Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1664: Why are you more stupid than a woman?

The afternoon meeting was also held at the People's Theater, but it was changed from the large theater to a small conference room.

The high-level meeting of the General Chamber of Commerce was attended by only a dozen people.

The president and vice president of the General Chamber of Commerce, as well as directors, and several official leaders have all arrived one after another.

The meeting hasn't started yet, everyone is chatting casually.

Ning Xiruo touched up her makeup a little in the bathroom to cover up the blush on her face caused by the lunch party and drinking.

Zhou Zhi on the side said helplessly: "People wear makeup to make themselves more beautiful.

It would be better for you to make yourself ugly and ordinary!

How can you show off like this? "

Ning Xiruo rolled her eyes at her and scolded: "Don't talk nonsense! That's all the information, right? Is there anything else you want to add?"

Zhou Zhi shrugged his shoulders and said: "That's all I can find, and I got even less from Mr. Li!

I asked Yun Yan to help me find this last night.

Have you finished reading it all? "

Ning Xiruo nodded, looked at herself in the mirror and said, "After reading it, they are all bad!"

Zhou Zhi covered his mouth and smiled: "Most people don't have the ability to come here!"

Ning Xiruo deeply agrees.

Guan Qing snorted coldly and said: "It doesn't matter whether they are good or evil, just don't provoke us.

If anyone wants to stand out, miss, ask Xiao Zhou to come out and call me.

I've been in a bad mood for the past two days, so I just used these guys to vent my anger! "

Ning Xiruo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She hugged Guan Qing's shoulders and said, "Okay, Sister Qing, there's no need to fight and kill these people. I can handle them!"

Zhou Zhi winked at Guan Qing.

After so many years, as Ning Xiruo's right-hand man, both literary and military, they sometimes don't need to communicate, and can make each other understand with just a look or an action.

I already felt it during the lunch gathering. Some senior officials of the chamber of commerce were not friendly towards the young lady.

He spoke frivolously, as if he were teasing.

The young lady was just patient and did not have an attack.

In fact this is her style too.

In terms of communication, the lady never takes any initiative.

This is also her shortcoming.

Usually it takes two people to settle things.

If it can be solved gently, let Zhou Zhi handle it.

If violence is needed, let Guan Qing take action.

What happened to the high-level meeting of the General Chamber of Commerce?

Whoever dares to cause trouble to the young lady will not be given any face!

My uncle wants to bully my young lady when he's not around?

no way!

He took Zhou Zhi into the conference room, but Guan Qing stayed outside.

There is a tea room next to it specially for drivers and bodyguards to rest. The room is full of men, and the only one in love is a woman.

Guan Qing ignored them, found a sofa and sat down, looking in the direction of the conference room.

Seeing Ning Xiruo come in, the people inside were quiet for a moment, and then started talking in low voices again.

A man with a mole on the left side of his face smiled and said to Ning Xiruo: "Vice President Ning really has a lot of things to do. He was late for the meeting in the morning and just arrived in the afternoon.

It seems that all of us have a lot of free time. How about Vice President Ning arrange the time? "

This person is Hu Zhichao, the president of the Lingnan Chamber of Commerce and the founder of Hongsheng Garment Group.

Everyone stopped talking and turned to look at Ning Xiruo with interest.

A bald middle-aged man sitting next to Hu Zhichao smiled and said:

"Women are always a little troublesome.

It takes time to put on makeup and take care of your skin.

The yellow-faced woman in my family never goes out for an hour and a half when she goes out.

Apply it hard to your face and body, you will feel tired just looking at it! "

The man next to him had rosacea. He drank a lot at noon, and his nose looked even redder.

It looks very funny, but the words are very unpleasant:

“My family wouldn’t dare to do that!

I said we wanted to go out together, but if she dared to complain, I slapped her right away!

You will be confused no matter what I ask you to do.

Do you really think that the whole world revolves around you, and everyone has to hold their noses and wait for you?

