Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1659: Terrible Human Nature


Ma Qiubai waved his hands to everyone, indicating that everyone should stop.

He looked around and walked into the grass nearby.

After a while, he grabbed a handful of grass in each hand and came out and said to everyone:

“Everyone looks for grass like this, chews the grass juice and applies it on the exposed skin.

It can prevent hounds from being tracked. This is what Brother Xin taught us!

After doing it, find a hidden place to lie down and don't move around.

Let’s wait until those Inca green outfits pass.

The secret passage should be nearby! "

When they heard what Chen Xin had said, everyone didn't dare to neglect and went to look for it separately.

Shortly after everyone hid, the scar-faced man came over holding the cross-eyed man.

After looking around, the scar-faced man cursed strangely: "It's weird, why is there suddenly no one there? Where have they all gone?

These bastards really left us here without care! "

Cross-eyed endured the severe pain, gritted his teeth and cursed: "When I get back over there, every one of these bastards will wait for me!

Especially Ma Qiubai and Mute, I want their lives!

And those two bitches, I buried them when I got tired of playing with them!

Let these bastards know that there will be no good consequences if they offend me! "

The scar-faced man glanced at the pursuers below and said to Cross-Eye: "You wait here, I'll go to the big rock and take a look. Those people can't run far!"

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, his sleeve was grabbed.

Turning around, she looked at him with cross-eyed eyes and a cold face, and asked faintly:

"Brother, you won't leave me and run away, right?"

The scar-faced man looked embarrassed and said to him with a forced smile: "How is that possible! I'm that kind of person!

I am a person who values ​​loyalty the most, and it’s not like you don’t know that!

Don't worry, I'll see which direction they go.

We have to catch up quickly, otherwise we will definitely be caught by those Inca green outfits! "

Cross Eyes loosened his sleeves and said with a sneer: "Brother, we are just grasshoppers on the same rope now.

You know my business, and I know your business clearly.

If you dare to abandon me, as long as I can go back, I will expose everything about you! "

"Hahaha, brother, you are worrying too much!" The scar-faced man patted the cross-eyed shoulder and said:

"I will never abandon you!

We are good brothers who share weal and woe!

Don't worry, I went up to take a look and came back down. "

Cross Eyes nodded.

The scar-faced man walked to a big rock not far away, looked around for a while under the moonlight, pointed ahead and said: "Over there! Let's catch up quickly!"

He jumped down from the stone, but seemed to lose his balance and fell to the ground with an ouch.

Cross-eyed, he held his left hand and ran over quickly, trying to help him up, and asked:

"What's wrong? Stop spraining your foot!

If something happens to you at this time, our brothers will die here! "

The scar-faced man sat on the ground with a look of pain on his face, pointing to his right foot and saying:

"It seems like I stepped on something, please help me take a look!"

Cross-eyed squatted beside his legs, tilted his head and looked at the soles of his feet and said, "It's nothing? I can't even touch it..."

Before he could finish his words, the scar-faced man suddenly raised his right hand.

In his hand, he grabbed a stone as big as two fists and hit it hard on Cross-Eyed's forehead!

Blood spurted out instantly, and Crosseyes' body tilted and fell to the ground.

He looked at the scar-faced man in horror and asked, "Brother, what are you doing? If you have something to say, please say it, but don't do anything! Spare my life!"

The scar-faced man stood up, holding the stone in his hand, and said with a evil smile: "Brother, I'm sorry!

It's too troublesome to take you with you, and sooner or later those green outfits will catch up!

Anyway, those hounds come here for your scent, and they won’t chase you if you die!

Good brother, from now on during the Qingming Festival and Double Ninth Festival, I will burn paper for you.

You know too much, I can't let you live! "

As he spoke, he raised a stone and threw it hard at the cross-eyed man!

The cross-eyed man couldn't care less about the pain of his broken finger, so he got up and ran away!

I just received a hit on my forehead, which was quite severe.

As soon as I stood up, the world was spinning, and then I fell to the ground again with a thud!

The scar-faced man had already jumped on him, raised the stone in his hand, and hit his head hard!

Cross-eyed begged, "We are brothers! Please spare my life!"

The scar-faced man sat on him, raised a stone and hit him on the head, gritting his teeth and said:

“Only when you die can those people believe me!

Anyway, you have offended them all, so just use your life to do something good for your brothers!

Brother, I still have to rely on them to take me back!

Go and die, my good brother! "


A stream of red and white stuff splashed on the face of the scar-faced man, but he didn't wipe it away. With a ferocious look on his face, he held up the stone with both hands and hit the head in front of him, which turned into a bloody gourd!

Until this body no longer struggles and remains motionless.

The scar-faced man stopped, threw the stone aside, stood up and wanted to leave.

But he turned back and dragged his cross-eyed feet with his hands, pulling him to a high ground.

He took off his clothes, pushed the body down, and threw his clothes to the other side.

After doing this, the scar-faced man came back and chased after him in the direction where he saw the light just now.

About ten minutes later, a gunshot was heard in the distance, as well as the frightened shout of the scar-faced man.

He never dreamed that Inca Green Suit would pick up the flashlight that Cai Ruman had dropped by the big tree before, and use it to attract stowaways.

But he foolishly ran over and threw himself into the trap!

By the time he realized something was wrong, he was already very close to those green suits.

Both parties were stunned for a moment, and then the scar-faced man turned around and ran away without his life!

The green suit behind him was shouting and cursing, asking more companions to come over.

At the same time, he fired several shots at the scar-faced man, but none of them seemed to hit him.

When these people walked away, Ma Qiubai and others came out of the darkness around the scene where the scar-faced man smashed his cross-eyed man to death.

"Uh!" Peng Ying covered her mouth and tried not to vomit.

The scene just now was too brutal and bloody.

She could see clearly that the fishy smell seemed to be lingering in her nose!

Everyone's faces were not very good-looking. It was really frightening that human nature could be so dark!

Ma Qiubai looked around, pointed to a slope above his head and said to everyone:

“That place is the secret passage, where the stream flows out.

But it was slippery inside and only one person could pass.

It's not easy to get up there.

We need to take out the ropes from the backpack and connect them together, which will be about 120 meters.

Someone has to climb over first and fix the rope to the stone.

Only the remaining people can pass along the rope one by one. "

Looking at the top of his head, Erkui said: "I'll go first!"

Ma Qiubai nodded and said to him: "Okay! Take a rest first, eat something, drink water, and regain your strength.

This distance may not seem that far, but it is actually very physically demanding! "

Everyone found a place to sit down and rest.

The fat man found a pile of gravel and sat on it.

Ma Qiubai shouted to him: "Get up! You can't sit there!"

The fat man was inconvenient and was unwilling to move after sitting down. He rolled his eyes and cursed:

“Why the hell can’t you sit down?

What does it mean?

Did you buy this land? "

Ma Qiubai looked at him and said with a gloomy face: "There is a person buried under where you are sitting, his name is Jin Manshan!

He was planning to sneak into Inca to collect debts from someone!

It’s just that I finally made it here, but before I could get down the mountain, I died here..."

At this moment, the mute suddenly stood up, walked to the pile of stones, and knelt down with a thud!


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