Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1666 Let me tell you who she is

The entire conference room was silent.

Hu Zhichao and the others looked like defeated roosters. They were all dejected and no longer as arrogant as before.

Others looked at Ning Xiruo with eyes full of awe.

Just looking at the performance of these relevant personnel, one can already tell that these things are inseparable!

But how did this innocuous woman get her hands on all this dirty information?

Zhou Zhi glanced at everyone and sneered coldly, with a look of disdain.

Do you really think that there is a top hacker master in your family who is just doing nothing?

This cold scoff was like a big slap on the faces of Hu Jinhai and Hu Zhichao!

They couldn't even raise their heads.

This kind of thing cannot be investigated.

If you pick one out at random, it will lead to the destruction of your family!

Others looked at them with disdain.

Just now, everyone spoke righteously and sanctimoniously.

It is said that what others do will affect the reputation of the General Chamber of Commerce, and even affect the entire business community!

In the end, the dirtiest and most disgusting people are actually themselves!

Ning Xiruo looked at the time and said to everyone: "It's time, let's have a meeting!"

Almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she put her hands on the table, looked at everyone and said: "Let me say a few words in the name of the vice president of the General Chamber of Commerce.

I know that many people are not convinced when I take this position of vice president.

What I want to say about this is, I don’t care whether you are convinced or not!

Even if you are not convinced, you have to endure it!

I just do my thing and pursue my goals.

I have no regard for those interests in your eyes!

So the worst we can do is hate each other, so everything will be done in a business-like manner.

But if anyone wants to get along with me and use despicable means to deal with me, then don't blame me for being rude!

When the time comes, everyone will break up and face the consequences at their own risk! "

With a livid face, Hu Zhichao said to Ning Xiruo: "Vice President Ning has such great authority!

Do you really think that if you know something about catching wind and shadow, you can kill someone?

If you rely on this method to sit in a high position, how long can you sit there? "

"Old Hu!" The bald man and the rosacea screamed, but they remembered that Leader Hu was also nearby, so it was inappropriate to call Hu Zhichao this way, so they quickly changed their words and shouted: "Mr. Hu! Forget it!"

What this woman did just now showed that she was not someone to be trifled with.

We have no grievances against her to begin with, so we can't afford to break it!

But for Hu Zhichao, he has been preparing for this vice president for several years!

Moreover, all the gifts were given out, but in the end it was all in vain. Others lost money and suffered heavy losses!

Moreover, the uncle has obviously distanced himself from him because he has received a lot of criticism.

Without this backer, his losses would be even more incalculable!

All this is because of the sudden appearance of this woman!

Originally, it was a certainty that he would become the vice-president.

But just because of this woman, she was personally nominated by the president.

Those who originally supported him chose to give face to the president.

How could he not be angry, how could he not hate!

If I don’t take it seriously, it will make you uncomfortable!

At worst, both sides will suffer losses!

My family has a great business, so I'm afraid you won't be able to become a winery owner?

Ning Xiruo squinted at Hu Zhichao and said, "Then according to Mr. Hu's wishes, how can I sit in this position for a long time?"

Hu Zhichao also went all out, not afraid of offending this woman at all, and said with a sneer:

“Of course it’s strength!

I don’t think Vice President Ning doesn’t know the requirements for entering the National Chamber of Commerce, right?

And to enter the upper echelon of the Chamber of Commerce, this requirement will be doubled!

Of all of you here, which one is not worth at least 80 billion?

Just a Liangmao Liquor Company, if the president hadn’t protected you and made an exception to recruit you, you wouldn’t even be able to enter the General Chamber of Commerce, right?

Still want to be vice president?

Why are you?

Is it just because you are the president’s goddaughter? "

"Hu Zhichao, shut up!" Hu Jinhai was also angry!

Involving Mr. Li, you are putting me on the fire!

The bald man and Rosacea quietly moved the chairs under their buttocks to the side and kept a distance from Hu Zhichao.

