Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1660 I don’t believe a word you say

Everyone was startled and looked at the mute in confusion.

I saw him kneeling beside the pile of stones, kowtowing in disobedience, screaming, and tears streaming down his face.

Not much is known about mutes.

All I know is that his tongue was cut out, and for some reason he was sold to the Dingxin Factory, where he stayed for two or three years!

He doesn't like to communicate with others, so he doesn't have many friends in the factory.

Even when resting, I can't blend in with others.

He just sat there in a daze, seemingly worried.

He didn't know why, but he was so excited after hearing the name Jin Manshan.

Could it be that Jin Manshan came to Inca just to find him?

Erkui swallowed the last bite of bread, took a sip of water, threw away the bottle, stood up and said to everyone:

"Okay! Now connect the rope, I'll go over first!"

Everyone quickly took out the hemp ropes prepared in their backpacks and connected them together.

Seeing that the length was almost the same, Erkui gathered up the hemp rope, hung it on his waist, and handed the gun in his hand to Ma Qiubai.

You can't climb the secret passage with this.

The two nodded and said nothing.

Erkui turned around and walked up the slope, quickly disappearing into the grass.

Ma Qiubai waved to everyone, motioning for everyone to follow, and climbed up the slope together, guarding the entrance to the secret passage.

At this moment, the light of a flashlight swayed not far away, and the Inca green outfit came back again!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

If it is discovered at this time, or the secret passage is exposed, all previous efforts will be wasted!

Ma Qiubai told everyone: "Hide it and don't let anyone discover the secret passage!"

Everyone nodded and immediately stood up to find a place.

The fat man found a depression formed by two big rocks sandwiched together, and it was covered with grass. It was very secluded to hide in, and he quickly greeted everyone: "Come here!"

Everyone came over and hid in the pit together, lying down in the grass.

After a while, the light of the flashlight got closer and closer, and then a scalp-numbing voice reached everyone's ears:

"Where are you? Come out quickly!

I've lured those Inca green items elsewhere!

We are all compatriots, you can't leave me behind! "

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a man with a scar face!

He is back!

While walking, the scar-faced man stopped.

He squatted on the ground and picked up a mineral water bottle in his hand.

That was what Erkui threw away after drinking all the water just now!

Holding the bottle, the scar-faced man looked around and shouted softly: "Come out! I know you are nearby!"

Lao Ma, can’t I promise to listen to you?

Don't leave me here alone! "

In the grass, Peng Ying, who was on the outermost side, felt pitiful and wanted to get out.

However, Cai Ruman held her arm and shook her head.

People who can call themselves brothers but kill them are not worthy of pity.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the guy accidentally walked towards the slope!

If he discovers the secret passage, he will be in big trouble.

Peng Ying was anxious and wanted to go out and stop him.

Cai Ruman pulled her hard, then pulled out the knife, hid it in his sleeve, raised the fingers of his left hand and made a hissing gesture.

Turning around, she left the grass!

But she didn't show up right away. Instead, she quietly crawled to a location far away from the grass, walked around the secret passage, and then walked down from the top.

Seeing the figure walking from above, the scar-faced man flashed the flashlight, and then he saw the person clearly, and said in surprise:

"It's you?

Where are they?

Beauty, that boy just bullied you, I didn’t do anything, but you saw it! "

Cai Ruman looked at him expressionlessly and said, "You have been kicked out of the team, why are you still following us?"

The scar-faced man smiled dryly and said: "Don't be like this! We are all compatriots, we can't be so cruel!

I already know that I was wrong, and I will definitely follow your instructions from now on!

Where are they?

Let's go together, those green outfits will come back! "

Cai Ruman looked at him and said, "I just had diarrhea and fell behind!

Where they have gone now, I don’t know! "

"Stop joking!" The scar-faced man shook his head with a dry smile, looked around and asked, "They are nearby, right?"

Cai Ruman stopped looking at him, turned around and left, saying, "Believe it or not! I'm leaving to chase them!"

"Then let's go together!" The scar-faced man caught up and said, "It's better to feel at ease with the big team! You..."

While speaking, he suddenly took two quick steps, strangled Cai Ruman's neck from behind, gritted his teeth and cursed:

"You take me for a fool, don't you?

Tell me quickly, where are they hiding!

Otherwise I will strangle you to death...

ah! Where did you get the knife? "

The scar-faced man let go of his hand and covered his stomach, where there was a dagger!

This knife was so powerful that it almost had no handle!

Cai Ruman turned around and cursed with a frosty face: "Do you think I would be defenseless against someone like you who even killed his own brothers?

I don't believe a word you say! "

The scar-faced man looked at the hilt of the knife on his stomach, staggered back, and shouted with a cry: "Come out!

You said you would let me go if I could find them!

This woman is here, those people must be nearby!

Come out and take me to the hospital! "

As he shouted, lights lit up behind the trees not far away.

Those Inca green outfits are showing up!

It turns out that this scar-faced man came back wearing Inca green clothes, and he wanted to betray everyone!

"Son of a bitch!" Cai Ruman cursed through gritted teeth and pounced on the scar-faced man!

He pulled out the knife from his stomach, and then stabbed him hard in the chest!

The scar-faced man sat down on the ground, raised his hands to resist Cai Ruman's attack, and shouted to the group of Inca green clothes: "Help me!"

A group of people in green clothes were not moved at all, just watching all this indifferently, as if they were watching a show.

Normally, a man with a scar face would not be able to defeat a woman.

But now he was scared out of his wits and injured again.

Facing Cai Ruman who rushed towards him like crazy, he had forgotten to resist and just raised his hands to resist in vain.

Within a minute or two, he was covered in blood, and his arms and chest were covered with knife marks.

After all, Cai Ruman seized the opportunity and stabbed him in the chest!

The knife stabbed deeply and hurt his heart. It was fatal but would not kill him immediately.

He could only lie on the ground and feel the pain and the coming of death.

Inca Green Suit remained indifferent to this scene.

When Cai Ruman stood up, a man in green clothes smiled and said to her: "You did a good job!

Now as long as you tell me where the others are, I'll let you go, okay? "

Cai Ruman wiped the blood on his face with his sleeve, bent down and pulled out the knife from the scarred man.

Turning around to look at the group of Inca green-clad men, he gritted his teeth and shouted, charging forward!

Da da da!

There was a burst of gunfire, and Cai Ruman fell to the ground!

Peng Ying, who was in the grass not far away, wanted to rush out, but Ma Qiubai hugged her tightly and covered her mouth.

The mute crawled over, reached out and grabbed the gun on his body.

Ma Qiubai grabbed the gun and frowned at him.

The mute patted his shoulder and showed a tear-stained smile.

Ma Qiubai was stunned for a moment, then relaxed his hand.

The mute took the gun away and crawled out of the grass.

The fat man also held a gun and patted Ma Qiubai's shoulder with his left hand.

He nodded to him and climbed out with the mute.

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