Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1671 Your uncle is your uncle

In a coffee shop not far from Zhenghe Hospital, Luo Qianhe looked at the plainly dressed and slightly reserved girl in front of him. After making some inquiries, he called Ning Xiruo to come over.

Ning Xiruo suppressed her excitement, looked at Guo Zhaodi and asked, "Little sister, what is the last name of the uncle you are talking about? What does he look like? How do you know each other?"

Guo Zhaodi scratched the short hair on her head and said nervously: "His name is Chen Xin, he seems to be under forty years old!

What it looks like... I didn't see clearly, and I don't know how to describe it. Anyway, I don't like to smile.

We met while smuggling to the Inca.

He takes good care of me and I am very grateful to him...

Sorry, did I find the wrong person?

Sorry to bother you, I'm leaving now! "

"Don't leave!" Ning Xiruo grabbed Guo Zhaodi's arm and said to Luo Qianhe, "It's him, it can't be wrong!"

Luo Qianhe nodded, he also had this intuition.

Turning to look at the girl in front of him, he nodded and said, "Okay, come with us!

But first I have to go to the hospital. A friend there is injured and is hospitalized, and the dressing needs to be changed today.

When I'm done, I'll take you back, okay? "

"Ah?" Guo Zhaodi was stunned for a moment. Is this okay?

No more questioning?

I just asked about the uncle, about me, and told me a name. I didn’t ask anything else. Are you safe to take me in?

Are all uncle’s friends so big-hearted?

However, she had no relatives or friends in Kyoto, and had no other place to go except following the two couples in front of her.

Seeing that these two people didn't look like bad people, and the uncle wouldn't harm her, Guo Zhaodi nodded.

Although Luo Xiaoman woke up, he was still too weak to speak too much.

Luo Qianxue kicked everyone out, leaving only herself inside.

The nurse came in pushing a nursing cart. There was a small basket on it with small packages of herbal medicine.

When Luo Xiaoman woke up, he had to make a new treatment plan, so the pharmacy didn't dare to decide how to prepare the medicine, so he had to ask Luo Qianhe.

Just then Luo Qianhe and Ning Xiruo came back with Guo Zhaodi.

Luo Qianhe said to Luo Qianxue: "It should be that senior brother saved the person on the spur of the moment, she was a little girl.

Ask her to come to Kyoto to find me and make arrangements.

After I get back, I'll see what she's willing to do, and if she doesn't work, I'll send her to school.

When it comes to doing things, you are too young! "

Luo Qianxue nodded and said to him: "Look at these medicines, how do you mix them?"

Luo Qianhe took the basket and picked up the small bags inside one by one, took a look at them all, nodded and said:

"Don't tell me, the quality of the medicines here in Zhenghe is much better than those in my store.

Come on, these are for food. Decoction them and take them twice a day, morning and night. The amount is according to the amount I prepared.

These are soaked and cooked and delivered at ten o'clock every night. "

Guo Zhaodi behind her said timidly: "Can I speak?"

Luo Qianhe looked through the herbs and said casually: "Are you hungry? I'll take you to eat later."

"No! I..." Guo Zhaodi hesitated.

Luo Qianhe stopped paying attention to her and said to the nurse: "Ask the pharmacy to prepare red salt and scrub your whole body before taking a bath every night."

Ning Xiruo turned her head and asked Guo Zhaodi softly: "Zhaodi, what do you want to say?

Shall I take you to the bathroom? "

Guo Zhaodi shook her head and said: "I just want to say that the blue and red flowers cannot be used.

It was seven days old. If you eat it, you will have diarrhea! "

"What did you say?" Luo Qianhe frowned and turned to look at her.

The little nurse next to her looked at her simple clothes and looked like a country bumpkin who had just come out of the mountains, and curled her lips and said:

"Don't talk nonsense! This is the ancient medicine professor of our hospital!

What do you, a little girl, know?

Do you still dare to do tricks in front of Professor Luo? "

Guo Zhaodi turned pale with fright and quickly closed her mouth.

She didn't want to offend others just because she was too talkative!

