Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1677 You don’t actually need to show up now

The voice that had been talking about the fire disappeared. He must have been targeted by people from Anhao Company. When he saw that something was not going well, he ran away.

Ning Xiruo held a small speaker, and Guan Qing held an umbrella beside her to shield her from the eggs flying from nowhere.

"Folks, if venting like this can make you think that the matter will be solved, then I would rather stand here and let you beat me and scold me!

But you need to consider the consequences, that is, if I am injured, can you compensate me?

If you beat me to death, do you think it would be one life for another as you imagined?

Also, can you still get what you want after you finish venting? "

After hearing these words, everyone's expressions changed, and they all stopped in unison.

Whether such a rich person is injured or killed, the consequences will be extremely serious, which ordinary people like them cannot afford.

And we can’t just want compensation.

If you hurt someone, how can you compensate you?

Are ordinary people like you rich and wealthy?

I'm afraid your compensation is not enough to cover their medical expenses!

Seeing that everyone had stopped, Ning Xiruo continued: "I will give 100,000 to each victim's family first."

Those family members just want to get angry and want to send us away with only 100,000 yuan?

Is a human life so worthless in your eyes?

But before they could say anything, Ning Xiruo continued: "This 100,000 yuan is not compensation, but money advanced by the company to pay for their funerals!

As for compensation, we will ask professionals to investigate the accident.

The amount of compensation is the amount, and Anhao Company will not default on a single point!

But this takes time. It’s impossible for me to pay you as much as you want.

I can guarantee that this time will not exceed three days and the compensation will be in place!

Not only for you, but also for the injured in the hospital, whether it is treatment, nutrition, rehabilitation, etc., Anhao Company will cover all costs!

And corresponding compensation will be made.

Also within three days, the compensation was paid.

If you think this plan is suitable, I will ask the police to come over now and let the police provide guarantee. Let us deal with the funeral affairs of the deceased first.

If you have any other opinions, you can put them forward and we will discuss them calmly.

Just venting your emotions will never solve the problem! "

The people around him were silent for a while, but Ning Xiruo couldn't find anything wrong with her words.

We are not fools, and we naturally know that this is the best way to deal with the problem.

A woman wiped away her tears and said, "Okay, I'll do as you say!"

People have taken the initiative to call the police, so there is nothing to worry about.

Ning Xiruo said to her: "Okay, tell me your account number now, and I can transfer the money to you right away!"

After handling the matter here, Ning Xiruo immediately asked Guan Qing to drive to the hospital to visit the injured.

The reporter from Gossip Times followed the whole process, but Ning Xiruo ignored it.

Sitting in the car, Ning Xiruo called Wang Yi.

"Sister 1, do you know the organization of Kyoto Gossip Times?"

Unexpectedly, Wang Yi said directly: "Xi Ruo, don't mess with them!

It can be said to be infamous!

It’s just a gossip weekly!

There is no limit to the number of news and on-demand views.

Why did you think of asking this? "

Ning Xiruo sighed helplessly and said to her: "Something happened at the Maoping New District construction site.

Two lives were lost!

They didn't know where they got the news, so they came here.

I just felt like something was wrong with them, so I asked you about it, and sure enough it was! "

Ning Xiruo rubbed her eyebrows.

Dealing with these people is the most troublesome!

Of course she knows.

But what can she do?

We can't force them away, right?

At this moment, Wang on the phone said to Ning Xiruo: "Xiruo, please wait a moment and don't hang up!"

Then she seemed to be talking to the person next to her, and deliberately covered the microphone, so Ning Xiruo couldn't hear clearly.

After a while, Wang Yi said to her: "Xi Ruo, this may be a bit troublesome for you. I happen to have a barrister here. Give her an approximate address and I'll ask her to find you!"

Ning Xiruo said in surprise: "That's great! Thank you very much, sister, I'm just looking for an expert in this field!"

I am going to Kyoto Nanhuan Hospital now, and my phone will be on all the time.

She can contact me anytime!

Thank you so much, Sister Yi! "

Wang Yixiao scolded: "Really, we are still so pretentious between us!

Am I not recording a column about school violence?

I happen to be cooperating with this friend, who is also a fellow from Haidong!

I've known him for many years, he's a very nice person.

Forget it, I won’t say more, you two will meet and chat! "

After hanging up the phone, less than five minutes later, another call came in, saying to Ning Xiruo:

"Mr. Ning, I am Mou Pingxuan, a working lawyer at Kyoto Shouyi Law Firm.

The first sister introduced me here, and I arrived at Nanhuan Hospital fifteen minutes later. Let’s meet and chat. "

Ning Xiruo said okay and then hung up.

Ning Xiruo smiled and shook her head, her style was straightforward and straight to the point.

At the entrance of Nanhuan Hospital, a tall young woman with short braids and a pure white professional suit saw Ning Xiruo walking over and said, "Mr. Ning, I am Mou Pingxuan!"

Ning Xiruo held her hand and said, "Hello, Lawyer Mou, I don't need to introduce myself. This is..."

"Ms. Guan Qingguan!" Mou Pingxuan pushed up the glasses on the bridge of her nose and said calmly:

“Sister 1 has told me a lot about you, and I’ve seen photos of most of them.

So Mr. Ning doesn’t need to spend time introducing him to me.

Let's talk while walking, and you can tell me what happened in detail! "

Ning Xiruo simply nodded and said, "Okay, please!"

Guan Qing took a look at Mou Pingxuan, and her first impression was that this woman is not inferior!

She is about 1.77 meters tall, almost seven centimeters taller than the young lady.

This Mou Pingxuan is about 1.75 meters tall, almost as tall as her when standing together.

After asking the people at the nursing station, I found out that the injured person who was sent from Maoping New District in the morning was on that floor.

Ning Xiruo took the elevator to the 22nd floor and told Mou Pingxuan in detail what she knew now.

"That's probably what happened. I haven't had time to investigate in detail yet. I'll check on the injured first, and I'll go back after I calm down the people here!"

Mou Pingxuan frowned and said to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, from a professional perspective, I actually don't approve of your coming!

You don't actually need to appear on any occasion before the final accident investigation results are obtained.

But from a personal and moral point of view, I will not comment on your actions.

My suggestion is that Mr. Ning had better leave now.

Leave everything to the appraisal department and me. Mr. Ning only needs to wait for the results.

This is also for Mr. Ning's safety.

And everything Mr. Ning is doing now is actually hindering the final result of this accident!

What does Mr. Ning mean? "

Guan Qing quickly said to Ning Xiruo: "Miss, have you forgotten how those people at the construction site treated you just now?

Should we still listen to Lawyer Mou?

It's not too late to leave now! "

The elevator has reached the twenty-second floor.

Ning Xiruo stood in the elevator, looking hesitant.

A gray-haired woman at the back urged impatiently: "What's going on? Are you going out or not?"

Ning Xiruo raised her head, and strode out as if she had made up her mind.

Guan Qing sighed and had no choice but to walk out.

Mou Pingxuan came over and asked with some confusion: "Mr. Ning, I don't understand!

Did I not explain it clearly enough?

You don't actually have to show up now. "

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said firmly: "Such a big accident happened. It would be so chilling if I didn't show up and kept avoiding you!"

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