Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1673 No one will bully you in the future

Under the pressure of everyone, Guo Zhaodi finally told what she least wanted to remember.

It turns out that this time she went to Beijing, she made the decision out of desperation.

She also has an uncle in the village.

It's just that this uncle is a well-known scoundrel in the village. He spends all his time sneaking around and not doing his job properly.

After my grandparents passed away, my father made arrangements to get his uncle a wife.

Unexpectedly, because of his idleness, his wife ran away less than two years after the marriage and before the child was born, and never came back!

Coupled with the fact that his brother went out to work, this uncle was even more miserable and had no one to care about him.

And he is a typical white-eyed wolf. Although he receives a lot of care from his brother, he never knows how to be grateful.

I just feel that all this is natural, who makes him the elder brother!

What's even more outrageous is that he doesn't have any respect or affection for his sister-in-law and niece.

He has no children, but he is very patriarchal.

From the time Guo Zhaodi was born to now, she has never been hugged once, and she has even been beaten and scolded frequently.

When his sister-in-law passed away, he was even more indifferent, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Guo Zhaodi just couldn't count on him, so she smuggled herself to Inca to find her father.

Unexpectedly, in the end, I would come back alone.

What's more, she didn't expect that her uncle had taken over her home and sold everything he could in exchange for wine.

Without even saying hello to her, he contacted an old bachelor from the next village and sold her for 5,000 yuan!

The most egregious thing was that when Guo Zhaodi refused to obey, he was beaten by him with the help of alcohol.

He even took advantage of his drunkenness to do something to her, saying that if he was able to take advantage of the old bachelor, it would be better to take advantage of his uncle first!

If Guo Zhaodi hadn't knocked this bastard uncle unconscious with a wine bottle at the last moment, I can't even imagine the consequences.

Guo Zhaodi, who had escaped from the clutches of the devil, stood at the entrance of the village at night, at a loss. Most of the people in the village were related to her, but no one could protect her.

The patriarchal mentality in the village was so serious that Guo Zhaodi was not welcomed by others from the day she was born.

So even if she told anyone about her uncle's treatment of him, no one would make the decision for her.

He won't even take her in.

In desperation, she remembered the note her uncle left for her before he left.

Fortunately, she was careful when she came back and did not give her uncle the money he gave her.

She cried all night in front of her parents' newly buried graves outside the village.

While his uncle was out during the day, he sneaked back home and stole his household registration book.

Taking the money her uncle gave her, she ran to the county train station.

After two days of train ride, we arrived in Kyoto.

In fact, she didn't have much hope for the master appointed by her uncle.

Why should someone accept her as a disciple when she is a complete stranger and has no relatives?

So Guo Zhaodi was ready to be rejected.

But as long as he can accept her and let her work.

Just having enough to eat and a place to sleep would be enough.

Of course, my family didn't dare to go back. Even if I escaped uncle's harassment, I still had to marry that old bachelor!

On days like this, just thinking about it makes life worse than death!

But she didn't expect that she would receive such treatment after coming to Kyoto.

This family's attitude towards her was really unbelievable to a girl who had been ridiculed and looked down upon since she was a child.

If this is a dream, don't wake up.

Because she simply couldn't bear the huge gap from dream to reality!


Luo Qianhe slammed the table and cursed with a livid face: "You bastard! This kind of bastard should be in prison for the rest of his life! No, he should be shot!"

Ning Xiruo came over, pressed Guo Zhaodi's shoulder and said, "You are now Qianhe's apprentice, and you have become our family.

Don’t worry, no one will dare to bully you anymore, we will protect you! "

Guo Zhaodi said with a worried look: "My uncle took money from an old bachelor and wouldn't just leave me out like this.

That old bachelor’s clan member is not someone to be trifled with either.

I'm afraid that if the news that I am in Kyoto reaches the village, it will cause you trouble. "

Everyone smiled slightly.

Mo Ling held her hand and said, "Don't worry, the boss's family are not ordinary people in Kyoto City.

