Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1691: A lot of help for good people, but little help for bad people

After the two people left in despair, Ning Xiruo put away her bag and handed it to Chi Rui.

Seeing her actions, Chi Rui smiled, shook his head, stroked Ning Xiruo's head and said:

"Silly boy, grandma knows what you are thinking!

That brat doesn't want to get involved too much with Dragon Shield, so you should follow his example.

In fact, the boy himself couldn't figure it out. From the moment he was born, he had been inextricably linked to Longdun and couldn't let go!

However, Dragon Shield respects his choice and will not force him to do anything.

And you can use the money however you want, as much as you want, it won't be in the name of Dragon Shield.

Longdun will not intervene or participate in your business with Xin'an.

Don’t forget, I am not only Longdun’s financial director, but also your and Xin’an’s grandma!

Moreover, your grandma comes first and then Longdun’s finances. This order cannot be messed up. Do you understand? "

Ning Xiruo looked at Chi Rui with tears in her eyes and nodded vigorously.

Chi Rui rubbed her hair and said lovingly: "Silly girl, don't be afraid!

Even if your peace of mind is not here, grandma can rest assured that you can support this family.

Take a break when you are tired and don't work so hard.

Because you still have grandma, grandpa, and our family members! "

While they were talking, there was a knock on the door. Mi Xiaomi, the group's chief financial officer, walked in and said to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, there are some changes in the company's accounts..."

Ning Xiruo stood up and said with a smile: "Sister Xiaomi, look who is here!"

Only then did Mi Xiaomi notice Chi Rui on the sofa, and shouted in surprise: "Master, when did you come?"

"Master?" Ning Xiruo was stunned for a moment.

Chi Rui said helplessly: "Before I went back last time, I went around all your and Xin'an's properties, focusing on the accounting issues.

This girl just calls me Master. I have no choice but to let her do it. How shameless! "

Mi Xiaomi hugged Chi Rui's arm and said, "I'm too thin-skinned to have any candy.

Anyway, I’ve kowtowed and served tea, you are my master!

Regardless of whether you are satisfied or not, you have to hold your nose and admit it! "

"Don't be ashamed, you!" Chi Rui hit her on the head neither lightly nor hard, but everyone could see that she quite liked this apprentice.

Ning Xiruo was stunned.

You know, let alone her, even if it's Chen Xin'an, the Mi Xiaomi he sees always looks calm and indifferent.

It seemed that even if he was angry, he would just sigh slightly and look helpless.

I have never seen her show such true feelings before.

Ning Xiruo said to Mi Xiaomi: "Sister Xiaomi, don't worry if the company is short of funds. Grandma will..."

"No!" Mi Xiaomi quickly waved his hand and said, "It's not a deficit, it's a supplement!

Starting this morning, a large amount of money began to pour into the company's account..."

Ning Xiruo frowned, looked at Mi Xiaomi warily and said, "A large amount of funds? How much is it?"

Mi Xiaomi shrugged and said: "The current position is already over 5 billion!"

Ning Xiruo was stunned and asked after a while: "Who is sending money? What is his purpose?"

Mi Xiaomi explained: "It's not just one person! There are too many remittance accounts, so I simply compiled a form and brought it to you for review!"

Ning Xiruo took the pile of A4 paper and took a look at it. She was dumbfounded!

Junhao Group Co., Ltd. transfer: 00 yuan.

Changsheng Group Co., Ltd. transfer: 00 yuan.

Luoning International Co., Ltd. transfer: 00 yuan.

Guangyao Sheet Metal Machinery Processing Co., Ltd. transfer: 00 yuan.

as well as:

Thirty-six enterprises of the National Chamber of Commerce collectively transferred: 00 yuan.

Attached is a list of transfer companies and the transfer amount.

Twenty-five companies from the Haidong Chamber of Commerce collectively transferred: 00 yuan.

Attached is a list of transfer companies and the transfer amount.

Below are the names of some units or individuals such as Zhongyi Tang or Jishi Tang who transferred millions, hundreds of thousands, or even tens of thousands of yuan.

A thick stack of A4 paper lists with hundreds of names of companies or individuals.

Ning Xiruo put the list on the coffee table, covered her face with her hands, and sat on the sofa motionless and silent.

Mi Xiaomi sighed and said: "Master and Master still have a lot of face..."

Chi Rui shook his head and said: "This has nothing to do with me and Lao Xu!

We just arrived in Kyoto today, and few people outside know about the relationship between Lao Xu and Xin'an! "

She sat next to Ning Xiruo, stroked her head, and said with a smile:

“I originally thought I was late.

Only now do I know that it’s still too early.

In other words, I don’t have to come at all!

You and Xin'an's achievements have far exceeded your grandpa's and my expectations!

And your ability to withstand stress is much stronger than I thought before!

Moral support from many, scant support.

That shameless old man from the Lu family thinks that he can easily crush you just because of his status.

Then he is really blind!

After working hard all his life, it was all destroyed in the hands of his descendants. I wonder if the old boy will regret it the day he goes down?

Don't worry about it, old boy. Your grandpa has just arrived and is looking for someone to establish his authority.

Now that it's delivered to your door, you won't be polite to him!

Just focus on handling the company's affairs and don't worry about anything else! "

Ning Xiruo nodded, loosened her hands, and wiped away the tears on her face.

She turned to Mi Xiaomi and said, "Sister Xiaomi, please follow this form and transfer all the money back."

Mi Xiaomi said with a confused look: "But there are still some transfers, and the other party's account is hidden!

I want to return it but I don’t know who to return it to! "

Chi Rui frowned and said to her: "Are you sure it's hidden? The identity of someone who wants to do this is not simple!"

Mi Xiaomi nodded and said: "Sure! But the transfers are not many, some are more than one million, most are hundreds of thousands, not many, more than 20!"

Ning Xiruo frowned, unable to think of anyone who would do this.

Chi Rui said from the side: "Either one person is transferring the money in dozens of times, or there are more than twenty people who can hide the account.

People who can do this kind of hiding have a high status.

You or a member of your family, only big leaders have this privilege.

At least he should be similar to your grandfather's current status. "

An idea flashed in Ning Xiruo's mind and she blurted out, "Could it be them?"

Seeing everyone's confused expressions, Ning Xiruo explained: "Xin'an said that when he went to the Black Mountain Tigers, he had a training class.

The students inside are all veritable little princes!

It’s all…”

Chi Rui nodded and said, "I understand! It should be them!"

At this moment, Ning Xiruo's phone rang.

Taking out her mobile phone and looking at the phone number, Ning Xiruo said strangely: "Eh? Why is he calling me?"

Pressing the button to connect, Ning Xiruo took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice: "President Meng, what's the matter?"

This guy had evil intentions towards her and even wanted to have dinner with her.

What does it mean now?

Still unwilling to give up?

Meng Xuanke over there didn't know if it was very cold, even his voice was trembling when he spoke, and he said to Ning Xiruo:

"Mr. Ning, I want to meet you, right now! Can you pick a place?

Don't get me wrong, it's just a meeting, no need to eat! "

Ning Xiruo frowned, but still said to him: "Then come to my office! I'm in Anhao Building now!"

In my territory, I'm not afraid of you messing around.

Soon Meng Xuanke arrived, followed by a young man wearing sunglasses.

As soon as he saw Ning Xiruo, Meng Xuanke knelt down in front of her without saying a word!


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