Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1672 The inheritance rules are very strict

Returning to Four Seasons Flower City in the evening, Guo Zhaodi did not dare to enter the room while standing at the door of her room on the 36th floor.

In the afternoon, Xiaojiu and Du Yunyan accompanied her on the street and bought some clothes.

Du Yunyan is two years older than Xiao Jiu, and Xiao Jiu is two years older than Guo Zhaodi.

The three girls, who are about the same age, always have something to say, and soon became good friends.

Looking at the high-end decorated room in front of her, Guo Zhaodi swallowed her saliva and said to Xiaojiu:

"Sister Xiaojiu, I don't dare to go in. This place looks like a palace..."

Xiaojiu smiled and said, "Have you been to the palace?"

Guo Zhaodi blushed and shook her head.

Xiaojiu shrugged and said, "That's fine! Just treat this place as your home from now on!"

Would you like to live with us? Or do you want to live alone? "

Guo Zhaodi was stunned for a moment and said blankly: "What do you mean?"

Xiaojiu pointed to the door and said, "Abcde, there are five units in total. Although they are all connected, they can also be used as separate households.

House a is where the young master and the young mistress live.

Sister Yunyan, I, and another sister live in House B.

Aunt Xiao and Sister Ling live in House C.

House d is... Anyway, it's interesting. You can just go in and see for yourself later!

The e-unit is now empty. If you don't like the excitement, you can live by yourself! "

Guo Zhaodi was stunned. She turned her head and looked at the door in front of her, speechless for a long time.

Du Yunyan and Xiao Jiu looked at each other and smiled, and said helplessly: "Forget it, just take her for a walk and you will understand. Let her choose by herself!"

Twenty minutes later, the three of them returned to where they were standing.

Guo Zhaodi never closed her mouth since she opened it. Her eyes were as wide as small bells. She looked at Du Yunyan and Xiao Jiu and said, "Both, all..."

Xiaojiu nodded and said, "Yes, it all belongs to the uncle you said!"

Guo Zhaodi said with a look of shock: "Oh my God! I've never seen such a big house, let alone living in it!"

How much does this cost?

That shouldn't be more than one million?

In our village, the village chief’s family spent more than 500,000 yuan to build a five-story building. Everyone in the village said it looked like a royal palace.

Compared with my uncle's home, it's just... forget it, it can't even be compared, it's not on the same level! "

Du Yunyan and Xiaojiu laughed dumbly.

one million?

It’s just enough to buy a bathroom here, right?

Forget it, there is no need to explain this, after all, she is a young girl who has just come out to see the market.

As time passed, my horizons gradually opened up.

Xiaojiu smiled and asked her: "Zhao Di, have you decided where to live?"

"Well, I'll live in the same household as you!" Guo Zhaodi nodded, and then said cautiously: "Okay, okay?"

Du Yunyan and Xiaojiu both laughed, took her hand and said, "You can do it if you want! You don't have to be so polite in the future, we are all our own people."

Guo Zhaodi was stunned for a moment, her face seemed a little sad, but she still forced a smile and nodded her thanks.

Dinner in the evening is a good way to cleanse Guo Zhaodi from the wind and dust, so the meal is very sumptuous.

And there were more people coming to eat than the previous two days.

Except for Wang Yi and Yu Zetao, who were doing shows outside and did not come back, there were also those who were hospitalized.

The rest is coming.

Luo Qianhe took Xiao Qin back, and Xiao Zhang's family also came up.

Seeing Luo Qianhe's dark face and cursing, Ning Xiruo smiled and said, "What's wrong with him?"

Xiao Qin said in a dumbfounded voice: "I received a call on the way, it seemed like it was coming from abroad!"

Luo Qianhe cursed angrily: "Irving hit me!

I told him by the way that after accepting a founding disciple, he was considered the second child.

He refused to do it, saying that he was the top disciple and he insisted on coming to Zhaodi for arguments.

If he dares to come, I will break his legs!

I just pinched my nose and accepted you as my disciple. How dare you harass my founding disciple?

