Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1698 You don’t have the final say in the company

What a quick move, what a stealthy technique!

If the video hadn't been slowed down, I wouldn't have been able to see her movements clearly!

And the cleaning lady also has a problem.

The acting store manager said that this cleaning lady was also hired by the store manager. She worked for less than a week and she didn’t come today!

Soon news came from Xiaoyu's side.

The information about Ma Yanmei was found. She was from Pangxi, Lingnan.

His father, Ma Yuanhai, was deceived for twenty years for fraud and is still incarcerated in Lingnan Prison.

Ma Yanmei has been engaged in the jewelry sales industry for many years.

Because of my rich experience, I can apply for store manager positions in many jewelry stores.

Oddly enough, she never worked in each jewelry store for more than three months.

And every time she was in office, jewelry would be stolen or robbed in that jewelry store!

The picture of the cleaning aunt was also compared and she was Ma Yanmei's mother Chu Xianghong.

It turns out that this is a pair of mother and daughter thieves!

Good news also came from the police station, and Huang Mao confessed everything.

They are employees of Wei Neng Security Company in Kyoto. The boss and the eldest son of the Lu family, Lu Feifan, are brothers.

Under Lu Feifan's instruction, Weineng Security Company sent eight employees to pretend to be robbers and set an ambush on the only way for Anhao's security escort.

All this information was told to them by Ma Yanmei.

And Ma Yanmei told them that time must be fast and the most valuable box must be taken away.

That box was box number three, and she had marked it.

But they didn't expect that they would also be used.

There were only a few bricks in the looted box!

But Wei Neng Security did not dare to say anything, so he could only admit that he was unlucky and secretly threw away the box.

Sungalo immediately informed the city bureau and issued a wanted order.

At the same time, Weineng Company was investigated, and all those involved were arrested and brought to justice!

This is how the whole case started, with a group of shop assistants all looking embarrassed.

He also said that he was a scammer and did not want to lose money.

Only now did I know that it was me who was the mole, and I couldn't blame others at all.

Fang Yanshen, the boss of Wufu Jewelry, also came, apologized to Ning Xiruo, and went to the hospital to visit the injured escort.

Fang Yanshen gave Ning Xiruo a card.

In the future, you can use this card to purchase jewelry at any Wufu Jewelry store and enjoy a 50% discount!

And he also made a request, hoping to sign a long-term contract with Anhao Security.

From now on, Anhao Security will be solely responsible for escorting the jewelry store.

Ning Xiruo did not refuse and signed and sealed the contract on the spot.

It was already afternoon. Ning Xiruo declined Fang Yanshen's invitation to entertain guests and took everyone back to the company.

Instead of going back to her office, she went to the 32nd floor, where Dream Media has its offices.

Nowadays, short videos are developing rapidly, and the company has also cultivated some super popular short video bloggers.

The leaders are naturally An Xiaoyi and Lin Keer, and several newcomers are also gaining fans rapidly.

But the one with the strongest momentum is Xiao Qimei.

With three original songs, she became popular on major short video platforms, with nearly 10 million followers, surpassing Lin Keer and approaching An Xiaoyi.

She came from Huihuang Film and Television, and she was a young actress who was not even considered third-rate.

After signing with Brilliant Film and Television, he has not been reused due to acting issues.

However, after Huihuang Film and Television was merged into Dream Media, she became popular through short videos and became the person with the best development after the merger.

Now the number of her personal team alone is thirty.

The crowd of people hugging each other as soon as they go out is quite charming.

Those who didn’t know better thought it was some big shot going on tour!

Of course, the company will not care about these.

As long as you can make money for the company, no one will care about you even if you go out and ride a rocket.

Signed artists like them don't have too strict control over their commuting time.

But those who make short videos must have at least six hours of online time every day.

Therefore, many people still come to the company on time every day just like the administrative class.

Professional makeup stylists put on their makeup and enter the independent live broadcast room arranged by the company for them.

It's just that it's time to broadcast today, but there are still a few anchors who are not on.

Because the makeup stylist was called away by Xiao Qimei.

She has her own dedicated makeup stylist, but she took a day off today, so she used the one shared by everyone.

But because I always feel dissatisfied with the styling, it’s been almost two hours and I still haven’t finished putting on makeup!

"Do you know how to do it? Is this how you made it for me? Do you think it looks good to you?

Is this the level of makeup stylists at Dream Media?

No wonder none of your people are popular!

At this level, he’s not even worthy of carrying Abao’s shoes! "

The makeup stylist is Wang Yiqian, a veteran of Dream Media.

At the age of thirty-five, he has styled many big stars and is deeply respected and loved by everyone.

However, this little seventh sister never treated her politely. She would call her over when she needed something, but she was always picky and dissatisfied with her.

No matter how good-tempered Wang Yiqian was, she couldn't lose her temper after being taught nothing by this little girl in her early twenties. She said with a straight face:

"Then just ask A Bao to make it for you. If you are not satisfied with what I made, don't waste time!"

Xiao Qimei got angry and scolded her: "If A Bao were here, would I use you?

If you are not satisfied with the result, then you will keep doing it until I am satisfied!

Your skills are terrible, but you still have the nerve to talk back to me here. Who could spoil you?

You are old, but you can't do such a small thing!

Then what's the use of you, just get out! "

Wang Yiqian also got angry, threw the styling comb on the dressing table, and said angrily:

"Then find someone else to do it, I can't do it!"

She turned around and was about to walk out, but was grabbed by Xiao Qimei and slapped her in the face!

"You are rebellious! A small makeup artist, you are still angry with me?

Dream Media has produced a waste like you who can't do anything and has a bad temper?

Do you dare to take a step and try?

Do you know what the consequences will be if you delay my broadcast?

Do you know how much money I make in one minute?

Do you know how much revenue I generate for the company?

It's your honor and blessing for me to use you!

You actually dare to lose your temper with me, you are so bold! "

She picked up the comb on the dressing table and scraped Wang Yiqian's face hard!

This kind of comb is very hard and the teeth are very sharp.

This scrape immediately left a blood groove on Wang Yiqian's face!

Wang Yiqian screamed and covered her face with her hands, blood flowing out from between her fingers!

"What are you doing!" Lin Ke'er ran over and pushed Xiao Qimei away.

She held Wang Yiqian with her hands and asked: "Sister Qian, take your hands away and let me see!"

Wang Yiqian cried and shook her head.

Lin Ke'er turned her head angrily and scolded Xiao Qimei: "You are too much!"

Xiao Qimei looked disapproving, hugged her arms in front of her chest, and said disdainfully:

"I said who is so bold that he dares to intervene in my affairs!

It turned out to be the big star Sister Ke'er!

It's just a little lesson, what's the big deal!

If the dog is disobedient, it must be beaten, so that it won't go crazy and bite the master in the future!"

Lin Ke'er said angrily: "Who do you say is a dog? Speak with more respect!"

Sister Qi snorted coldly and said, "Why, did I say something wrong?

I took more than half of the company's money.

These useless people who only know how to get paid and can't do much work are just a group of dogs wagging their tails to beg for food.

They don't have the minimum respect for the masters who feed them. Shouldn't they be taught a lesson?

Let alone hitting her, even if I ask her to kneel down, will she dare not kneel?

Do you believe that I only need one word to make the company fire her? "

Lin Ke'er was so angry that her face turned blue. She stared at Sister Qi and scolded, "Don't be so arrogant!

You can't have the final say in the company!"


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