Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1690 The bank doesn’t have as much money as our family.

Is this woman also cool?

We've all been here, don't you understand?

Do you have to die together with us to feel comfortable?

Zhou Xiang took a deep breath and said to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, we are not here to fight with you.

Fighting to the death is not good for anyone.

Since the contract is unreasonable, we can just redo it.

After all, the project is the hard work of everyone.

The whole project cannot be dragged down because of the disputes between us! "

Zhou Shengmin nodded and said: "Our requirements are not high, we just increase the original equity to 40%.

We will increase investment in the remaining projects, so that Mr. Ning will not have to invest a penny anymore and can only enjoy the dividends!

This arrangement is the best way to handle the entire project!

What do you think, Mr. Ning? "

Ning Xiruo looked at them, sneered and said, "Both Mr. Zhou have really big appetites.

Just swallowed the entire project!

You have such a big appetite, can you swallow it? "

Zhou Xiang chuckled: "Mr. Ning is exaggerating, aren't we still leaving 20% ​​for you?

As for whether you gave it away and left little for yourself, that’s none of our business! "

Zhou Shengmin also nodded and smiled: "Actually, we also feel sorry for Mr. Ning.

It is not easy for a woman to take care of such a large group company and so many industries.

Mr. Chen is not here, and those of us who are friends should take care of his family and business.

So we took the initiative to take on more responsibility so that Mr. Ning would not be so tired! "

Ning Xiruo said with a mocking look: "Then I still need to thank you two for your kindness?"

Zhou Shengmin said proudly: "That's not necessary, after all, we are also friends with Mr. Chen!

Can we revise the contract now? "

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "No need!"

Zhou Shengmin was stunned, frowned and looked at Ning Xiruo and said, "Mr. Ning, what does this mean? Aren't we clear enough?"

Zhou Xiang also said calmly: "Mr. Ning, don't act out of emotion.

This is the best way to resolve the issues between us, otherwise we would literally quit! "

Ning Xiruo sneered coldly, looked at the two of them and said, "I'll tell you what is the best way to solve this matter.

That is to expel you from the board of directors once and for all.

And I will announce this matter to the General Chamber of Commerce and remove you from the General Chamber of Commerce!

Is there anything else you want to say now? "

"Ning Xiruo!" Zhou Shengmin and Zhou Xiang slapped the table, and they all stood up and glared at Ning Xiruo.

Zhou Shengmin gritted his teeth and said, "Ning Xiruo, don't be so shameless!

Do you know the consequences of doing this?

If you want to fight to the death, have you ever thought about what kind of situation you will face?

Do you think we just quit and withdraw the funds?

Is our money invested in vain?

We want to claim compensation from you! "

Zhou Xianghan said with a face: "Some materials ordered from abroad can be canceled with just a phone call from me!

At that time, all losses will be borne by you!

There is so much upfront investment that will fall apart once we pull out.

Do you think that as long as you keep funding, it will be enough?

No, I want you to do it again!

What you want to fill is a huge hole. Can you afford it? "

He sneered, stood up and said, "Ning Xiruo, I know what you are planning!

Do you want to get a loan from the bank?

Believe it or not, let alone five billion, you can't even lend out two billion?

Chen Xin'an is here, and he can get 50 billion to 500 billion.

But if he's not here, even if you have a mortgage, you can't lend out five billion!

What are you going to do to fill this hole? "

Ning Xiruo's expression changed. She didn't expect that they would know about her need for a loan so quickly!

I didn't believe what they said.

But seeing the attitude of Jingfa Bank President Meng Xuanke this morning, she had to doubt this possibility.

At this moment, a cold scoff came from beside him.

"Two ants dare to threaten my grandson-in-law?

Just 5 billion, just want to take advantage of Ning Ruoan?

Who gave you confidence and courage? "

Zhou Shengmin and Zhou Xiang turned their heads and looked at the rude woman.

"Merely?" Zhou Shengmin sneered and said to Chi Rui: "I still can't tell that the person sitting next to me is a rich woman!

Five billion is not taken lightly. I am afraid that even Mr. Ning does not have such courage, right? "


Chi Rui picked up a bulging handbag from his side and slapped it on the coffee table in front of him.

Zhou Shengmin and Zhou Xiang looked at each other and burst into laughter!

"Wow! This bag is not small, it can hold a lot of money in it!"

"That's not the case! She can afford at least 50,000 to 60,000 yuan. She is indeed a rich woman!"

Chi Rui sneered coldly, without even looking at the two of them, he unzipped the handbag in a hurry and flipped it to both sides.

At this moment, it seemed that everyone's eyes were going to be blinded!

There wasn't a single note in the handbag, it was all bank cards!

And it’s all made of pure gold!

Major banks have launched many premium cards with gold edges, gold inlays, or gold plating.

But the entire card is made of pure gold, which most people have never seen before!

Zhou Shengmin and Zhou Xiang had only heard of it.

There is a strict system for the issuance of this kind of card.

There should be no more than three pure gold cards from each bank!

And there are sixty or seventy pure gold cards in this bag!

Not only the major banks in China, but also some even famous foreign banks’ pure gold cards!

The issuance of those pure gold cards is more strict than that in China!

Who is this old woman?

Just by looking at these cards, you can tell that her identity is anything but simple!

Chi Rui pushed his bag in front of Ning Xiruo and said, "Our family doesn't need to go to the bank for a loan.

No bank is richer than ours! "

Ning Xiruo then remembered that grandma was Long Dun's money bag!

Longdun's financial power is all in the hands of Chi Rui. Even the profits of Junhao Group are handed over by Chi Rui!

And this money is really just money, not assets!

Zhou Shengmin and Zhou Xiang's expressions changed completely.

Now they finally realize that they made a wrong decision from the beginning!

Ning Xiruo took a deep breath, looked at Zhou Shengmin and Zhou Xiang coldly and said:

"Now you know what I said is true, right?

If you are out, that is the best result!

Just you, are you going to fight me to the death?

Are you worthy? "

Zhou Shengmin's face was pale and he seemed a little unwilling to give up. He looked at Ning Xiruo and said:

"You, you wait, we will sue you for contract fraud!"

"Hey!" Mou Pingxuan sneered coldly, shook her head and said, "Boss, Mr. Zhou, I have been explaining my feelings to you for so long, but you two have not listened to a single word!

There is no problem with the contract. Do you really think those lawyers are just doing nothing?

Is there any obvious loophole in the contract that you can catch?

To put it bluntly, even if there is a loophole, it is something that all of you have agreed on and have confirmed.

Based on this, even if you take the case to the International Court of Justice, you will still lose!

It is impossible to get the claim you want.

However, due to breach of contract, Ningruo Anhao Group has the right to claim compensation from both of your companies.

It depends on whether President Ning will let you go! "

"Mr. Ning..." Zhou Shengmin and Zhou Xiang were completely dumbfounded. They slumped on the sofa and looked at Ning Xiruo pleadingly.

This is really a loss for their wife and a loss of soldiers. If they are sued again, their losses will be even greater!

Ning Xiruo said calmly: "My husband said that being soft-hearted to your enemies is just to find trouble with yourself!

Therefore, Lawyer Mou, this matter will trouble you! "

Mou Pingxuan smiled and said: "It's our own business! Mr. Zhou, please prepare your lawyers. We'll see you in court!"


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