Luo Qianhe waved his hand to the little nurse, looked at Guo Zhaodi and asked, "Do you know about herbal medicine?"

Guo Zhaodi shook her head vigorously and did not dare to speak.

Ning Xiruo took her hand and said, "Zhao Di, don't be afraid, don't be restrained!

We are all our own people. If you have any ideas, please speak out boldly.

Human life is at stake! "

After hearing the last sentence, Guo Zhaodi raised her head, took a deep breath and said:

"I just saw that the leaves of the green and red flowers have turned black.

This has already passed the seven-day limit.

In fact, it is not necessary to use the leaves of green and red flowers for medicinal purposes.

However, the medicinal efficacy of blue and red flowers that have passed the seven-day limit will be greatly reduced.

And if people who are physically weak eat it, they will have diarrhea.

In fact, it's nothing. I'll be fine after having diarrhea for two days.

Although the effect of the medicine is small, it is still there, and it will not kill anyone! "

Luo Qianhe's face changed greatly, and he grabbed Guo Zhaodi's hand with excitement, and nodded at her with the other hand, but he was speechless!

Seeing his face flushed with excitement, Ning Xiruo was a little surprised. After all, it was rare to see him lose his temper like this.

She slapped Luo Qianhe and scolded: "What are you doing! You scared the little girl!"

Only then did Luo Qianhe see that Guo Zhaodi's face turned pale, and thought that he had said the wrong thing and caused a big disaster!

"No, you solved a confusion I have had for many years!" Luo Qianhe took Guo Zhaodi's hand and said excitedly:

"do you know?

There was a case last year. I gave the medicine to the patient, and he almost died from diarrhea!

My sign almost fell on my hand!

I studied the prescription hundreds of times but couldn't find the reason.

Now I finally understand that it is the problem of blue and red flowers!

Zhaodi, you helped me a lot!

Have you studied ancient medicine? "

Guo Zhaodi said timidly: "My grandfather is a barefoot doctor, and I learned from him since I was a child.

I can make medicines, and I’m pretty good at everything else! "

Luo Qianhe said excitedly: "I understand why senior brother asked you to come to me! Did he say anything else to you?"

Guo Zhaodi glanced at him and whispered: "Uncle asked me to come to you to become your disciple.

I don’t think I’m qualified, so just let me do a part-time job!

I have no family anymore and I can’t survive alone in my hometown.

As long as I can live here, I am satisfied. "

Luo Qianhe looked at the little girl in front of him. He fell in love with her more and more. He took her hand and said:

“If you are not qualified, then no one is!

Zhaodi, let me ask you now, are you willing to learn medical skills from me?

I can promise that I will try my best to teach you and pass on everything I know to you! "

Guo Zhaodi came here for this, so why wouldn't she want to?

He immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Luo Qianhe!

Luo Qianhe also quickly helped her up, nodded with a smile and said: "From now on, Guo Zhaodi, you will be my founding disciple, Luo Qianhe!"

Luo Qianxue stood nearby with a dark face and asked Luo Qianhe: "Speaking of pigeons, can you give my man the medicine first?

I can’t take this medicine, what should I replace it with? "

"No need to change!" Luo Qianhe waved his hand and said: "Jishitang has just received a batch of new medicines, and the green and red flowers should be no more than three days old.

I'll just make a call and have someone deliver it!

Disciple, you will follow me back to Jishitang later and get familiar with Master’s pharmacy. "

Ning Xiruo also said to Guo Zhaodi: "Zhaodi, you can stay at my house at night, and I will arrange a separate room for you.

Your master's home is upstairs and downstairs, but it's inconvenient for you, a girl, to live in a bachelor's home! "

"Ah? Master, don't you live with Master?" Guo Zhaodi asked with a strange look on her face.

Ning Xiruo blushed and spat: "I'm not your wife! I'm your...that uncle's wife!"

Everyone in Guo Zhaodi was stunned.

The uncle said he was married.

Unexpectedly, the woman in front of him was his wife.

But the woman in her twenties in front of me is actually the uncle's wife?

All I can say is that your uncle is your uncle and he is great at everything he does!

How could he marry such a young wife!

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