Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1680 I won’t let them succeed

"What did you say?"

The employees of Wufu Company shouted angrily and looked at Mou Pingxuan.

"What are you talking about? Are you still justified in losing our jewelry? Is this the attitude of Anhao Security Company?"

"What do you mean our company is unreliable? Go and find out what our Wufu Jewelry's reputation is in the industry before you say this!"

"I found that your company's business is not good, but you have a lot of talents!

When such a big thing happens, instead of reflecting on your work mistakes, you just make jokes here and add fuel to the fire?

This kind of rubbish company is really a cancer in the industry and should have been closed down long ago! "

Just as Ning Xiruo was about to speak, Mou Pingxuan sneered and said, "Sorry, I'm not a security person!"

The three of them were so angry that they almost vomited blood!

You are not one of theirs, why are you getting involved here?

Are you sick?

Mou Pingxuan continued: "I am a lawyer from Shouyi Law Firm."

The three of them shut their mouths. They didn't expect that this woman was actually a lawyer. There was no way to gain the upper hand in a fight with such a person!

Manager An coughed twice, frowned and said, "Why, did Anhao Company hire a lawyer so quickly?"

Mou Pingxuan said expressionlessly: "Don't get me wrong, Mr. Ning and I are together because we are involved in other cases.

Came here just by chance.

But I see that your communication seems very unprofessional, and you are always digging holes here.

That's why I would say a few words for Ning Zong.

First of all, the amount of loss is not something you three can just say casually. It needs to be appraised by two companies and professional appraisal institutions.

In fact, claims are subject to procedures. It doesn’t matter what you say, you have the right to characterize the case!

The most important thing is, I can't stand your sarcastic tone!

The strength and capabilities of Anhao Security Company are not something you, the wage earners, can evaluate.

Since your boss is looking for someone to cooperate, it means that he values ​​his ability.

When you question this, do you mean that you have better vision than your boss?

Then go ahead and slap your boss in the face!

No need to show off your intelligence here!

He also said that your company has cooperated with all security companies, and you still feel it is a great honor...

Please be smart. The biggest taboo in this industry is to cooperate with too many escort companies. Basically, you only trust one or two.

This can reduce the chance of accidents!

Needless to say how suspicious and unconfident your company is when cooperating with so many security companies?

I said it was unreliable. Is there a problem? "

"No, what is that..." All three staff members turned red, ashamed, and were speechless by Mou Pingxuan!

Mou Pingxuan pouted at them, turned to Ning Xiruo and said, "Calm down and wait for the police to investigate.

The case has no finality, so there is no need to feel guilty about anyone.

Otherwise, it will only leave you in a weak position during negotiations and be at the mercy of others! "

Ning Xiruo looked at Mou Pingxuan gratefully, nodded and said, "I have learned a lesson!"

She turned her head, looked at Manager An and the others and said, "I will communicate directly with Mr. Fang to discuss the follow-up matters. Thank you for your hard work today.

Also, whether you like Anhao Company or not, it still exists and is developing.

You won't be knocked down just because of one thing.

And it won't be long before it becomes the premier security company in Kyoto City.

If you don’t believe it, just wait and see. "

The rest of the matter was left to the police to investigate. Ning Xiruo asked Guangu to stay here to cooperate while the others returned to the company.

She, Guan Qing, and Mou Pingxuan also returned to Anhao Building.

Two major events happened in one day, and Ning Xiruo also felt a little exhausted.

But in her heart, she had a vague feeling that something else was going to happen.

Seeing her solemn expression, he asked with concern: "Miss, what's wrong?"

With her uncle away and so many things happening, she was really afraid that the young lady would not be able to cope with it and collapse.

Ning Xiruo shook her head, frowned and said, "I always feel that what happened today is not simple..."

Ning Xiruo was startled when the phone rang.

To be honest, she is a little afraid of this voice now, as if something bad will happen if she answers it.

After taking a look at the caller ID, Ning Xiruo closed her eyes as if resigned to her fate, and whispered: "Here it comes!"

After pressing the answer button, Luo Qiancheng's anxious voice came from the other side: "Sister Ruo, something big has happened!

People from the Food Safety Bureau came to our winery for random inspections and said that our products were substandard and had excessive chemical elements, and they wanted to seal down our warehouse! "

Although this guy didn't deal with Chen Xin'an, he was very close to Ning Xiruo.

She also has a sweet mouth. If she doesn't call her sister-in-law, she would call her sister Ning Xiruo. She is treated the same as Luo Qianxue.

Ning Xiruo took a deep breath and said to him: "Don't worry, you entertain them first, I'll be there right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Ning Xiruo said to Mou Pingxuan, who stood up in front of the sofa, "It's already this time. I wanted to treat you to a meal, but something happened at the winery..."

"Go to the winery first, it's important!" Mou Pingxuan waved her hand.

Hearing this, she also went along. Of course Ning Xiruo wanted it, so she nodded and said: "Sister Qing, buy something on the way and let's eat in the car!"

Unexpectedly, the three of them’s favorite fast food is fried chicken and Coke!

This allowed the three of them to find another common ground, and their relationship became a little closer.

After taking a sip of Coke, Mou Pingxuan said to Ning Xiruo: "Boss Ning, why do I have a feeling that everything today seems to be planned?"

Ning Xiruo was shocked, looked up at Mou Pingxuan and said: "You have the same feeling?

I thought I was just imagining it!"

Guan Qing asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Ning Xiruo took a deep breath and said to her: "Maybe the news about Xin'an has been leaked!

Now, our opponents are going to attack us!"

Guan Qing's face changed, and he understood it after a little thought.

"Yes, why are all the things squeezed together?

We are all busy and confused!"

"Yes, this is the other party's purpose!" Ning Xiruo nodded and said: "They just want us to mess up our positions, so that they can defeat us without attacking!"

"Them?" Mou Pingxuan asked in confusion: "Does Boss Ning have many enemies in Kyoto?"

Ning Xiruo and Guan Qing smiled bitterly at each other.

Guan Qing explained to Mou Pingxuan: "Miss doesn't have many enemies, but the brother-in-law has many enemies!

You should also know what the brother-in-law did after he came to Kyoto, right?"

Mu Pingxuan was speechless.

She and Wang Yi have been friends for many years and are also besties.

Naturally, she has heard Wang Yi talk a lot about Chen Xin'an.

Almost all the wealthy families in Kyoto have been done by this guy. Who would believe that he has few enemies?

The Aristocratic Alliance and the Old Law Hall were destroyed by him alone!

Now he is abroad, and his life and death are unknown.

Those enemies feel that their opportunity has come and want to attack his family and industry.

Ning Ruo'an's company is developing too fast.

Almost at the peak of his debut, his assets are calculated in hundreds of billions, which also makes Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo the richest couple in Kyoto!

This has attracted the jealousy of many people.

Who doesn't want to take a bite of such a big piece of fat?

Now Chen Xin'an is likely dead, and the one guarding this big piece of fat is just a weak woman in her twenties!

The wolves around are all glaring at me, who can hold back?

"I won't let them succeed!" Ning Xiruo clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and said:

"If they want to see me laugh, then let them watch!

If they want to see me lose my composure, then they are totally wrong!

Whoever wants to steal what my husband has worked so hard for, just come at me!"

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