Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1665 You hate yourself the most

Everyone burst into laughter.

In fact, most people have no objections to Ning Xiruo being elected as vice president.

It's just that Hu Zhichao had a good relationship with him, and they were resentful because they lost the election.

I want to use some means to embarrass the newly appointed female vice president.

It's best to take the blame and resign and give your position to him!

To be honest, everyone is quite disgusted with this approach.

It's just that I can't help it. My uncle is the official leader, so I don't dare to offend him, so I can just watch the fun.

Hu Zhichao's face was gloomy, and the bald man next to him who also belonged to the Lingnan Chamber of Commerce curled his lips and sneered:

“Vice President Ning’s words are wrong!

After all, Mr. Hu’s family affairs are just trivial matters.

But this matter in Dongshan is a big deal!

Because this female boss is also from our Chamber of Commerce and holds an important position.

If a person with such a low character, no humanity, and no bottom line enters our chamber of commerce and becomes a leader, what will the entire chamber of commerce look like?

Looking at the big picture, what will our business world in China look like?

So I think such people should be expelled from the Chamber of Commerce! "

The people around him quieted down, these words were tantamount to a showdown!

Zhou Zhi was so angry that he was shaking all over and whispered to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, do you want me to tell them the real situation?"

She knew how Ning Xiruo had come here all these years.

Her relatives' pursuit of profit and disregard for family affection has left her covered in wounds.

Now these guys are confusing right and wrong again and adding salt to her wounds.

This is not something humans do at all!

Ning Xiruo didn't seem to care at all, shrugged her shoulders and said to everyone: "In this case, you can just make up your mind!

If you want to be kicked out of the Chamber of Commerce, just do it!

You submit your application and I will verify it. If the situation is true, then I will agree to be removed from the Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Li will not object! "

Everyone looked at each other.

What is this operation?

Do I fire myself?

Hu Zhichao, the bald man, and the three men with rosacea looked at each other and sneered.

Ostrich policy?

As long as you don't mention my name, you are not talking about me. Are you pretending that it has nothing to do with me?


Tear off your fig leaf now!

Hu Zhichao sneered: "Vice President Ning, is he really ignorant or is he pretending not to know?

That news, the protagonist on it, coincidentally, is also named Ning Xiruo!

Vice President Ning, it can’t really be you, right? "

The bald man said with disdain: "Vice President Ning really disowns all his relatives and does whatever it takes to get the upper hand!

If someone with this kind of behavior can still sit in the high position of vice president of the General Chamber of Commerce, then God will really look down upon him! "

Rosacea laughed and said: "Vice President Ning also agreed to deal with such people just now, I hope it's not just talk!

What I hate the most is selfish people who become ruthless and unjust for the sake of profit!

Such people are not worthy of staying in the Chamber of Commerce! "


Hu Jinhai slammed the table and said with a stern face: "If this matter is true, then Vice President Ning will not only be removed from the Chamber of Commerce, but also bear legal responsibility!

The official side will definitely investigate deeply and will never tolerate it! "

The official leaders around him all had straight faces and nodded.

"You..." Li Zecheng's face turned livid with anger, but the situation now is very unfavorable to Ning Xiruo. The other party has formed the same front, and even officials have intervened!

This left him powerless, yet extremely guilty.

Because it was his idea to let Ning Xiruo join the General Chamber of Commerce as the vice president.

Even before, he had intended to let Ning Xiruo take over from him and become the president directly!

He knew there would be obstacles and pressure.

It's just that he overestimated his connections and influence.

At least on the official side, those big shots did have a good relationship with him.

But it was just a friendship with him.

I don’t have a good face towards other people!

Nor will I look down upon him just because of his recommendation and support.

Unless it only benefits them, it has no impact!

Now he regrets dragging Ning Xiruo into the Chamber of Commerce.

She is still a girl in her twenties.

Moreover, her husband is still far abroad, which is enough to make her worried.

Now she is being attacked by a group of people from the Chamber of Commerce. I really don’t know how uncomfortable she will be!

