Wufu Jewelry Fushou Street Main Store.

As soon as they saw several people wearing Anhao security uniforms coming in, the expressions of the store clerks who were originally smiling and ready to welcome customers immediately changed.

"This company hasn't closed down yet? It's so shameless to lose all the goods and not pay compensation!"

“I have to find a jewelry expert to be firm, and I have to find an insurance company to settle the claim. Anyway, I just don’t want to lose money!

When asking for money, nothing less will do. If something goes wrong and I have to pay for it, I just push back and refuse, and I don’t even dare to admit it! "

"That means our Mr. Fang is too arrogant. If it had been someone else, he would have been sued!"

Ning Xiruo stepped forward and said to several shop assistants: "We never said we would not compensate.

But you won’t just pay for it as soon as you lose something!

Everything must have a cause and effect.

The whole process was not investigated clearly, how can I be compensated?

I believe you have all encountered people who pretend to buy jewelry, put it on and run away, right?

Do you always pay for it out of your own pocket after every encounter?

There is a process for determining responsibility.

On the one hand, Mr. Fang is arrogant, but on the other hand, he also knows this truth.

That's why I left the investigation to the police with confidence.

Since Mr. Fang is relieved, why are you not?

Could it be that I would run away even if I had good security? "

Several store clerks looked embarrassed.

One of them said angrily: "Why are you talking so much? What else did you find out? Aren't you just wasting time?"

Another person looked at Ning Xiruo and asked, "Who are you? Why do so many people come to our store?"

Sun Gallo came from behind and said to the clerks: "This is the boss with good security!

Where is your store manager? Ask him to come over and take a look at the surveillance for that day! "

A store clerk said impatiently: "Why are you looking at it again! It seems that these are just the pictures?

You’ve all watched it no less than ten times, right? "

Sun Jialuo didn't have much patience and shouted at her: "If you ask the store manager to come out, go and call him immediately, there is so much nonsense!

I hope you can actively cooperate with the police investigation.

It will be beneficial to everyone if the case can be investigated as soon as possible! "

The clerk pouted and snorted: "The store manager has resigned!

I am now the acting store manager.

Even if you want to check the surveillance, you can't.

The monitoring computer got water in at noon yesterday and was burned down! "

"What?" Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Isn't this too coincidental?

Zuo Meng frowned, looked at her and asked, "Is your store manager here on the day of packing?"

The acting store manager glanced at him and hummed: "Nonsense! How can we pack the boxes without the store manager? Of course she has to participate in the whole process!"

Ning Xiruo asked, "Then when did she resign?"

"Last night, yesterday morning, but I still worked all day, but I didn't come this morning!" the acting store manager said with a shrug.

Zuo Meng asked Ning Xiruo anxiously, "Mr. Ning, what should we do now? There is nothing we can do!"

Sungalo said to the acting store manager: "Take us to the monitoring room. Is the broken host still there?"

"That one is there." The acting store manager curled his lips and said, "I've seen it, there's smoke inside, it's completely broken! If you don't believe it, I'll take you in to have a look!"

The acting store manager took everyone to the monitoring room.

The monitors here are all black.

A host had all its wires removed, its back cover was opened, and it lay on the ground.

The acting store manager said: "Mr. Fang said that he would replace the best monitoring equipment, so we didn't return the hard drive, everything is still there!"

Sun Galo glanced at the host and said to the acting store manager: "Please ask Mr. Fang for instructions. I want to take it back to the city bureau and ask my colleagues in the technical department to see if it can be restored..."

Ning Xiruo waved her hand and said, "Don't go to such trouble. I'll ask Yun Yan to come over and see if there is any possibility of recovery!"

As for Du Yunyan, the computer expert, Sun Galuo had dealt with her before, so he naturally believed in her abilities and nodded to Ning Xiruo.

Twenty minutes later, a taxi stopped at the door of the jewelry store, and Du Yunyan walked in carrying a bag.

There was no need to be too polite, Du Yunyan got to work directly.

After disassembling the hard drive and inspecting it, Du Yunyan curled his lips and said:

“It was man-made damage and the protective components were burned through.

But it should work if you make an artificial path!

Okay, wait for me two minutes! "

Du Yunyan immediately took out the equipment in his bag, took apart the hard drive, and connected it with copper wires.

After a while, she connected all the cables on the host, then pressed the power button and started to enter the system with a beep sound.

The people next to him looked at him with admiration.

An expert is an expert. The hard drive was so burned that it was deformed. In her hands, it could be used in less than two minutes.

Enter the surveillance video and start searching for the surveillance video of the day.

Soon everyone saw the scene.

From the beginning of packing the car to loading the car, several shots were filmed and tracked without any blind spots.

As the acting store manager said, the previous store manager was really supervising from beginning to end.

But she looked like a real supervisor and didn't behave strangely.

Is the resignation really a coincidence?

Sungalo said to the acting store manager: "What is the name of this store manager? Do you have any information about her?"

The acting store manager nodded and said: "Her name is Ma Yanmei, and her phone number and ID number are in the company's social security record book! I'll get it!"

Sungalo nodded.

After a while, the acting store manager took the record book over, pointed to one of the pages and said, "This is it!"

Sun Gallo took a look, took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the record book and sent it, then made a phone call and said:

"Xiaoyu, help me check this person, especially his work experience!"

Just after hanging up the phone, Ning Xiruo said from the side: "Yunyan, stop for a moment! Move back a little, okay, this is it!"

The scene freezes. This is the moment when the clerk packed the box in the vault and handed it to the escort to carry it into the car.

The treasury clerk left his hand, but the escort had not yet taken over. In less than ten seconds, five boxes were placed on the ground.

Ma Yanmei seemed to be arranging the boxes neatly, bending down and moving five boxes.

At this moment, her body blocked the surveillance camera.

Just for a moment, she stood up.

There seems to be no problem.

But at this moment, an afterimage appeared on the frozen surveillance screen.

It seemed like something was clenching under the table next to me.

It only takes the blink of an eye, and you can’t even tell it if you don’t look carefully!

Ning Xiruo frowned, pointed at the table and asked, "Why is there a table here?"

Ma Yanmei said lazily: "Because the security will sign in here, it will be more convenient to have a table."

"Then why is this table covered with a long white cloth?"

"That's what the store manager requested. It also looks clean and hygienic.

This is also one of the assessment criteria. Points will be deducted for whoever gets dirty! "

Sun Galuo said to Du Yunyan: "Miss Du, please go back a little bit, and then play it frame by frame!"

"Okay!" Du Yunyan nodded, and then started playing slowly according to his request.

This time everyone saw it clearly.

There is an identical box under the table.

When Ma Yanmei bent down, she had already pulled out the box.

At the same time, the box containing the jewelry was moved under the table by foot.

In less than a second, this act of substituting one thing for another was completed!

Three minutes later, the cleaning lady came over, took off the tablecloth and replaced it with a new one.

The old tablecloth wrapped in the jewelry box was thrown into the trash can in the car, and was taken out by the cleaning lady!


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