-eyed man, and he is getting further and further away from the team.

However, the Inca green-suited men who were chasing after them were getting closer and closer.

He was also wondering why it was so difficult to get rid of the tail behind him.

When he heard the dog barking and looked at the cross-eyed cock dripping blood from the wound, he understood everything!

Emotions themselves also carry a big bait!


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