He turned his head, glanced at Ning Xiruo, and was stunned for a moment.

This girl can still laugh?

Are you mad?

Ning Xiruo looked at everyone with a smile, and then turned her attention to Hu Jinhai and the leaders around him.

“Leader Hu is right, once the situation is true, we must investigate deeply!

So let me ask you, what if the situation is not true?

Is that all there is to it?

Punish yourself to three drinks and laugh it off? "

Hu Jinhai was stunned and looked at Ning Xiruo's smiling face. He didn't know why, but he felt a little guilty.

Ning Xiruo smiled and said: "As for the dispute over the property rights of Ningjia Liangmao Liquor Industry, the Dongshan Municipal Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce have filed records, you can check it.

Is it like the ones you see on your mobile phone? It can be easily verified.

So I will not let go of the rumormongers! "

She turned her head, looked at Hu Zhichao and said, "Mr. Hu, why don't you take a look now and see if the content you saw is still there?"

"What do you mean?" Hu Zhichao's expression changed and he actually took out his mobile phone.

After a while, he raised his head in shock and looked at Ning Xiruo in disbelief.

How deep is this woman's background?

Can actually control the Internet!

The news breaking news that I could still find just now has been deleted now!

Li Zecheng glanced at Hu Zhichao with squinted eyes.


Longdun will intervene in such news and directly ask the network supervision department to delete it!

Do you think this woman is an ordinary woman?

Her husband is even afraid of me, who do you think you are?

Just because you are an uncle who is a leader in the government?

You two together are not enough to crush my husband with one finger!

Ning Xiruo smiled and said to Hu Zhichao: "Can't find it, right?

It doesn't matter, the data background is still there.

The rumormongers will be found out soon.

Including who ordered it, social relationships, etc., will be clearly investigated! "

Hu Zhichao's face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes were horrified.

The bald man swallowed and said to Ning Xiruo: "If Vice President Ning is upright and not afraid of slanting shadows, there is no need to scare others!"

"Scare others?" Ning Xiruo smiled and shook her head, saying softly: "I'm not trying to scare others.

What is bluffing?

For example, Mr. Hu gave this official leader, my uncle Mr. Hu, a mansion and a luxury car.

The value of gifts greatly exceeds ordinary exchanges of gifts between relatives and friends.

This is called scaring! "

"You're talking nonsense!" Hu Jinhai looked panicked and shouted at Ning Xiruo.

Ning Xiruo smiled at him and said, "You have transaction records, leader!"

She turned her head, looked at the bald man and said, "Mr. Cui, your Gemini Shoe Industry was originally founded with your brother.

Later, the family broke up due to differences.

It was only because of the sudden death of his brother that the family separation was not successful.

Now you alone control Gemini Shoes.

Your sister-in-law and children have all been kicked out by you.

In fact, there are still many doubts about your brother's death.

Mr. Cui said that I disown my relatives and use whatever means necessary. I think you are this kind of person, right? "

"You're talking nonsense!" The bald man's face was paler than Hu Zhichao's, and he looked at Ning Xiruo like he was looking at a female ghost!

How did she know these things?

Seeing Ning Xiruo turning her head and looking at him with a smile, Rosacea swallowed, feeling a little creepy.

He frowned and shouted: "Vice President Ning, you have no way of catching me! I am upright and not afraid of slanted shadows!"

Ning Xiruo chuckled, looked at him with disdain and said, "Mr. Tang founded a resource recycling company with funding from his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

I used to be called the king of rags and couldn't hold my head high.

In the past two years, the Chamber of Commerce has supported the resource recycling and processing industry and made a lot of money.

So hold your head high and become a rich elite.

But he even forgot about the support from his father-in-law and mother-in-law. He refused to return a mere three million to others, and even went to court.

Everyone praised Tang as a kind and loving person who would never leave his wife even if she was disabled.

But I don’t know that your lady’s leg was broken by you.

The reason why I didn’t get divorced was because I didn’t want to get half of the family property!

Mr. Tang said that he hates selfish people who become ruthless for profit. Doesn’t that mean he hates himself? "

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