Don't go out if you are grinding and chirping. What are women doing in public?

You should wash, cook and take care of the children at home! "

Everyone snickered, this was an insinuation of Vice President Ning.

Zhou Zhi frowned and was about to speak when Ning Xiruo pulled her and stood generously in front of the empty seat next to Li Zecheng. She said to Rosacea, "Mr. Tang, the braid on your back is loose!"

Rosacea was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously reached out and touched his own Mediterranean, his face darkened:

"Vice President Ning, what do you mean? Where did I get my braids?"

I have almost no hair left, can I still wear it in braids?

Who are you humiliating?

Ning Xiruo smiled and said, "I'm sorry, maybe I saw it wrong!

I thought you had a big braid in the back!

I'm surprised. The previous dynasty has been destroyed long ago. How come there are still people with such old-fashioned ideas and wearing big braids?

Hey, right!

Isn’t that empty space on your head the result of shaving off your braids? "


Li Zecheng on the side spit out a mouthful of tea.

Why is this girl's mouth so damaged now?

The patient with rosacea looked embarrassed, his face turned red, and he was so angry that he could not speak!

He couldn't quarrel with a woman in front of so many people, right?

What's more, he is also the vice president!

And he’s the chairman!

Ning Xiruo ignored him and looked at everyone with a smile and said:

"It's indeed my fault that I was late this morning, and I already apologized at the meeting.

I'm not late for this meeting.

It’s still two minutes away!

If all the big bosses are trying to catch me on this matter, then I really don’t know how to praise you for being punctual? Or not punctual? "

Everyone laughed and said nothing.

Hu Jinhai wanted to say something with a straight face, but Li Zecheng said to him:

“Leader Hu, we still need your approval regarding these new measures.

Please take a look at it in advance, Leader Hu! "

Hu Jinhai looked at Li Zecheng, then at Ning Xiruo, hesitated, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Hu Zhichao looked joking and said to Ning Xiruo with his mobile phone: "Vice President Ning, I was checking my mobile phone during my lunch break and suddenly saw a piece of news.

It seems that there is a brewing company on the Dongshan side of Haidong.

It was originally a family-owned business that was well-known in the local area.

However, after the daughter of the former general manager took over, she found a group of gangsters, bribed local officials, vigorously purged the company, and took over the power herself.

He caused his relatives to die and escape, and his methods were extremely cruel!

By the way, Vice President Ning is also from Dongshan, right?

Haven't you heard about this? "

"Hu Zhichao!" Li Zecheng shouted angrily.

Hu Jinhai said with a smile: "Mr. Li, there's no need to be angry, right? Let's have a chat before the meeting. It's just a small talk!"

Zhou Zhi sat behind Ning Xiruo, pushed away his chair, stood up, and said to Hu Zhichao:

"Where did you get the news?

Do you believe this kind of thing?

Do you know what the truth is?

You're just talking nonsense here without knowing whether it's true or not?

If you spread rumors, we can always hold you legally responsible! "

Hu Zhichao's face darkened and he cursed at her: "Does your little secretary have the right to speak here? Get out!"

Ning Xiruo waved her hand to Zhou Zhi, smiled and said to Hu Zhichao: "Mr. Hu, your toilet is blocked, why don't you go home and take a look?"

Hu Zhichao smiled inexplicably: "My home is in Lingnan, and I don't even know if my toilet is blocked or not. How does Vice President Ning know?

Besides, what does this have to do with what we are talking about?

Vice President Ning doesn’t need to worry about my family’s affairs, right? "

Ning Xiruo smiled and said to him: "Then why do you, Mr. Hu, need to gossip about other people's affairs?

Dongshan is not much closer to Kyoto than Lingnan, right?

Do I need you, Mr. Hu, to tell me specifically?

Why do I feel that you, Mr. Hu, a dignified man, are more sophisticated than women? "


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