Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1663 Love is mutual

The huge theater was filled with people.

Almost all the richest people in China are concentrated here.

Basically all the leaders and backbones of chambers of commerce from all over the country came.

Although the Chamber of Commerce is a social organization, it must receive official supervision and guidance.

Therefore, there are many official signboards and seats in the front row.

Next to the big stage, Li Zecheng was talking to a group of leaders.

Han Xiaolei walked over and whispered to him: "Mr. Li, Mr. Ning is here!"

Li Zecheng immediately turned around, looked at Ning Xiruo walking towards him, and said with a smile:

"Xi Ruo, you came just in time!

Let me introduce to you, these are the leaders of the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

The Ministry of Commerce is led by Hu Jinhai Hu.

Led by Gan Zi Mei Gan.

Lao Shulan, leader of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

Jin Quan An Jin led.

Several leaders, this is Ning Xiruo from Ning Ruoanhao Group, Mr. Ning. "

The fat Hu Jinhai looked at Ning Xiruo and said with a smile:

"Mr. Ning is so awesome! He single-handedly delayed the conference for thirty minutes!

Even those of us don’t get this kind of treatment, right? "

Mr. Li frowned, and Duan Yu on the side smiled and said:

"Leader Hu, the postponement of the conference has nothing to do with Mr. Ning, right?

There was a problem with the audio equipment and it was just fixed.

The staff just said that..."

Hu Jinhai had a straight face, glanced at Duan Yu and said, "Do you have a say here?"

Gan Zimei on the side curled her lips and said: "These bodyguards of private bosses are just unruly and can't tell their identities!"

Li Laogang wanted to speak, but Ning Xiruo smiled slightly, bowed slightly to everyone and said:

"I'm sorry, leaders, I delayed the meeting due to some personal matters.

It also wastes everyone's time.

I will pay attention in the future so that such errors will not happen! "

She doesn't use mask now because that would be too troublesome.

But she used the makeup technique that Konoha Zhen had taught her before, and disguised herself as an ordinary-looking woman.

This can also avoid some unnecessary trouble.

Make yourself look less conspicuous.

The most important thing is that she doesn't want to become the kind of woman who relies on beauty to get to the top.

Her smile is sincere and her words are modest, making it difficult for the leader in front of her to make excuses.

Jin Quan'an turned to Li Zecheng and said, "Mr. Li, since you are ready, let's get started!"

Li Zecheng nodded and said: "Okay, Xiaolei, inform the host that it's time to start!

Xiruo, your place is over here, right behind me. Come with me and I will take you there! "

He simply left the leaders alone and strode away with Ning Xiruo!

"What an old man!" Hu Jinhai gritted his teeth and cursed angrily while looking at Li Zecheng's back.

Gan Zimei on the side curled her lips and said: "Okay, Old Hu!

He is a Dragon Shield person.

Even if I don’t give you face, you can’t afford to offend me!

If you have the ability, can you get him down? "

Hu Jinhai sneered: "Do you think I'm stupid?

In this position, how much wind and rain can he help us block?

It wouldn’t work if it had been anyone else!

Without the background of Dragon Shield, sitting in this position would be a living target!

Besides, with him in this position, we can take the money with peace of mind.

When he gets here, do you think he will ask Junhao to pay the fees?

I wish he could stay in this position for the rest of his life! "

Lao Shulan covered her mouth and smiled: "That's true!

So, he is our God of Wealth!

Even if I spit in your face, I have to hold my nose and endure it! "

The other three people all curled their lips and laughed.

Li Zecheng said to Ning Xiruo with a straight face: "Xiruo, you don't need to pay attention to those people's weird words.

That Hu Jinhai is the descendant of Hu Zhichao, the president of the Lingnan Chamber of Commerce.

Of the three vice-president nominations this year, two were re-elected, and they did not dare to move.

Only you can compete for this spot.

So because of my strong support, their opinions were very strong.

But don’t worry, I’ve made my attitude clear and I’ve said hello to my friends.

You’ve decided to become the vice-president! "

Ning Xiruo smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Being so straightforward made Li Zecheng a little uncomfortable.

He turned his head and glanced at Ning Xiruo, and said with some concern: "Xiruo, are you okay?"

Ning Xiruo asked in confusion: "Mr. Li, are you okay? Why do you ask like that?"

Li Zecheng said with a depressed look: "I thought you would refuse.

What can I say? I don't like this position at all. It's just you trying to catch up.

I've prepared words to persuade you, but I'm a little surprised that you agreed so readily..."

Ning Xiruo couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry, but she slowly stopped smiling and said to Li Zecheng:

"Mr. Li, to be honest, if I hadn't gone to Qingxi before, I would definitely be what you think and I would definitely say this!

But now, I can’t!

Now that it has fallen on my head, I will take it!

Just like the secretary-general of gbsa, I will try my best to become one!

Don't worry, Mr. Li, I won't let you down! "

"That's right!" Li Zecheng nodded with joy and said to Ning Xiruo: "This is how young people should be!

Ambitious! Have ideals! have goal! Be ambitious!

Don't be like some people who are unwilling to make progress and covet comfort!

Xiruo, you are much better than Mr. Chen in this regard! "

When Chen Xin'an was asked to take over the Junhao Group, what did that guy say?

His greatest ideal in this life is to be a door-to-door son-in-law who lives to eat and die!

Listen, is this what people say?

He has all the abilities, but he is content with the status quo and does not want to make progress.

Every time he thinks about this, Li Zecheng feels as uncomfortable as a cat scratching his heart!

It's as regrettable as if you see a martial arts prodigy who is rare in a thousand years, but he doesn't cherish his talent, and just works as a dung picker every day!

Fortunately, this girl Xiruo is different from that boy!

But in Ning Xiruo's heart, her change was precisely because of Chen Xin'an.

Why is it that every time there is danger, my husband always stands in front of me?

Why does he bear all the suffering alone?

Just because I am a woman, have a good life, and am favored by him, can I accept all this with peace of mind?


He cannot bear all the dangers alone!

Let alone enjoy all this with peace of mind because of his love!

Love is mutual.

What Chen Xin'an can give her, she can also give back to him!

Even if he doesn't ask me to do anything, that's no reason to do nothing!

Ning Xiruo has been secretly swearing since she came back.

She wants to be with her man through thick and thin and go through thick and thin together.

You must also protect your man just like Chen Xin'an protected her!

Of course, she doesn't have Chen Xin'an's skills.

But she can strengthen herself!

You can use another way to protect your man so that he will not be afraid of wind and rain!

So now, she will take the initiative to accept something. As long as it can make her stronger, she will not refuse.

The meeting is not complicated, with votes to elect the president, vice president and board members.

The new leadership team of the Chamber of Commerce will hold another internal meeting.

Then there are two days of revision and addition of chamber of commerce policies.

The 20th National Conference of the China General Chamber of Commerce has ended after a total of three days.

Regarding Ning Xiruo's nomination, a promotional video has already been released.

Coupled with the president's strong recommendation, the position of vice president fell on her without any suspense.

And she also serves as the executive director!

As for Hu Zhichao of the Lingnan Chamber of Commerce, in the end he just continued to be his director and gained nothing in the end!

But just after the meeting adjourned at noon, a piece of gossip about Vice President Ning’s bloody suppression of his relatives and his rise to power quickly spread among the participants!


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