Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1676 An accident occurred at the construction site

At the construction site in Maoping New District, many people gathered around a six-story building.

Even reporters are here, filming and interviewing on site.

Ning Xiruo's car was recognized as soon as it arrived at the scene.

Then someone rushed over and surrounded the car.

On the way here just now, Ning Xiruo also had a phone call with Wang Wenhai and learned about the whole thing.

This area is the first phase of Hongfu, a construction project of Anhao Real Estate, but it was outsourced to Wang Wenhai's Greentown Company.

This morning, as I was about to get off work, the stairs above suddenly collapsed.

Five fell down on the spot, two died, and the remaining three were sent to the hospital for rescue.

Someone at the scene saw the ruins of the collapsed building and found that the construction materials were inferior materials that could be broken into pieces by hand, which was a shoddy project.

So a report was made immediately. Not only the families of the dead and injured came, but even the media knew about it, and a group of people came.

When Wang Wenhai saw that he couldn't control this situation, he immediately called the big boss!

Looking at the excited expressions of the people outside, Ning Xiruo rubbed her eyebrows.

When engaging in real estate or construction, the biggest fear is production safety accidents.

Losing money is still a trivial matter, what I fear most is the impact on the project.

Once it is found to be unqualified, it will be seized.

Push it all over again?

All the early investment was wasted!

It is for this reason that many real estate companies have broken their capital chain, leaving behind unfinished buildings one after another and unmanageable messes.

"Miss, you can't get out of the car! This situation is too dangerous!" Guan Qing looked at the people outside and said to Ning Xiruo worriedly.

Ning Xiruo took a deep breath, shook her head and said, "I have to find out what's going on, right? Let people from the company come over and help!"

"Okay!" Guan Qing immediately took her mobile phone and made a call.

Soon a group of people ran over, led by a tall and burly man.

After the group came over, they immediately drove away the people surrounding the car and protected both sides of the back door.

Ning Xiruo opened the car door and got out of the car. The group of people tried to rush over again, but the big man and others blocked him outside.

A reporter stretched out his arm, raised the microphone and said, "Mr. Ning, I am Big Mouth, a reporter from the Kyoto Gossip Times.

Regarding this important production safety accident, does Mr. Ning have anything to say?

I heard that in order to save money, Anhao Real Estate uses only low-quality materials.

This is also the direct cause of the accident, right?

And I heard that Anhao Company often makes workers work all night in order to meet the construction deadline.

As a result, workers suffered from excessive fatigue for a long time, and many people were hospitalized due to this. Is this true?

Mr. Ning, I heard..."

Ning Xiruo turned to her as she walked and said, "You said it yourself, I just heard it.

So I can't answer your question.

However, as a media, I think we should report objectively and fairly.

It should not be the professional ethics of a media person to make a final conclusion just by hearing about it.

What do you think? "

Dazui curled his lips, held up the microphone and said, "That's why I asked Mr. Ning to argue! I just want to be objective and fair!"

Ning Xiruo waved her hand and said, "I'm sorry, I can't answer any of your questions now. I'll wait until I understand everything!"

When we arrived at the scene, the bodies of two workers who died on the spot were still lying on the spot, and the family members next to them were crying heartbrokenly.

Someone shouted to them: "The big boss of the construction site is here, it's that woman!"

So the family members of the two deceased people all rushed over crying and howling!

“You give back my man’s life!

You black-hearted boss!

How can our family live without a man?

Our whole family is counting on him to support us. Now that he is dead, you should kill us too! "

"My son!

I am a white-haired person giving a black-haired person a gift!

I asked him not to work so hard, but he just didn't listen.

It's fine now, even my life is at risk! "

Ning Xiruo looked pale and did not dare to look at the two corpses.

She stood in the crowd and said to the family members of the deceased: "Fellow folks, listen to me!

No one wants such a tragedy to happen!

But it has happened, and we must actively deal with it.

Please rest assured that I will never evade or shirk the responsibilities I should bear!

Please calm down, everyone, and let's discuss the follow-up matters together.

My opinion is that the deceased should be buried as soon as possible.

Regarding the issue of compensation, I will definitely meet everyone’s requirements! "

Someone in the crowd shouted: "Don't listen to her! These capitalists are very evil!

Once cremated, there will be no evidence of death.

When the time comes she turns her back and refuses to acknowledge you, and you won’t get a penny of compensation! "

The crowd went wild.

Ning Xiruo immediately said to everyone: "Impossible! There are friends from the media here now, and I will never lie!"

Big Mouth said loudly: "Sorry! We are just a news media, not a notary agency.

So we just watch and don’t provide guarantees to anyone! "

The crowd was even more excited.

Ning Xiruo shouted loudly: "Everyone, calm down! I, Ning Xiruo, solemnly promise..."

Before she could finish speaking, a family member cried to her: "Calm down? How can you tell us to calm down when everyone is dead?"

Can you calm down if your man is dead? "

Ning Xiruo's expression changed.

Someone shouted: "Black-hearted capitalist, she doesn't care about the life or death of ordinary people like us!

If we don't teach her a lesson, they won't sit down and negotiate with us! "

At this moment, a person next to him looked at the guy who just spoke strangely and asked:

"What's going on with you? Why are you always making trouble?

Are you here to solve problems or provoke conflicts?

What are you doing with the bricks?

Everyone, be careful, this guy has bad intentions! "

It's a pity that he spoke too late. The guy's remarks just now made the family members of the deceased completely emotional!

Some people picked up the things around them and threw them at Ning Xiruo!

When Guan Qing saw that something was not going well, she immediately rushed over and hugged Ning Xiruo's head, blocking her with her body!

At the same time, she said to the big man: "Send Mr. Ning back to the car!"

The big man nodded, waved his hand to the brother beside him, and protected Ning Xiruo as he walked towards Master Long.

Someone in the crowd shouted: "Don't let her go!"

The voice that had just refuted him appeared again, shouting: "Which construction site does this kid come from?

Not from our side!

Catch him and find out his background! "

Ning Xiruo struggled and said, "Sister Qing, let me go!

You can't leave. Once you leave, it will be even more unclear! "

"But..." Guan Qing looked at Ning Xiruo worriedly.

Seeing her firm expression, knowing the young lady's temper, she had no choice but to relax.

Ning Xiruo shook her hair and said to everyone: "Everyone, listen to me..."


An egg hit her forehead, Guan Qing pointed at a woman angrily and cursed: "What do you want to do!"

"Sister Qing!" Ning Xiruo didn't want to leave any excuse for the black-hearted boss to beat people in front of the media, so she grabbed Guan Qing.

Use your other hand to brush away the egg white and yolk running down your face.

Just then, someone handed over an umbrella and a loudspeaker.

"Mr. Ning, use this!"

Ning Xiruo looked at the man in front of her, and by the sound of his voice, she recognized him as the person who had just questioned and provoked him.

Seeing that he was wearing a helmet with the logo of Anhao Real Estate on his head, he knew he was one of his own, so he quickly took the loudspeaker and said to him: "Thank you!"


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