Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1699 Because she is your boss

Everyone looked at Wang Yiqian with sympathetic eyes, but dared not say anything in anger towards Xiao Qimei.

Lin Keer said to Wang Yiqian: "Sister Qian, I will send you to the hospital for stitches..."

"What stitches are needed? Do you need to go to the hospital for this minor injury?" Xiao Qimei said with disdain:

"Go to the bathroom and wash away the blood. Don't pretend to be pitiful here, as if you have been wronged!

If you don't do your job well, you should be punished. This is how we do it at Brilliant Film and Television.

Why don’t you have Dream Media? "

Lin Keer looked at her coldly and said, "Then when you were at Huihuang Film and Television, you were shaved with a comb every day?

There are no scars left so far, you are quite thick-skinned! "

Xiao Qimei said angrily: "You..."

She sneered coldly, looked at Lin Ke'er with disdain and said, "Lin Ke'er, don't be so arrogant with me here.

Do you still think it was when you were famous a few years ago?

A outdated star is still outdated even if he switches to short videos!

Look how many fans you still have now. How many fans do you have compared to me?

Lin Ke'er, in today's society, there is no use showing off your seniority!

Whether you are awesome or not depends on how popular you are and how much money you can make!

I earn a Ferrari in one day, how can you compare with me?

No matter what your status was in the company, when you see me in the future, you have to call me Seventh Sister!

Do you understand? "

Lin Keer's face looked a little sad.

What Xiao Qimei said was hard to hear, but it was reality.

Because she was very picky about the script, and she was tired of acting.

Therefore, she rarely took on roles and did not perform many performances. Her popularity dropped sharply and her popularity also dropped a lot.

A few years ago, the streets and alleys were covered with posters of her, and her popularity even spread abroad. Gone are the days.

Even when doing live broadcasts, she only sang some old songs, rarely interacted, was neither ambiguous nor sexy, and the live broadcast room seemed a bit boring.

This made her fans even more depressed.

Compared to the little Qimei who can both sing and dance, but is willing to lose her skin and dare to play on the sidelines, there is really a big difference!

I heard that a short video platform offered Xiao Qimei a sky-high transfer fee of 50 million yuan.

If it weren't for the fact that the company still had a contract, Xiao Qimei would have changed jobs long ago.

This is also the reason why Xiao Qimei becomes more and more arrogant and domineering in the company.

I am so popular that no matter where I go, I am always top-notch!

Seeing Lin Keer deflated, Xiaoqimei showed a victorious and proud smile on her face.

For this big star, Xiao Qimei worshiped him as an idol when she first entered the industry.

But as time passed, she became jealous.

Why can they be popular but I can't?

By now, jealousy has turned into disdain.

What's wrong with celebrities? Their popularity isn't as high as mine!

Seeing those big stars who were once unattainable, now they all bent down and spoke to her politely.

She had to be obediently allowed to stand in the C position during the event, which made her disdain for them even deeper.

star? Haha, that’s all!

I am the same now, even more famous than them, with more fans!

Xiao Qimei pushed Lin Keer with a look of disdain and said disdainfully: "Please get out of the way!

Don't waste my time!

By the way, now I don’t have a makeup stylist, so I’ll call yours over to do it for me.

If you delay my broadcast, you know the consequences.

I almost forgot that Sister Ke'er is also an expert in this field. She taught everyone how to do makeup in the live broadcast room!

Otherwise, how about you just do it for me yourself? "

At this moment, someone behind him said: "Lin Ke'er, come here!"

Xiao Qimei scolded impatiently: "You are so deaf! Didn't you hear that I asked Lin Ke'er to do my makeup? Are all you Dream Media people so unruly?"

The people around suddenly became quiet. Xiao Qimei felt something was wrong and quickly turned around. Standing behind them was the company's boss Ning Xiruo and her bodyguard Guan Qing.

Xiao Qimei quickly stuck out her tongue and said with an apologetic look: "I'm sorry, Mr. Ning, I thought it was someone without eyes, but I didn't expect it to be you!"

Ning Xiruo walked over slowly, stood in front of Xiao Qimei and said, "What did you just say?"

Xiao Qimei was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "I really didn't expect it to be you just now. Mr. Ning wouldn't be so stingy, would he?"

Ning Xiruo looked at her and said, "Do you dream of media? What do you mean?

In other words, after so long of merger, you still feel like an outsider, right? "

"No, no, it doesn't mean I'm used to it!" Xiao Qimei quickly explained.

No matter how arrogant she is, she doesn't dare to compete with the big boss of the company.

Ning Xiruo frowned, looked at her and said, "Did you just ask Lin Ke'er to do your makeup?


Like you, she is a contracted artist of the company, not a makeup artist! "

Xiao Qimei glanced at Lin Keer and said, "Mr. Ning, artists are different from entertainers.

Some artists can help the company make money, but some can only drag the company down!

I think if a company wants to develop healthily, it must survive the fittest.

Abandon those artists who have expired and cannot make greater contributions to the company.

Save company resources and focus on promoting those with potential.

Only in this way can the company develop faster and more fiercely!

Mr. Ning, what do you think? "

Lin Ke'er looked gloomy and her eye circles were a little red.

Heroes grow old and beauties grow old. This is the most helpless thing in the world.

She herself also felt that it was getting harder and harder for her to move forward on this road, and perhaps it was time to quit.

Xiao Qimei curled her lips and said to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, I'll just tell you the truth!

I think it’s a bit of a waste for Sister Ke’er to be the anchor.

This will ruin her fans.

It's better to let her do something else, at least to leave some thoughts for those die-hards!

It's better to let her be a makeup stylist, I think it's quite suitable.

What do you think, Mr. Ning? "

These words made everyone around him angry!

Lin Keer represents the youth and dreams of some people and is the idol in many people's hearts.

Who can stand it when Xiao Qimei ruins everyone's idol like this?

"What are you talking about! Sister Ke'er, where is the waste in being an anchor? It's because you have no vision!"

"Let Sister Ke'er be a makeup stylist, you can't think of it! This is an insult to Sister Ke'er!"

"Just because you are popular now doesn't mean you will always be popular. One day you will also lose popularity! Build up some virtue and don't lose it like this!"

Xiao Qimei scolded everyone: "What are you calling for! I'm just making a suggestion from the company's perspective!"

It would be good for her not to let her go on the air! "

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "You're right, it's really for her own good! I agree!"

Everyone was shocked!

Unexpectedly, Mr. Ning would also side with Xiao Qimei!

Is this the tragedy of an artist?

Once you lose your temper, will you be discarded like a pair of worn-out shoes?

What's the point of staying in a company like this?

Ning Xiruo turned her head, looked at Lin Ke'er and said, "Ke'er, what do you think?

Can you answer me now about the things I asked you to consider? "

Lin Ke'er sighed, nodded and said, "I've thought about it carefully! I agree!

Starting from today, I will give up live streaming, give up performing, and quit the entertainment industry.

I will make an official announcement later! "

"Sister Ke'er, don't do it!" A group of anchors anxiously tried to stop her.

But Xiao Qimei laughed proudly, nodded and said, "Sister Ke'er is still very self-aware!"

But then Lin Keer said with a cold face: "At the same time, we announced that Xiaoqimei's live broadcast room will be suspended for maintenance and rectification. The broadcasting time will be notified later!"

Xiao Qimei was stunned, and said to Lin Keer with a sneer: "What a joke! Who do you think you are? Why did you pause my live broadcast room?"

Ning Xiruo looked at her and said, "Because she has always been a shareholder of Dream Media.

After quitting the entertainment industry, he became the boss of Dream Media!

Do you think she has the qualifications? "


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