Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1667 You have really changed

Hongsheng Garment Group was completely destroyed in one day!

The stock collapsed, and many shareholders tried their best to save the market, but to no avail.

In the end, it even reached the point of bankruptcy and liquidation!

Everything happened so fast that everyone was caught off guard.

By the time the local chamber of commerce wanted to intervene, the point of no return had been reached!

Later, someone got the news. It turned out that the leader of the group had offended an untouchable boss during a meeting in Kyoto.

Hongsheng Garment was acquired directly and forcefully by others with thunderous means!

The angry directors almost bulldozed Hu Zhichao's mansion!

The Hu family, who usually came and went with their chins smacking in the air, are now like rats crossing the street, only staying in relatives' homes and having to avoid being intercepted by their creditors every day!

Hu Zhichao was expelled from the Chamber of Commerce. He was already so broke that he was not even qualified to join the Lingnan Chamber of Commerce, so he was also expelled.

Hu Jinhai watched this incident from beginning to end, but did not dare to say anything.

Not to mention reaching out to take care of it, not even daring to say a word of mercy!

Do you really think the richest man in Kyoto just has a lot of money?

Who hasn’t heard of Chen Xin’an’s name?

Looking at Mr. Li's attitude towards Ning Xiruo, we can see that their backstage is not something a leader like them can mess with!

How stupid am I to dare to criticize others in the first place?

After truly seeing what this woman can do, who here is not secretly sweating, glad that they didn't break up with this woman just now?

As for Mr. Cui and Mr. Tang, after finishing the meeting cautiously, they immediately went to prepare generous gifts.

Then he solemnly invited Ning Xiruo to dinner and gave him generous gifts to make up for his previous disrespect!

Ning Xiruo didn't bother to pursue it, she just accepted the gift and didn't eat with them.

With her current strength, no matter how precious a gift she is, she won't take it lightly.

But accepting it represents a kind of understanding. If they don't accept it, the two of them will probably be on tenterhooks and gasping for most of the year without daring to speak loudly!

This is by no means an exaggeration, because Ning Xiruo's method of dealing with Hu Zhichao was too terrifying and has left a psychological shadow on them!

After going to the hospital first to see that both Ye Zhen and Aman were in stable condition, Ning Xiruo felt relieved and took the car home.

Aunt Xiao had already made dinner, but neither mother nor daughter ate, they were all waiting for her.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman are not here, and the house is much deserted.

Xiaojiu and Du Yunyan were sitting on the sofa, looking at the laptop together.

The expressions of the two were solemn, even a little sad, and their eyes were red, as if they were about to cry.

And he was looking at the computer so intently that he didn't even know that Ning Xiruo, Zhou Zhi, and Guan Qing had come in.

They didn't react until they were already in front of them. They were so frightened that they hurriedly closed the notebook, but accidentally dropped it on the ground.

Fortunately, there is carpet, so it won't be damaged.

Zhou Zhi smiled and said: "What are you doing?

Why are you so nervous? "

As if he suddenly thought of something, Zhou Zhi showed a strange smile on his face, pointed at them and said:

"Isn't it?

You two little girls, are you secretly watching...

Look at those unhealthy things, right?

No, I want to take a look. What are you two looking at? "

She squatted on the ground first and picked up the notebook.

The screen is not closed, and the page just browsed is still retained.

"Don't look!" Du Yunyan wanted to come over and grab the computer, but was hugged by Guan Qing.

He smiled and said to her: "No need to be embarrassed, I saw it when I was young!"

Zhou Zhi said with a smile: "Sister Qing is still young now, and she still has some embarrassing pictures on her phone!"

"Oh, damn girl!" Guan Qing blushed and wanted to run over and teach this guy a lesson.

Zhou Zhi ran away with a smile while holding his notebook, and said: "Hey, what did I think it was, just news!

According to reports, a major fire broke out at an illegal private oil depot in the city of Incabon last night.

Fifty-three people died on the spot and 182 people were injured, resulting in serious consequences.

Thirty-eight police officers, including senior officials of the local police station, were injured.

Mr. Abraham, the president of Wackeer Rubber Group, the largest rubber company in Inca and the patriarch of the Borosa family, has been confirmed to be on the death list.

The identities of the other victims are yet to be determined.

It has been confirmed that another Chinese citizen was killed.

Because the body was severely burned and turned into charcoal, the identity is unknown..."

Guan Qing frowned and said: "Miss, I heard Yun Yan say that this mute... or something, is the guy who sent the killer last time, right?

I really didn’t expect that retribution would come so soon!

You actually let God take it away, you really deserve it!

Miss, what's wrong with you? "

Suddenly seeing Ning Xiruo's body shaking, as if she was unsteady, Guan Qing exclaimed and rushed up to hug her.

Only then did I realize that Ning Xiruo's face was pale and bloodless at this moment, her forehead was dripping with sweat, and her tears couldn't stop pouring out!

Only then did Guan Qing and Zhou Zhi realize that their uncle was in Inca now!

Ning Xiruo took a deep breath and said to everyone without looking back: "I'll go to the room and take a shower. You guys are ready to eat. You don't have to wait for me!"

After saying that, she put aside her feelings and walked quickly into her bedroom.

Zhou Zhi also turned pale. When Ning Xiruo entered the room, she asked Du Yunyan:

"Yunyan, Mr. Ning told you last night that Mr. Chen called. Have you found out who the number belongs to?"

Du Yunyan nodded sadly, sat on the sofa blankly and said, "Jabang City!"

Zhou Zhi covered his face with his hands and burst into tears.

Now she finally understood why the name Abraham was on the death list!

If you dare to send a killer to kill my wife, then I will come directly to your house and kill you!

But if it costs a lot to kill him, can't you, idiot, let it go for now?

Why use this method of dying together?

It's not worth risking your own life just to say this for your wife!

If you do this, what will Xiruo do next?

All the sisters beside her started crying.

Everyone has personal experience of Chen Xin'an's character and temper, and how he treats his relatives and friends.

So after hearing this bad news, everyone felt as if someone had stabbed them in the heart, and the pain was extremely painful!

Xiaojiu wiped her tears with her hands, shook her head and said, "Young master, everything will be fine!

The identity of that person is unknown, he is definitely not the young master! "

She wiped away her tears vigorously, but the more she wiped away, the more she wiped them away, as if she could never wipe them away.

The bedroom door opened, and Ning Xiruo put on some home clothes and walked out, saying to everyone:

"Come here for dinner! Don't tell others what you just saw!

Yunyan, please contact the Internet Supervision Department and delete the news. "

"Okay!" Du Yunyan nodded.

She walked to Ning Xiruo with concern, held her hand and said, "Miss, are you okay?"

Ning Xiruo turned her head, looked at her and said with a smile: "It's okay!

I knew it wasn't him.

Don’t think too much and scare yourself!

He said last night, let me take care of everyone and wait for him to come back.

So I believe that after some time, he will come back to me safely! "

Everyone looked at each other, stood up obediently, and sat at the dining table with her.

Ning Xiruo smiled and invited Xiao Cuihua and Mo Ling to sit down and eat together.

Seeing her calmness without any pretense, Zhou Zhi finally relaxed and said to her:

"Xi Ruo, you have really changed!

Today at the venue, I felt that there is something in you that I didn’t have before...

Domineering! "

Ning Xiruo stopped her chopsticks, smiled slightly, and said seriously:

“I don’t know if such a change would be dangerous for me.

But I know that if I don't change, he will bear the danger alone! "

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