Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1679 Everything Follows the Rules

The main business of Anhao Security Company is guarding, guarding, patrolling, escorting, bodyguarding, etc.

This time the job was to be an armed escort, helping Wufu Jewelry transport five boxes of jewelry.

From the main store in the city to the Nanhuan branch.

Although this section of the road is in the city, I took small roads because I was afraid of traffic jams.

But Kyoto City is unlike other places, even the small roads are not remote.

It’s just that during working hours, there are relatively few vehicles.

The second squad leader, Dai Wei, who was on the mission at that time, led five escorts to follow the car, and the car had a tire blowout near Nanhua Gate.

Dai Wei and escort Dong Hongbing got out of the car to check, but they were put to the head with a gun.

Then a group of people rushed out, forced several other escorts to get out of the car at gunpoint, and snatched the jewelry box on the car.

But how could the escorts let them succeed? They rose up to resist and were outnumbered.

In the end, they only stole one treasure box and fled.

When Ning Xiruo arrived, 120 was treating the wounds of the injured Dai Wei and Dong Hongbing.

Seeing Ning Xiruo coming with Guan Qing and a strange woman, the two captains Zuo Meng and Guan Gu hurried over to say hello.

The two were about to report the damage to Ning Xiruo, but Ning Xiruo waved her hand, walked quickly to the injured person, and asked the doctor: "How is the situation?"

The doctor said: "Both of them have some bullet fragments on their bodies. Although they are not fatal, they still need to be surgically removed and then cleaned and disinfected, otherwise they will become infected!"

Ning Xiruo nodded and said: "Then go to the hospital quickly to prepare for the surgery, use the best and safest treatment plan, and don't let them leave any sequelae."

The doctor glanced at her and wanted to sneer.

I'll be cured soon and continue to work hard for you, right?

Unexpectedly, Ning Xiruo continued: "They are still so young and not married yet.

If he is left with a hidden disease because of this, it will ruin his life! "

The doctor opened his mouth, nodded and said, "Don't worry!"

After sending the two injured people away, Ning Xiruo looked at the other escorts again. After confirming that they were fine, she walked to the escort vehicle and asked about the damage.

Guan Gu frowned and said: "Someone from Wufu Jewelry came and said that the missing box is worth more than 20 million!

Isn’t this nonsense!

When accepting tasks, we all took inventory and also had a list of items.

The missing box of jewelry was only insured for five million! "

Ning Xiruo had a sullen face and said nothing.

Zuo Meng said to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, the other party is very professional, and..."

He seemed hesitant to speak.

Ning Xiruo said to him calmly: "What do you want to say?

Just say it, don’t hesitate! "

Zuo Meng took a deep breath and said: "There is a mole!"

Guangu became anxious when he heard this, turned around and cursed: "Boss, what do you mean?

We brothers are all upright men, but you actually doubt your own brother..."

"Shut up!" Zuo Meng shouted unceremoniously and cursed with a straight face: "The traitor not only doubts our brothers, but also..."

He rolled his eyes, looked at the group of people sent by Wufu Jewelry, and said with a gloomy expression: "Maybe it's one of them!"

Ning Xiruo frowned and asked him, "Why do you say that?"

Zuo Meng said solemnly: "We have discussed the escort time, route, and number of people with them.

Those people came wearing masks and at that time scattered nails on the road and damaged the tires.

Our defensive methods were blocked from the very beginning, and the whole process was the most direct and effective method.

If Ah Wei and the others hadn't risked their lives to protect the goods and even injured one of them, it wouldn't have taken more than a minute and a half for these people to take away all the goods! "

Guan Qingjing asked: "You mean, they are all very experienced robbers?"

"No!" Zuo Meng shook his head and said in a deep voice: "They are just very familiar with our work and route.

He is also very familiar with China’s gun ban regulations.

So from the beginning to the end, they did not have a large-scale gun battle with us, otherwise the casualties would not be what they are now. "

Ning Xiruo took a deep breath and said to Zuo Meng: "Explain the matter clearly to the police.

But we have to check it ourselves!

We must get to the bottom of it.

I want to see who wants to put our security to death! "

"Yes!" Zuo Meng and Guan Gu responded at the same time.

Anhao Security is a new company, so the most important thing is reputation.

What happened today has directly hit the bottom of the company's reputation. This is really ruining the company.

Turning around, Ning Xiruo walked to the escort vehicle, where three Wufu Jewelry staff were counting the remaining contents of the treasure box.

When Ning Xiruo came over to say hello, the three of them didn't take it seriously. Only one of them responded, while the other men and women ignored her at all.

The female staff member said angrily: "I really don't understand what Mr. Fang means.

Can't you ask our old buddy to escort you?

Why choose an unknown security company?

Isn't this causing trouble for yourself? "

The male employee next to him glanced at Ning Xiruo and sneered with disdain:

"This kind of third-rate security company that wants strength but not strength, and wants standard but not standard is also bold. It really dares to take on any job!

They only think about making money and don’t look at their own abilities. If they mess up, let’s see how they compensate! "

The man who greeted Ning Xiruo just now was the eldest among the three. He said to the two of them with a straight face:

"Xiao Lei, Xiao Yu, don't talk nonsense! You don't need to talk too much about what Mr. Fang is thinking!" The two employees, a man and a woman, curled their lips and responded, "I know, Manager An!" Manager An turned to Ning Xiruo and said, "Mr. Ning, we counted the remaining boxes and didn't find the white jade radish worth 15 million. But the cargo list indicated that there was this cargo. As for why it was moved from box 3 to box 5, I think it might have been loaded incorrectly. However, this kind of mistake is also common and not a big deal. As long as the total count is correct, it's fine! Therefore, our loss is likely to exceed 20 million. Please be mentally prepared, Mr. Ning!" Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "Okay, we will compensate for the loss..." Mou Pingxuan walked to her side and said, "But how to compensate, we have to follow the rules. First of all, we have to investigate the root cause of the cargo being loaded incorrectly, whether it was intentional or unintentional. What is the motive for intentional loading? Even if compensation is required, the lost cargo must be assessed for loss, not just how much you say. We still have to wait for the police to investigate the case.

Once the case is investigated and compensation is indeed required, we can discuss the compensation price.

At the same time, we must find out whether Wufu Jewelry and Anhao Security have insured the jewelry and escort.

If so, we can directly ask the insurance company for compensation! ”

Manager An was angry and looked at Mou Pingxuan and asked: "What do you mean by this? Are you planning to evade responsibility? Not planning to compensate?"

Xiao Yu snorted and said: "It's really interesting! The goods were lost, but instead of tracking down the whereabouts of the goods, they checked who loaded the wrong box!

Whether it was the wrong box, Did you write the wrong box number? Does it have anything to do with this case?

Is it a big deal?

How come if the box was loaded correctly, this incident wouldn't have happened today?

If you want to cheat, just say it! "

Ning Xiruo said anxiously: "That's not what I meant..."

Xiao Lei snorted coldly and said: "There are thirteen security companies in Kyoto City. We have cooperated with almost all of them and never had any problems!

The first time I cooperated with you, Anhao Security, I was robbed!

If you really don't have that strength, just delist!

How embarrassing! "

Ning Xiruo's face flushed and she was speechless.

Mou Pingxuan sneered and said: "If your own company is unreliable, don't forget to push it on others?"

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