This guy is crazy!

Started biting people!

It has nothing to do with me, I don’t want to offend the president!

Li Zecheng looked at Hu Zhichao with a cold face and said, "Hu Zhichao, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense.

Mr. Ning and I are just friends. If you insult her and me out of nothing, then I won't let you go! "

Hu Zhichao sneered and said: "What's wrong, Mr. Li? Did I say something wrong?

Wasn't this Vice President Ning promoted by you?

If it had nothing to do with you, would you promote her and defend her like this?

But Mr. Li, what are you trying to do?

She is younger, but she is not a beauty!

Or do you have old tastes and like this? "

"Hu Zhichao, shut up!" Hu Jinhai grabbed the tea cup in front of him and smashed it at his nephew!

Hu Zhichao did not hide, and could not hide. He let the teacup hit his forehead and blood flowed from the wound.

He gritted his teeth and stood up, glared at Hu Jinhai with red eyes and shouted: "In the past two years, I have spent more than 10 million on just management!

This is more than 10 million, uncle!

My money didn’t come from the strong wind!

Everything was already done, but Cheng Yaojin suddenly appeared halfway!

You want me to wait another three years?

Spend tens of millions more?

Do I have the word "taken advantage of" written on my forehead?

You all open your eyes and see, why is she doing this! What does she have!

The total assets of Hongsheng Garments exceed 90 billion!

Her small Liangmao Liquor Industry, plus the Liangmao Medicinal Liquor brand, is only 50 billion. She is not even qualified to be a director of the General Chamber of Commerce. Why should she be the chairman?

Why be the vice president?

Does she have this strength?

Without this kind of nepotism, how could she be where she is today? "

"You..." Li Zecheng was furious, banging the table and trying to stand up.

Ning Xiruo said to him: "Mr. Li, let me handle it!"

Li Zecheng looked at Ning Xiruo, who looked calm, and was stunned for a moment. He took a deep breath and said, "Okay!" He sat back down heavily.

Ning Xiruo squinted at Hu Zhichao and said, "You want strength, okay, I'll show you!

Zhou Zhi acquired all the retail equity of Hongsheng Garments. Before the market closed today, it fell to the limit and collapsed!

Then buy Hongsheng Garments for me, except for him, and buy the rest! "

Li Zecheng nodded and said: "Xiao Lei, you can also take it and count me in!"

"No need!" Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "I'll do it myself, Xiao Hongsheng can eat it!"

Hu Zhichao burst out laughing, looked at Ning Xiruo with contempt and said:

"Did I hear you correctly? You want to buy my Hongsheng Garments?

Are you interested in having sex here?

Do you know what the market value of my group is?

It’s 90 billion!

Not nine hundred yuan!

Do you still want my stock to crash?

who do you think You Are?

Li Zecheng looked at him with pity and said, "Let me tell you who she is?

She is not only the president of Liangmao Liquor Industry, but also the president of Ningruo Anhao Group.

You still don’t know the strength of Ning Ruoanhao Group, right?

I can reveal to you several subsidiaries and projects.


Anhao Real Estate.

Anhao Security Company.

Sunshine Welfare Fund.

Pangxingzhuang Film and Television City Project.

Maoping New District Project. "

When Hu Zhichao heard the first few, he was a little disapproving.

But when I heard about the Pangxingzhuang Film and Television City project, I was a little shocked.

When I heard about the Maoping New District project again, I was even more stunned.

Looking at his appearance, Li Zecheng sneered coldly and said: "What, are you scared?

Then let me say one more thing!

There is also a Phuket gold mine in Tailan!

Let's put it this way, the market value of Junhao Group is not as valuable as Ning Ruo'anhao Group.

He is now the richest man in Kyoto.

Your Hongsheng Clothing is really not worth mentioning in front of others!

Now do you understand who she is?

Do you know what strength she has? "

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