I can’t cure you! "

Everyone laughed dumbly.

Guo Zhaodi, who had just been pulled over by Xiaojiu and put on new clothes, heard Luo Qianhe's words and walked over quickly and said timidly:

"Master, I don't care, just let him be my senior brother!"

Luo Qianhe said with a straight face: "Bastard words!

Is this something that can be done?

The inheritance rules are very strict.

Senior brothers, junior brothers, senior sisters and junior sisters, once they are arranged, they represent status.

How can a barbarian be your senior brother?

When I say you are a great disciple, you are it, and what others say doesn’t count! "

Everyone looked helpless.

Even a blind person can see how displeased this guy is towards that foreign disciple.

I have been very attracted to this new disciple from the very beginning. I love him no matter how I look at him!

Xiao Qin rolled her eyes at him and said, "Okay, you, Irving is a mentor at Hopes Medical University and the best surgical expert in the world.

I am willing to accept you as my teacher. You can save some face for others! "

Luo Qianhe said with disdain: "Even if he is the Jade Emperor, he still has to be my disciple if he calls me master.

What does this family and that family have to do with me? "

Guo Zhaodi was dumbfounded when she heard this. She didn't expect that the senior brother she had never met before would be so powerful!

Isn't it self-humiliating for a little girl like me to want to be someone's senior sister?

But she didn't dare to say more to make her master angry, so she had to keep her mouth shut.

Wu Yan, who was helping in the kitchen, took off the apron around her waist, clapped her hands and said to everyone: "Okay, you can eat!"

Everyone quickly washed their hands and served the table.

Guo Zhaodi sat cautiously next to Xiaojiu. It was the first time she sat at the dining table with so many people to eat.

And seeing that most of the delicacies on the table were things she had never eaten before, or even seen before, her mouth was already drooling before she even started.

This made her even more embarrassed, her face flushed and she didn't dare to look up.

Everyone poured red wine into their glasses. Ning Xiruo picked up the glass, looked at Guo Zhaodi, and said with a smile:

"With this glass of wine, I congratulate Qianhe on receiving his beloved disciple, and also welcome little sister Zhaodi to join our big family!"

Guo Zhaodi blushed and said timidly: "I, I don't know how to drink..."

Xiaojiu covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Then you have to learn, the young lady has a winery, and you will not be short of wine in the future!"

It was Luo Qianhe who felt sorry for his apprentice and said to Guo Zhaodi, "Just give it a try!"

Guo Zhaodi nodded, but when she saw that everyone had finished their wine, she gritted her teeth, raised her neck and drained the glass of wine, and then started coughing!

Everyone laughed. It was the first time I could choke on red wine.

It seems that this little girl is really indifferent to wine and cannot drink at all.

Xiaojiu quickly brought her a piece of meat and said with a smile: "Hurry up and eat some food. This is roast goose with honey sauce in Kyoto. Aunt Xiao is a master at making this. It's delicious!"

Mo Ling also put a piece of sea cucumber on the plate in front of Guo Zhaodi and said: "Sister Zhaodi, I made this, you have a taste!"

Others also brought her dishes, and soon the small plate in front of her was filled.

Guo Zhaodi stared blankly at the mountain of delicious food in front of her, then looked at everyone, and suddenly cried loudly!

Everyone looked at each other, what's going on?

Xiao Cuihua stood up and said to Guo Zhaodi: "Little sister, what's wrong with you? Are these dishes not to your taste?

Then tell Aunt Xiao what you want to eat.

Aunt Xiao will do it for you now! "

Guo Zhaodi covered her eyes with her arms, shook her head while crying, and choked out:

“You are all, all good people!

Thanks! thank you all! "

Du Yunyan, who had been silent, lowered his face and said to Ning Xiruo beside him:

“I just asked my little sister to take a bath and change clothes, but she kept avoiding us.

At first I thought it was shyness, but then I saw it on the bathroom mirror.

There were many injuries on her body, she must have been beaten severely! "

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