No matter how domineering the people in your hometown are, they are just like little ants when they come to Kyoto, so there is nothing to be afraid of! "

Xiaojiu nodded and said to Guo Zhaodi: "Don't worry, stay here. Don't be afraid of whoever comes to find you!"

It's okay if you don't come, but if you really dare to come, no matter who it is, anyone who wants to bully you will be punished! "

Guo Zhaodi wiped away her tears, looked at everyone, and nodded vigorously.

The meal was so enjoyable that Guo Zhaodi forgot how long it had been since she laughed like this.

She recognized a master who loved her and gained so many more family members.

Guo Zhaodi wondered more than once, wasn't this a dream?

The only strange thing is that the sister named Xiao Qin seems to be vaguely hostile to her.

In fact, it's not hostility, at least I don't feel any hatred, just a little bit... defensive?

It's just that she feels that this is more like her own illusion. Everyone here is excellent.

After eating and drinking, Guo Zhaodi rushed to help clear the table.

She has been good at doing housework since she was a child, even more skilled than Xiao Cuihua!

His movements were quick and crisp, leaving girls like Xiaojiu and Du Yunyan who rarely entered the kitchen stunned and envious.

There was no rush to go back to the room to sleep. Everyone was chatting or watching TV in the living room, which is also an old tradition.

Ning Xiruo went back to the room to change clothes, and Xiaojiu followed her.

After closing the door, Ning Xiruo pinched Xiao Jiu's cheek and said with a smile, "What's wrong? Is there anything you need my help with?"

Xiaojiu blushed, lowered her head and said, "Young lady, my parents are here and will get off the plane at noon tomorrow!"

Ning Xiruo was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "What a good thing! Haven't you been waiting for them to come? Why are you looking so sad?"

Xiao Jiu opened her mouth, but stopped talking.

Indeed, half a year ago, Xiaojiu said that they would come from Tailan.

But later, due to various reasons, it didn't happen.

In fact, in the final analysis, Xiaojiu refused in the end!

She went to Tailan to look for her biological parents, but she couldn't find them in the end.

The young master accidentally found her for her, but although they recognized her, they never met.

Xiao Jiu himself didn’t even know what attitude to adopt when meeting them!

When I left her cruelly, I just refused to recognize her or look for her for the rest of my life.

Seeing her confused look, Ning Xiruo understood what she was thinking.

He hugged her shoulders and said, "No matter what, we are all biological parents.

Maybe they had their own difficulties back then.

Always give them a chance to explain and make amends!

It's okay, I'm here!

With good hospitality, there will be no knots that the family can’t resolve! "

Xiaojiu nodded.

In the living room, Du Yunyan took Guo Zhaodi, who was always busy with work, and sat next to the computer, and said with a smile:

"Let me show you the photos of our family! Little sister, what do you think the boss lady...that is, Sister Xi Ruo looks like?"

Guo Zhaodi said honestly: "Sister Xiruo is dignified, virtuous, and has a good temper. She is the best candidate to be my wife!

Uncle is so lucky, and sister Xi Ruo is also lucky, because they are both the best people in the world! "

Du Yunyan covered her mouth and giggled, opened the photo album on her computer, pulled out a photo, and said to her, "Look who this is?"

This is a wedding photo taken from Qingxi. The original version has been sent to me.

Guo Zhaodi looked at the woman wearing a national dress in the photo, her eyes widened, and she murmured: "Wow! So beautiful! Is this a big star?"

Du Yunyan smiled and said, "Take a closer look!"

Guo Zhaodi's eyes widened, and she looked at the beauty dressed as a bride carefully, frowned and said:

"It looks like Sister Xiruo! But why...I know, photo editing skills, right? I heard about it in the photo studio in the county!

It’s so amazing, it’s like a different person! "

Du Yunyan covered her mouth and smiled, pointed at the man dressed as a groom next to her and said:

"Do you know who this is? He is the uncle you are talking about!"


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